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1"""Module for probability distribution functions (PDFs).
5- `Distribution` — an abstract interface for specifying a PDF.
6- `Uniform` — a uniform distribution.
7- `Normal` — a normal distribution.
8- `Relative` — a relative distribution (i.e. uniform within a percentage of a nominal value).
9- `Tolerance` — a tolerance distribution (i.e. uniform within a tolerance of a nominal value).
10- `LogUniform` — a log-uniform distribution.
11- `LogNormal` — a log-normal distribution.
13Distribution objects can be converted easily to/from strings for serialization.
15from __future__ import annotations
17from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
19import numpy as np
21from amisc.utils import parse_function_string
23__all__ = ['Distribution', 'Uniform', 'Normal', 'Relative', 'Tolerance', 'LogNormal', 'LogUniform']
26class Distribution(ABC):
27 """Base class for PDF distributions that provide sample and pdf methods. Distributions should:
29 - `sample` - return samples from the distribution
30 - `pdf` - return the probability density function of the distribution
32 :ivar dist_args: the arguments that define the distribution (e.g. mean and std for a normal distribution)
33 :vartype dist_args: tuple
34 """
36 def __init__(self, dist_args: tuple):
37 self.dist_args = dist_args
39 def __str__(self):
40 """Serialize a `Distribution` object to/from string."""
41 return f'{type(self).__name__}{self.dist_args}'
43 def __repr__(self):
44 return self.__str__()
46 def domain(self, dist_args: tuple = None) -> tuple:
47 """Return the domain of this distribution. Defaults to `dist_args`
49 :param dist_args: overrides `self.dist_args`
50 """
51 return dist_args or self.dist_args
53 def nominal(self, dist_args: tuple = None) -> float:
54 """Return the nominal value of this distribution. Defaults to middle of domain.
56 :param dist_args: overrides `self.dist_args`
57 """
58 lb, ub = self.domain(dist_args=dist_args)
59 return (lb + ub) / 2
61 @classmethod
62 def from_string(cls, dist_string: str) -> Distribution | None:
63 """Convert a string to a `Distribution` object.
65 :param dist_string: specifies a PDF or distribution. Can be `Normal(mu, std)`, `Uniform(lb, ub)`,
66 `LogUniform(lb, ub)`, `LogNormal(mu, std)`,
67 `Relative(pct)`, or `Tolerance(tol)`. The shorthands `N(0, 1)`, `U(0, 1)`, `LU(0, 1)`,
68 `LN(0, 1)`, `rel(5)`, or `tol(1)` are also accepted.
69 :return: the corresponding `Distribution` object
70 """
71 if not dist_string:
72 return None
74 dist_name, args, kwargs = parse_function_string(dist_string)
75 if dist_name in ['N', 'Normal', 'normal']:
76 # Normal distribution like N(0, 1)
77 try:
78 mu = float(kwargs.get('mu', args[0]))
79 std = float(kwargs.get('std', args[1]))
80 return Normal((mu, std))
81 except Exception as e:
82 raise ValueError(f'Normal distribution string "{dist_string}" is not valid: Try N(0, 1).') from e
83 elif dist_name in ['U', 'Uniform', 'uniform']:
84 # Uniform distribution like U(0, 1)
85 try:
86 lb = float(kwargs.get('lb', args[0]))
87 ub = float(kwargs.get('ub', args[1]))
88 return Uniform((lb, ub))
89 except Exception as e:
90 raise ValueError(f'Uniform distribution string "{dist_string}" is not valid: Try U(0, 1).') from e
91 elif dist_name in ['R', 'Relative', 'relative', 'rel']:
92 # Relative uniform distribution like rel(+-5%)
93 try:
94 pct = float(kwargs.get('pct', args[0]))
95 return Relative((pct,))
96 except Exception as e:
97 raise ValueError(f'Relative distribution string "{dist_string}" is not valid: Try rel(5).') from e
98 elif dist_name in ['T', 'Tolerance', 'tolerance', 'tol']:
99 # Uniform distribution within a tolerance like tol(+-1)
100 try:
