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1"""A `Component` is an `amisc` wrapper around a single discipline model. It manages surrogate construction and 

2a hierarchy of modeling fidelities. 


4!!! Info "Multi-indices in the MISC approximation" 

5 A multi-index is a tuple of natural numbers, each specifying a level of fidelity. You will frequently see two 

6 multi-indices: `alpha` and `beta`. The `alpha` (or $\\alpha$) indices specify physical model fidelity and get 

7 passed to the model as an additional argument (e.g. things like discretization level, time step size, etc.). 

8 The `beta` (or $\\beta$) indices specify surrogate refinement level, so typically an indication of the amount of 

9 training data used or the complexity of the surrogate model. We divide $\\beta$ into `data_fidelity` and 

10 `surrogate_fidelity` for specifying training data and surrogate model complexity, respectively. 




14- `ModelKwargs` — a dataclass for storing model keyword arguments 

15- `StringKwargs` — a dataclass for storing model keyword arguments as a string 

16- `IndexSet` — a dataclass that maintains a list of multi-indices 

17- `MiscTree` — a dataclass that maintains MISC data in a `dict` tree, indexed by `alpha` and `beta` 

18- `Component` — a class that manages a single discipline model and its surrogate hierarchy 


20from __future__ import annotations 


22import ast 

23import copy 

24import inspect 

25import itertools 

26import logging 

27import random 

28import string 

29import time 

30import traceback 

31import typing 

32import warnings 

33from collections import UserDict, deque 

34from concurrent.futures import ALL_COMPLETED, Executor, wait 

35from pathlib import Path 

36from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Iterable, Literal, Optional 


38import numpy as np 

39import yaml 

40from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, ValidationInfo, field_validator 

41from typing_extensions import TypedDict 


43from amisc.interpolator import Interpolator, InterpolatorState, Lagrange 

44from amisc.serialize import PickleSerializable, Serializable, StringSerializable, YamlSerializable 

45from import SparseGrid, TrainingData 

46from amisc.typing import COORDS_STR_ID, LATENT_STR_ID, Dataset, MultiIndex 

47from amisc.utils import ( 

48 _get_yaml_path, 

49 _inspect_assignment, 

50 _inspect_function, 

51 format_inputs, 

52 format_outputs, 

53 get_logger, 

54 search_for_file, 

55 to_model_dataset, 

56 to_surrogate_dataset, 


58from amisc.variable import Variable, VariableList 


60__all__ = ["ModelKwargs", "StringKwargs", "IndexSet", "MiscTree", "Component"] 

61_VariableLike = list[Variable | dict | str] | str | Variable | dict | VariableList # Generic type for Variables 



64class ModelKwargs(UserDict, Serializable): 

65 """Default dataclass for storing model keyword arguments in a `dict`. If you have kwargs that require 

66 more complicated serialization/specification than a plain `dict`, then you can subclass from here. 

67 """ 


69 def serialize(self): 

70 return 


72 @classmethod 

73 def deserialize(cls, serialized_data): 

74 return ModelKwargs(**serialized_data) 


76 @classmethod 

77 def from_dict(cls, config: dict) -> ModelKwargs: 

78 """Create a `ModelKwargs` object from a `dict` configuration.""" 

79 method = config.pop('method', 'default_kwargs').lower() 

80 match method: 

81 case 'default_kwargs': 

82 return ModelKwargs(**config) 

83 case 'string_kwargs': 

84 return StringKwargs(**config) 

85 case other: 

86 config['method'] = other 

87 return ModelKwargs(**config) # Pass the method through 



90class StringKwargs(StringSerializable, ModelKwargs): 

91 """Dataclass for storing model keyword arguments as a string.""" 

