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1"""Module for data transformation methods.
5- `Transform` — an abstract interface for specifying a transformation.
6- `Linear` — a linear transformation $y=mx+b$.
7- `Log` — a logarithmic transformation $y=\\log_b(x + \\mathrm{offset})$.
8- `Minmax` — a min-max scaling transformation $x: (lb, ub) \\mapsto (lb_{norm}, ub_{norm})$.
9- `Zscore` — a z-score normalization transformation $y=(x-\\mu)/\\sigma$.
11Transform objects can be converted easily to/from strings for serialization.
13from __future__ import annotations
15from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
17import numpy as np
18from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
20from amisc.utils import parse_function_string
22__all__ = ['Transform', 'Linear', 'Log', 'Minmax', 'Zscore']
25class Transform(ABC):
26 """A base class for all transformations.
28 :ivar transform_args: the arguments for the transformation
29 :vartype transform_args: tuple
30 """
32 def __init__(self, transform_args: tuple):
33 self.transform_args = transform_args
35 def __str__(self):
36 """Serialize a `Transform` object to string."""
37 return f'{type(self).__name__}{self.transform_args}'
39 @classmethod
40 def from_string(cls, transform_spec: str | list[str]) -> list[Transform] | None:
41 """Return a list of `Transforms` given a list of string specifications. Available transformations are:
43 - **linear** — $x_{norm} = mx + b$ specified as `linear(m, b)` or `linear(slope=m, offset=b)`. `m=1, b=0` if not
44 specified.
45 - **log** — $x_{norm} = \\log_b(x)$ specified as `log` or `log10` for the natural or common logarithms. For a
46 different base, use `log(b)`. Optionally, specify `offset` for `log(x+offset)`.
47 - **minmax** — $x_{norm} = \\frac{x - a}{b - a}(u - l) + l$ specified as `minmax(a, b, l, u)` or
48 `minmax(lb=a, ub=b, lb_norm=l, ub_norm=u)`. Scales `x` from the range `(a, b)` to `(l, u)`. By
49 default, `(a, b)` is the Variable's domain and `(l, u)` is `(0, 1)`. Use simply as `minmax`
50 to use all defaults.
51 - **zscore** — $x_{norm} = \\frac{x - m}{s}$ specified as `zscore(m, s)` or `zscore(mu=m, std=s)`. If the
52 Variable is specified as `distribution=normal`, then `zscore` defaults to the Variable's
53 own `mu, std`.
55 !!! Example
56 ```python
57 transforms = Transform.from_string(['log10', 'linear(2, 4)'])
58 print(transforms)
59 ```
60 will give
61 ```shell
62 [ Log(10), Linear(2, 4) ] # the corresponding `Transform` objects
63 ```
65 !!! Warning
66 You may optionally leave the `minmax` arguments blank to defer to the bounds of the parent `Variable`.
67 You may also optionally leave the `zscore` arguments blank to defer to the `(mu, std)` of the parent
68 `Variable`, but this will throw a runtime error if `Variable.distribution` is not `Normal(mu, std)`.
69 """
70 if transform_spec is None:
71 return None
72 if isinstance(transform_spec, str | Transform):
73 transform_spec = [transform_spec]
75 transforms = []
76 for spec_string in transform_spec:
77 if isinstance(spec_string, Transform):
78 transforms.append(spec_string)
79 continue
81 name, args, kwargs = parse_function_string(spec_string)
82 if name.lower() == 'linear':
83 try:
84 slope = float(kwargs.get('slope', args[0] if len(args) > 0 else 1))
85 offset = float(kwargs.get('offset', args[1] if len(args) > 1 else 0))
86 transforms.append(Linear((slope, offset)))
87 except Exception as e:
88 raise ValueError(f'Linear transform spec "{spec_string}" is not valid: Try "linear(m, b)".') from e
89 elif name.lower() in ['log', 'log10']:
90 try:
91 log_base = float(kwargs.get('base', args[0] if len(args) > 0 else (np.e if name.lower() == 'log'
92 else 10)))
93 offset = float(kwargs.get('offset', args[1] if len(args) > 1 else 0))
94 transforms.append(Log((log_base, offset)))
95 except Exception as e:
96 raise ValueError(f'Log transform spec "{spec_string}" is not valid: Try "log(base, offset)"') from e
97 elif name.lower() in ['minmax', 'maxabs']:
98 try:
99 # Defer bounds to the Variable by setting np.nan
100 lb = float(kwargs.get('lb', args[0] if len(args) > 0 else np.nan))
101 ub = float(kwargs.get('ub', args[1] if len(args) > 1 else np.nan))
102 lb_norm = float(kwargs.get('lb_norm', args[2] if len(args) > 2 else 0))
103 ub_norm = float(kwargs.get('ub_norm', args[3] if len(args) > 3 else 1))
104 transforms.append(Minmax((lb, ub, lb_norm, ub_norm)))
105 except Exception as e:
106 raise ValueError(f'Minmax transform spec "{spec_string}" is not valid: Try "minmax(lb, ub)"') from e
107 elif name.lower() in ['z', 'zscore']:
108 try:
109 # Defer (mu, std) to the Variable by setting np.nan
110 mu = float(kwargs.get('mu', args[0] if len(args) > 0 else np.nan))
111 std = float(kwargs.get('std', args[1] if len(args) > 1 else np.nan))
112 transforms.append(Zscore((mu, std)))
113 except Exception as e:
114 raise ValueError(f'Z-score normalization string "{spec_string}" is not valid: '
115 f'Try "zscore(mu, std)".') from e
116 else:
117 raise NotImplementedError(f'Transform method "{name}" is not implemented.')