101 tol = float(kwargs.get('tol', args[0]))
102 return Tolerance((tol,))
103 except Exception as e:
104 raise ValueError(f'Tolerance distribution string "{dist_string}" is not valid: Try tol(1).') from e
105 elif dist_name in ['LogUniform', 'LU']:
106 # LogUniform distribution like LU(1e-3, 1e-1)
107 try:
108 lb = float(kwargs.get('lb', args[0]))
109 ub = float(kwargs.get('ub', args[1]))
110 base = float(kwargs.get('base', args[2] if len(args) > 2 else 10))
111 return LogUniform((lb, ub), base=base)
112 except Exception as e:
113 raise ValueError(f'LogUniform distr string "{dist_string}" is not valid: Try LU(1e-3, 1e-1).') from e
114 elif dist_name in ['LogNormal', 'LN']:
115 # LogNniform distribution like LN(-2, 1)
116 try:
117 mu = float(kwargs.get('mu', args[0]))
118 std = float(kwargs.get('std', args[1]))
119 base = float(kwargs.get('base', args[2] if len(args) > 2 else 10))
120 return LogNormal((mu, std), base=base)
121 except Exception as e:
122 raise ValueError(f'LogNormal distr string "{dist_string}" is not valid: Try LN(-2, 1).') from e
123 else:
124 raise NotImplementedError(f'The distribution "{dist_string}" is not recognized.')
126 @abstractmethod
127 def sample(self, shape: int | tuple, nominal: float | np.ndarray = None, dist_args: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray:
128 """Sample from the distribution.
130 :param shape: shape of the samples to return
131 :param nominal: a nominal value(s) for sampling (e.g. for relative distributions)
132 :param dist_args: overrides `Distribution.dist_args`
133 :return: the samples of the given shape
134 """
135 raise NotImplementedError
137 @abstractmethod
138 def pdf(self, x: np.ndarray, dist_args: tuple = None) -> np.ndarray:
139 """Evaluate the pdf of this distribution at the `x` locations.
141 :param x: the locations at which to evaluate the pdf
142 :param dist_args: overrides `Distribution.dist_args`
143 :return: the pdf evaluations
144 """
145 raise NotImplementedError
148class Uniform(Distribution):
149 """A Uniform distribution. Specify by string as "Uniform(lb, ub)" or "U(lb, ub)" in shorthand."""
151 def __str__(self):
152 return f'U({self.dist_args[0]}, {self.dist_args[1]})'
154 def sample(self, shape, nominal=None, dist_args=None):
155 lb, ub = dist_args or self.dist_args
156 return np.random.rand(*shape) * (ub - lb) + lb
158 def pdf(self, x, dist_args=None):
159 x = np.atleast_1d(x)
160 lb, ub = dist_args or self.dist_args
161 pdf = np.broadcast_to(1 / (ub - lb), x.shape).copy()
162 pdf[np.where(x > ub)] = 0
163 pdf[np.where(x < lb)] = 0
164 return pdf
167class LogUniform(Distribution):
168 """A LogUniform distribution. Specify by string as `LogUniform(lb, ub)` or `LU(lb, ub)` in shorthand. Uses
169 base-10 by default.
171 !!! Example
172 ```python
173 x = LogUniform((1e-3, 1e-1)) # log10(x) ~ U(-3, -1)
174 ```
175 """
176 def __init__(self, dist_args: tuple, base=10):
177 self.base = base
178 super().__init__(dist_args)
180 def __str__(self):
181 return f'LU({self.dist_args[0]}, {self.dist_args[1]}, base={self.base})'
183 def sample(self, shape, nominal=None, dist_args=None):
184 lb, ub = dist_args or self.dist_args
185 c = 1 / np.log(self.base)
186 return self.base ** (np.random.rand(*shape) * c * (np.log(ub) - np.log(lb)) + c * np.log(lb))
188 def pdf(self, x, dist_args=None):
189 x = np.atleast_1d(x)
190 lb, ub = dist_args or self.dist_args
191 c = 1 / np.log(self.base)
192 const = 1 / (c * (np.log(ub) - np.log(lb)) * np.log(self.base))
193 pdf = const / x
194 pdf[np.where(x > ub)] = 0
195 pdf[np.where(x < lb)] = 0
196 return pdf
199class Normal(Distribution):
200 """A Normal distribution. Specify by string as `Normal(mu, std)` or `N(mu, std)` in shorthand."""