92 def __repr__(self): 

93 return str( 


95 def __str__(self): 

96 def format_value(value): 

97 if isinstance(value, str): 

98 return f'"{value}"' 

99 else: 

100 return str(value) 


102 kw_str = ", ".join([f"{key}={format_value(value)}" for key, value in self.items()]) 

103 return f"ModelKwargs({kw_str})" 



106class IndexSet(set, Serializable): 

107 """Dataclass that maintains a list of multi-indices. Overrides basic `set` functionality to ensure 

108 elements are formatted correctly as `(alpha, beta)`; that is, as a tuple of `alpha` and 

109 `beta`, which are themselves instances of a [`MultiIndex`][amisc.typing.MultiIndex] tuple. 


111 !!! Example "An example index set" 

112 $\\mathcal{I} = [(\\alpha, \\beta)_1 , (\\alpha, \\beta)_2, (\\alpha, \\beta)_3 , ...]$ would be specified 

113 as `I = [((0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) , ((0, 1), (0, 1, 0)), ...]`. 

114 """ 

115 def __init__(self, s=()): 

116 s = [self._validate_element(ele) for ele in s] 

117 super().__init__(s) 


119 def __str__(self): 

120 return str(list(self)) 


122 def __repr__(self): 

123 return self.__str__() 


125 def add(self, __element): 

126 super().add(self._validate_element(__element)) 


128 def update(self, __elements): 

129 super().update([self._validate_element(ele) for ele in __elements]) 


131 @classmethod 

132 def _validate_element(cls, element): 

133 """Validate that the element is a tuple of two multi-indices.""" 

134 alpha, beta = ast.literal_eval(element) if isinstance(element, str) else tuple(element) 

135 return MultiIndex(alpha), MultiIndex(beta) 


137 @classmethod 

138 def _wrap_methods(cls, names): 

139 """Make sure set operations return an `IndexSet` object.""" 

140 def wrap_method_closure(name): 

141 def inner(self, *args): 

142 result = getattr(super(cls, self), name)(*args) 

143 if isinstance(result, set): 

144 result = cls(result) 

145 return result 

146 inner.fn_name = name 

147 setattr(cls, name, inner) 


149 for name in names: 

150 wrap_method_closure(name) 


152 def serialize(self) -> list[str]: 

153 """Return a list of each multi-index in the set serialized to a string.""" 

154 return [str(ele) for ele in self] 


156 @classmethod 

157 def deserialize(cls, serialized_data: list[str]) -> IndexSet: 

158 """Deserialize a list of tuples to an `IndexSet`.""" 

159 return cls(serialized_data) 



162IndexSet._wrap_methods(['__ror__', 'difference_update', '__isub__', 'symmetric_difference', '__rsub__', '__and__', 

163 '__rand__', 'intersection', 'difference', '__iand__', 'union', '__ixor__', 

164 'symmetric_difference_update', '__or__', 'copy', '__rxor__', 'intersection_update', '__xor__', 

165 '__ior__', '__sub__' 

166 ]) 



169class MiscTree(UserDict, Serializable): 

170 """Dataclass that maintains MISC data in a `dict` tree, indexed by `alpha` and `beta`. Overrides 

171 basic `dict` functionality to ensure elements are formatted correctly as `(alpha, beta) -> data`. 

172 Used to store MISC coefficients, model costs, and interpolator states. 


174 The underlying data structure is: `dict[MultiIndex, dict[MultiIndex, float | InterpolatorState]]`. 

175 """ 

176 SERIALIZER_KEY = 'state_serializer' 


178 def __init__(self, data: dict = None, **kwargs): 

179 data_dict = data or {} 

180 if isinstance(data_dict, MiscTree): 

181 data_dict = 

182 data_dict.update(kwargs) 

183 super().__init__(self._validate_data(data_dict)) 


185 def serialize(self, *args, keep_yaml_objects=False, **kwargs) -> dict: 

186 """Serialize `alpha, beta` indices to string and return a `dict` of internal data. 