119 return transforms
121 def transform(self, x: ArrayLike, inverse: bool = False, transform_args: tuple = None) -> ArrayLike:
122 """Transform the given values `x`. This wrapper function handles the input type and tries to
123 return the transformed values in the same type.
125 :param x: the values to transform
126 :param inverse: whether to do the inverse transform instead
127 :param transform_args: overrides `Transform.transform_args`
128 :return: the transformed values
129 """
130 input_type = type(x)
131 result = self._transform(np.atleast_1d(x), inverse, transform_args)
132 if input_type in [int, float]:
133 return float(result[0])
134 elif input_type is list:
135 return result.tolist()
136 elif input_type is tuple:
137 return tuple(result.tolist())
138 else:
139 return result # just keep as np.ndarray for everything else
141 @abstractmethod
142 def _transform(self, x, inverse=False, transform_args=None):
143 """Abstract method that subclass `Transform` objects should implement.
145 :param x: the values to transform
146 :param inverse: whether to do the inverse transform instead
147 :param transform_args: overrides `Transform.transform_args`
148 :return: the transformed values
149 """
150 raise NotImplementedError
153class Linear(Transform):
154 """A Linear transform: $y=mx+b$.
156 :ivar transform_args: `(m, b)` the slope and offset
157 """
158 def _transform(self, x, inverse=False, transform_args=None):
159 slope, offset = transform_args or self.transform_args
160 return (x - offset) / slope if inverse else slope * x + offset
163class Log(Transform):
164 """A Log transform: $y=\\log_b(x + \\mathrm{offset})$.
166 :ivar transform_args: `(base, offset)` the log base and offset
167 """
168 def _transform(self, x, inverse=False, transform_args=None):
169 log_base, offset = transform_args or self.transform_args
170 return np.exp(x * np.log(log_base)) - offset if inverse else np.log(x + offset) / np.log(log_base)
173class Minmax(Transform):
174 """A Minmax transform: $x: (lb, ub) \\mapsto (lb_{norm}, ub_{norm})$.
176 :ivar transform_args: `(lb, ub, lb_norm, ub_norm)` the original lower and upper bounds and the normalized bounds
177 """
178 def _transform(self, x, inverse=False, transform_args=None):
179 transform_args = transform_args or self.transform_args
180 if np.any(np.isnan(transform_args)):
181 raise RuntimeError(f'Transform args may have missing values: {transform_args}')
182 lb, ub, lb_norm, ub_norm = transform_args
183 if inverse:
184 return (x - lb_norm) / (ub_norm - lb_norm) * (ub - lb) + lb
185 else:
186 return (x - lb) / (ub - lb) * (ub_norm - lb_norm) + lb_norm
188 def update(self, lb=None, ub=None, lb_norm=None, ub_norm=None):
189 """Update the parameters of this transform.
191 :param lb: the lower bound in the original variable space
192 :param ub: the upper bound in the original variable space
193 :param lb_norm: the lower bound of the transformed space
194 :param ub_norm: the upper bound of the transformed space
195 """
196 transform_args = (lb, ub, lb_norm, ub_norm)
197 self.transform_args = tuple([ele if ele is not None else self.transform_args[i]
198 for i, ele in enumerate(transform_args)])
201class Zscore(Transform):
202 """A Zscore transform: $y=(x-\\mu)/\\sigma$.
204 :ivar transform_args: `(mu, std)` the mean and standard deviation
205 """
206 def _transform(self, x, inverse=False, transform_args=None):
207 transform_args = transform_args or self.transform_args
208 if np.any(np.isnan(transform_args)):
209 raise RuntimeError(f'Transform args may have missing values: {transform_args}')
210 mu, std = transform_args
211 return x * std + mu if inverse else (x - mu) / std
213 def update(self, mu=None, std=None):
214 """Update the parameters of this transform.
216 :param mu: the mean of the transform
217 :param std: the standard deviation of the transform
218 """
219 transform_args = (mu, std)
220 self.transform_args = tuple([ele if ele is not None else self.transform_args[i]
221 for i, ele in enumerate(transform_args)])