202 def __str__(self):
203 return f'N({self.dist_args[0]}, {self.dist_args[1]})'
205 def domain(self, dist_args=None):
206 """Defaults the domain of the distribution to 3 standard deviations above and below the mean."""
207 mu, std = dist_args or self.dist_args
208 return mu - 3 * std, mu + 3 * std
210 def sample(self, shape, nominal=None, dist_args=None):
211 mu, std = dist_args or self.dist_args
212 return np.random.randn(*shape) * std + mu
214 def pdf(self, x, dist_args=None):
215 mu, std = dist_args or self.dist_args
216 return (1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * std)) * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mu) / std) ** 2)
219class LogNormal(Distribution):
220 """A LogNormal distribution. Specify by string as `LogNormal(mu, sigma)` or `LN(mu, sigma)` in shorthand.
221 Uses base-10 by default.
223 !!! Example
224 ```python
225 x = LogNormal((-2, 1)) # log10(x) ~ N(-2, 1)
226 ```
227 """
228 def __init__(self, dist_args: tuple, base=10):
229 self.base = base
230 super().__init__(dist_args)
232 def __str__(self):
233 return f'LN({self.dist_args[0]}, {self.dist_args[1]}, base={self.base})'
235 def domain(self, dist_args=None):
236 """Defaults the domain of the distribution to 3 standard deviations above and below the mean."""
237 mu, std = dist_args or self.dist_args
238 return self.base ** (mu - 3 * std), self.base ** (mu + 3 * std)
240 def sample(self, shape, nominal=None, dist_args=None):
241 mu, std = dist_args or self.dist_args
242 return self.base ** (np.random.randn(*shape) * std + mu)
244 def pdf(self, x, dist_args=None):
245 mu, std = dist_args or self.dist_args
246 const = (1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * std * x * np.log(self.base)))
247 return const * np.exp(-0.5 * ((np.log(x)/np.log(self.base) - mu) / std) ** 2)
250class Relative(Distribution):
251 """A Relative distribution. Specify by string as `Relative(pct)` or `rel(pct%)` in shorthand.
252 Will attempt to sample uniformly within the given percent of a nominal value.
253 """
255 def __str__(self):
256 return rf'rel({self.dist_args[0]})'
258 def domain(self, dist_args=None):
259 return None
261 def nominal(self, dist_args=None):
262 return None
264 def sample(self, shape, nominal=None, dist_args=None):
265 if nominal is None:
266 raise ValueError('Cannot sample relative distribution when no nominal value is provided.')
267 dist_args = dist_args or self.dist_args
268 tol = abs((dist_args[0] / 100) * nominal)
269 return np.random.rand(*shape) * 2 * tol - tol + nominal
271 def pdf(self, x, dist_args=None):
272 return np.ones(x.shape)
275class Tolerance(Distribution):
276 """A Tolerance distribution. Specify by string as `Tolerance(tol)` or `tol(tol)` in shorthand.
277 Will attempt to sample uniformly within a given absolute tolerance of a nominal value.
278 """
280 def __str__(self):
281 return rf'tol({self.dist_args[0]})'
283 def domain(self, dist_args=None):
284 return None
286 def nominal(self, dist_args=None):
287 return None
289 def sample(self, shape, nominal=None, dist_args=None):
290 if nominal is None:
291 raise ValueError('Cannot sample tolerance distribution when no nominal value is provided.')
292 dist_args = dist_args or self.dist_args
293 tol = abs(dist_args[0])
294 return np.random.rand(*shape) * 2 * tol - tol + nominal
296 def pdf(self, x, dist_args=None):
297 return np.ones(np.atleast_1d(x).shape)