188 :param args: extra serialization arguments for internal `InterpolatorState` 

189 :param keep_yaml_objects: whether to keep `YamlSerializable` instances in the serialization 

190 :param kwargs: extra serialization keyword arguments for internal `InterpolatorState` 

191 """ 

192 ret_dict = {} 

193 if state_serializer := self.state_serializer( 

194 ret_dict[self.SERIALIZER_KEY] = state_serializer.obj if keep_yaml_objects else state_serializer.serialize() 

195 for alpha, beta, data in self: 

196 ret_dict.setdefault(str(alpha), dict()) 

197 serialized_data = data.serialize(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(data, InterpolatorState) else float(data) 

198 ret_dict[str(alpha)][str(beta)] = serialized_data 

199 return ret_dict 


201 @classmethod 

202 def deserialize(cls, serialized_data: dict) -> MiscTree: 

203 """Deserialize a `dict` to a `MiscTree`. 


205 :param serialized_data: the data to deserialize to a `MiscTree` object 

206 """ 

207 return cls(serialized_data) 


209 @classmethod 

210 def state_serializer(cls, data: dict) -> YamlSerializable | None: 

211 """Infer and return the interpolator state serializer from the `MiscTree` data (if possible). If no 

212 `InterpolatorState` instance could be found, return `None`. 

213 """ 

214 serializer = data.get(cls.SERIALIZER_KEY, None) # if `data` is serialized 

215 if serializer is None: # Otherwise search for an InterpolatorState 

216 for alpha, beta_dict in data.items(): 

217 if alpha == cls.SERIALIZER_KEY: 

218 continue 

219 for beta, value in beta_dict.items(): 

220 if isinstance(value, InterpolatorState): 

221 serializer = type(value) 

222 break 

223 if serializer is not None: 

224 break 

225 return cls._validate_state_serializer(serializer) 


227 @classmethod 

228 def _validate_state_serializer(cls, state_serializer: Optional[str | type[Serializable] | YamlSerializable] 

229 ) -> YamlSerializable | None: 

230 if state_serializer is None: 

231 return None 

232 elif isinstance(state_serializer, YamlSerializable): 

233 return state_serializer 

234 elif isinstance(state_serializer, str): 

235 return YamlSerializable.deserialize(state_serializer) # Load the serializer type from string 

236 else: 

237 return YamlSerializable(obj=state_serializer) 


239 @classmethod 

240 def _validate_data(cls, serialized_data: dict) -> dict: 

241 state_serializer = cls.state_serializer(serialized_data) 

242 ret_dict = {} 

243 for alpha, beta_dict in serialized_data.items(): 

244 if alpha == cls.SERIALIZER_KEY: 

245 continue 

246 alpha_tup = MultiIndex(alpha) 

247 ret_dict.setdefault(alpha_tup, dict()) 

248 for beta, data in beta_dict.items(): 

249 beta_tup = MultiIndex(beta) 

250 if isinstance(data, InterpolatorState): 

251 pass 

252 elif state_serializer is not None: 

253 data = state_serializer.obj.deserialize(data) 

254 else: 

255 data = float(data) 

256 assert isinstance(data, InterpolatorState | float) 

257 ret_dict[alpha_tup][beta_tup] = data 

258 return ret_dict 


260 @staticmethod 

261 def _is_alpha_beta_access(key): 

262 """Check that the key is of the format `(alpha, beta).`""" 

263 return (isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2 and isinstance(key[0], str | tuple) 

264 and isinstance(key[1], str | tuple)) 


266 def get(self, key, default=None) -> float | InterpolatorState: 

267 try: 

268 return self.__getitem__(key) 

269 except Exception: 

270 return default 


272 def update(self, data_dict: dict = None, **kwargs): 

273 """Force `dict.update()` through the validator.""" 

274 data_dict = data_dict or dict() 

275 data_dict.update(kwargs) 

276 super().update(self._validate_data(data_dict)) 


278 def __setitem__(self, key: tuple | MultiIndex, value: float | InterpolatorState): 

279 """Allows `misc_tree[alpha, beta] = value` usage.""" 

280 if self._is_alpha_beta_access(key): 

281 alpha, beta = MultiIndex(key[0]), MultiIndex(key[1]) 

282, dict()) 

283[alpha][beta] = value 

284 else: 

285 super().__setitem__(MultiIndex(key), value) 


287 def __getitem__(self, key: tuple | MultiIndex) -> float | InterpolatorState: 

288 """Allows `value = misc_tree[alpha, beta]` usage.""" 

289 if self._is_alpha_beta_access(key): 

290 alpha, beta = MultiIndex(key[0]), MultiIndex(key[1]) 

291 return[alpha][beta] 

292 else: 

293 return super().__getitem__(MultiIndex(key)) 


295 def clear(self): 

296 """Clear the `MiscTree` data.""" 

297 for key in list( 

298 del[key] 


300 def __eq__(self, other): 

301 if isinstance(other, MiscTree): 

302 try: 

303 for alpha, beta, data in self: 

304 if other[alpha, beta] != data: 

305 return False 

306 return True 

307 except KeyError: 

308 return False 

309 else: 

310 return False 


312 def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[tuple[tuple, tuple, float | InterpolatorState]]: 

313 for alpha, beta_dict in 

314 if alpha == self.SERIALIZER_KEY: 

315 continue 

316 for beta, data in beta_dict.items(): 

317 yield alpha, beta, data 



320class ComponentSerializers(TypedDict, total=False): 

321 """Type hint for the `Component` class data serializers. 


323 :ivar model_kwargs: the model kwarg object class 

324 :ivar interpolator: the interpolator object class 

325 :ivar training_data: the training data object class 

326 """ 

327 model_kwargs: str | type[Serializable] | YamlSerializable 

328 interpolator: str | type[Serializable] | YamlSerializable 

329 training_data: str | type[Serializable] | YamlSerializable 



332class Component(BaseModel, Serializable): 

333 """A `Component` wrapper around a single discipline model. It manages MISC surrogate construction and a hierarchy of 

334 modeling fidelities. 


336 A `Component` can be constructed by specifying a model, input and output variables, and additional configurations 

337 such as the maximum fidelity levels, the interpolator type, and the training data type. If `model_fidelity`, 

338 `data_fidelity`, and `surrogate_fidelity` are all left empty, then the `Component` will not use a surrogate model, 

339 instead calling the underlying model directly. The `Component` can be serialized to a YAML file and deserialized 

340 back into a Python object. 


342 !!! Example "A simple `Component`" 

343 ```python 

344 from amisc import Component, Variable 


346 x = Variable(domain=(0, 1)) 

347 y = Variable() 

348 model = lambda x: {'y': x['x']**2} 

349 comp = Component(model=model, inputs=[x], outputs=[y]) 

350 ``` 


352 Each fidelity index in $\\alpha$ increases in refinement from $0$ up to `model_fidelity`. Each fidelity index 

353 in $\\beta$ increases from $0$ up to `(data_fidelity, surrogate_fidelity)`. From the `Component's` perspective, 

354 the concatenation of $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ fully specifies a single fidelity "level". The `Component` 

355 forms an approximation of the model by summing up over many of these concatenated sets of $(\\alpha, \\beta)$. 


357 :ivar name: the name of the `Component` 

358 :ivar model: the model or function that is to be approximated, callable as `y = f(x)` 

359 :ivar inputs: the input variables to the model 

360 :ivar outputs: the output variables from the model 

361 :ivar model_kwargs: extra keyword arguments to pass to the model 

362 :ivar model_fidelity: the maximum level of refinement for each fidelity index in $\\alpha$ for model fidelity 

363 :ivar data_fidelity: the maximum level of refinement for each fidelity index in $\\beta$ for training data 

364 :ivar surrogate_fidelity: the max level of refinement for each fidelity index in $\\beta$ for the surrogate 

365 :ivar interpolator: the interpolator to use as the underlying surrogate model 

366 :ivar vectorized: whether the model supports vectorized input/output (i.e. datasets with arbitrary shape `(...,)`) 

367 :ivar call_unpacked: whether the model expects unpacked input arguments (i.e. `func(x1, x2, ...)`) 

368 :ivar ret_unpacked: whether the model returns unpacked output arguments (i.e. `func() -> (y1, y2, ...)`) 


370 :ivar active_set: the current active set of multi-indices in the MISC approximation 

371 :ivar candidate_set: all neighboring multi-indices that are candidates for inclusion in `active_set` 

372 :ivar misc_states: the interpolator states for each multi-index in the MISC approximation 

373 :ivar misc_costs: the computational cost associated with each multi-index in the MISC approximation 

374 :ivar misc_coeff_train: the combination technique coefficients for the active set multi-indices 

375 :ivar misc_coeff_test: the combination technique coefficients for the active and candidate set multi-indices 

376 :ivar model_costs: the tracked average single fidelity model costs for each $\\alpha$ 

377 :ivar model_evals: the tracked number of evaluations for each $\\alpha$ 

378 :ivar training_data: the training data storage structure for the surrogate model 


380 :ivar serializers: the custom serializers for the `[model_kwargs, interpolator, training_data]` 

381 `Component` attributes -- these should be the _types_ of the serializer objects, which will 

382 be inferred from the data passed in if not explicitly set 

383 :ivar _logger: the logger for the `Component` 

384 """ 

385 yaml_tag: ClassVar[str] = u'!Component' 

386 model_config = ConfigDict(validate_assignment=True, arbitrary_types_allowed=True, validate_default=True, 

387 protected_namespaces=(), extra='allow') 

388 # Configuration 

389 serializers: Optional[ComponentSerializers] = None 

390 name: Optional[str] = None 

391 model: str | Callable[[dict | Dataset, ...], dict | Dataset] 

392 model_kwargs: str | dict | ModelKwargs = {} 

393 inputs: _VariableLike 

394 outputs: _VariableLike 

395 model_fidelity: str | tuple = MultiIndex() 

396 data_fidelity: str | tuple = MultiIndex() 

397 surrogate_fidelity: str | tuple = MultiIndex() 

398 interpolator: Any | Interpolator = Lagrange() 

399 vectorized: bool = False 

400 call_unpacked: Optional[bool] = None # If the model expects inputs/outputs like `func(x1, x2, ...)->(y1, y2, ...) 

401 ret_unpacked: Optional[bool] = None 


403 # Data storage/states for a MISC component 

404 active_set: list | set | IndexSet = IndexSet() # set of active (alpha, beta) multi-indices 

405 candidate_set: list | set | IndexSet = IndexSet() # set of candidate (alpha, beta) multi-indices 

406 misc_states: dict | MiscTree = MiscTree() # (alpha, beta) -> Interpolator state 

407 misc_costs: dict | MiscTree = MiscTree() # (alpha, beta) -> Added computational cost for this mult-index 

408 misc_coeff_train: dict | MiscTree = MiscTree() # (alpha, beta) -> c_[alpha, beta] (active set only) 

409 misc_coeff_test: dict | MiscTree = MiscTree() # (alpha, beta) -> c_[alpha, beta] (including candidate set) 

410 model_costs: dict = dict() # Average single fidelity model costs (for each alpha) 

411 model_evals: dict = dict() # Number of evaluations for each alpha 

412 training_data: Any | TrainingData = SparseGrid() # Stores surrogate training data 


414 # Internal 

415 _logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None 

416 _model_start_time: float = -1.0 # Temporarily store the most recent model start timestamp from call_model 

417 _model_end_time: float = -1.0 # Temporarily store the most recent model end timestamp from call_model 

418 _cache: dict = dict() # Temporary cache for faster access to training data and similar 


420 def __init__(self, /, model, *args, inputs=None, outputs=None, name=None, **kwargs): 

421 if name is None: 

422 name = _inspect_assignment('Component') # try to assign the name from inspection 

423 name = name or model.__name__ or "Component_" + "".join(random.choices(string.digits, k=3)) 


425 # Determine how the model expects to be called and gather inputs/outputs 

426 _ = self._validate_model_signature(model, args, inputs, outputs, kwargs.get('call_unpacked', None), 

427 kwargs.get('ret_unpacked', None)) 

428 model, inputs, outputs, call_unpacked, ret_unpacked = _ 

429 kwargs['call_unpacked'] = call_unpacked 

430 kwargs['ret_unpacked'] = ret_unpacked 


432 # Gather all model kwargs (anything else passed in for kwargs is assumed to be a model kwarg) 

433 model_kwargs = kwargs.get('model_kwargs', {}) 

434 for key in kwargs.keys() - self.model_fields.keys(): 

435 model_kwargs[key] = kwargs.pop(key) 

436 kwargs['model_kwargs'] = model_kwargs 


438 # Gather data serializers from type checks (if not passed in as a kwarg) 

439 serializers = kwargs.get('serializers', {}) # directly passing serializers will override type checks 

440 for key in ComponentSerializers.__annotations__.keys(): 

441 field = kwargs.get(key, None) 

442 if isinstance(field, dict): 

443 field_super = next(filter(lambda x: issubclass(x, Serializable), 

444 typing.get_args(self.model_fields[key].annotation)), None) 

445 field = field_super.from_dict(field) if field_super is not None else field 

446 kwargs[key] = field 

447 if not serializers.get(key, None): 

448 serializers[key] = type(field) if isinstance(field, Serializable) else ( 

449 type(self.model_fields[key].default)) 

450 kwargs['serializers'] = serializers 


452 super().__init__(model=model, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, name=name, **kwargs) # Runs pydantic validation 


454 # Set internal properties 

455 assert self.is_downward_closed(self.active_set.union(self.candidate_set)) 

456 self.set_logger() 


458 @classmethod 

459 def _validate_model_signature(cls, model, args=(), inputs=None, outputs=None, 

460 call_unpacked=None, ret_unpacked=None): 

461 """Parse model signature and decide how the model expects to be called based on what input/output information 

462 is provided or inspected from the model signature. 

463 """ 

464 if inputs is not None: 

465 inputs = cls._validate_variables(inputs) 

466 if outputs is not None: 

467 outputs = cls._validate_variables(outputs) 

468 model = cls._validate_model(model) 


470 # Default to `dict` (i.e. packed) model call/return signatures 

471 if call_unpacked is None: 

472 call_unpacked = False 

473 if ret_unpacked is None: 

474 ret_unpacked = False 

475 inputs_inspect, outputs_inspect = _inspect_function(model) 

476 call_unpacked = call_unpacked or (len(inputs_inspect) > 1) # Assume multiple inputs require unpacking 

477 ret_unpacked = ret_unpacked or (len(outputs_inspect) > 1) # Assume multiple outputs require unpacking 


479 # Extract inputs/outputs from args 

480 arg_inputs = () 

481 arg_outputs = () 

482 if len(args) > 0: 

483 if call_unpacked: 

484 if isinstance(args[0], dict | str | Variable): 

485 arg_inputs = args[:len(inputs_inspect)] 

486 arg_outputs = args[len(inputs_inspect):] 

487 else: 

488 arg_inputs = args[0] 

489 arg_outputs = args[1:] 

490 else: 

491 arg_inputs = args[0] # Assume first arg is a single or list of inputs 

492 arg_outputs = args[1:] # Assume rest are outputs 


494 # Resolve inputs 

495 inputs = inputs or [] 

496 inputs = VariableList.merge(inputs, arg_inputs) 

497 if len(inputs) == 0: 

498 inputs = inputs_inspect 

499 call_unpacked = True 

500 if len(inputs) == 0: 

501 raise ValueError("Could not infer input variables from model signature. Either your model does not " 

502 "accept input arguments or an error occurred during inspection.\nPlease provide the " 

503 "inputs directly as `Component(inputs=[...])` or fix the model signature.") 

504 if call_unpacked: 

505 if not all([var == inputs_inspect[i] for i, var in enumerate(inputs)]): 

506 warnings.warn(f"Mismatch between provided inputs: {inputs.values()} and inputs inferred from " 

507 f"model signature: {inputs_inspect}. This may cause unexpected results.") 

508 else: 

509 if len(inputs_inspect) > 1: 

510 warnings.warn(f"Model signature expects multiple input arguments: {inputs_inspect}. " 

511 f"Please set `call_unpacked=True` to use this model signature for multiple " 

512 f"inputs.\nOtherwise, move all inputs into a single `dict` argument and all " 

513 f"extra arguments into the `model_kwargs` field.") 


515 # Can't assume unpacked for single input/output, so warn user if they may be trying to do so 

516 if len(inputs) == 1 and len(inputs_inspect) == 1 and str(inputs[0]) == str(inputs_inspect[0]): 

517 warnings.warn(f"Single input argument: {inputs[0]} provided to model with input signature: " 

518 f"{inputs_inspect}.\nIf you intended to use a single input argument, set " 

519 f"`call_unpacked=True` to use this model signature.\nOtherwise, the first input will " 

520 f"be passed to your model as a `dict`.\nIf you are expecting a `dict` input already, " 

521 f"change the name of the input to not exactly " 

522 f"match {inputs_inspect} in order to silence this warning.") 

523 # Resolve outputs 

524 outputs = outputs or [] 

525 outputs = VariableList.merge(outputs, *arg_outputs) 

526 if len(outputs) == 0: 

527 outputs = outputs_inspect 

528 ret_unpacked = True 

529 if len(outputs) == 0: 

530 raise ValueError("Could not infer output variables from model inspection. Either your model does not " 

531 "return outputs or an error occurred during inspection.\nPlease provide the " 

532 "outputs directly as `Component(outputs=[...])` or fix the model return values.") 

533 if ret_unpacked: 

534 if not all([var == outputs_inspect[i] for i, var in enumerate(outputs)]): 

535 warnings.warn(f"Mismatch between provided outputs: {outputs.values()} and outputs inferred " 

536 f"from model: {outputs_inspect}. This may cause unexpected results.") 

537 else: 

538 if len(outputs_inspect) > 1: 

539 warnings.warn(f"Model expects multiple return values: {outputs_inspect}. Please set " 

540 f"`ret_unpacked=True` to use this model signature for multiple outputs.\n" 

541 f"Otherwise, move all outputs into a single `dict` return value.") 


543 if len(outputs) == 1 and len(outputs_inspect) == 1 and str(outputs[0]) == str(outputs_inspect[0]): 

544 warnings.warn(f"Single output: {outputs[0]} provided to model with single expected return: " 

545 f"{outputs_inspect}.\nIf you intended to output a single return value, set " 

546 f"`ret_unpacked=True` to use this model signature.\nOtherwise, the output should " 

547 f"be returned from your model as a `dict`.\nIf you are returning a `dict` already, " 

548 f"then change its name to not exactly match {outputs_inspect} in order to silence " 

549 f"this warning.") 

550 return model, inputs, outputs, call_unpacked, ret_unpacked 


552 def __repr__(self): 

553 s = f'---- {} ----\n' 

554 s += f'Inputs: {self.inputs}\n' 

555 s += f'Outputs: {self.outputs}\n' 

556 s += f'Model: {self.model}' 

557 return s 


559 def __str__(self): 

560 return self.__repr__() 


562 @field_validator('serializers') 

563 @classmethod 

564 def _validate_serializers(cls, serializers: ComponentSerializers) -> ComponentSerializers: 

565 """Make sure custom serializer object types are themselves serializable as `YamlSerializable`.""" 

566 for key, serializer in serializers.items(): 

567 if serializer is None: 

568 serializers[key] = None 

569 elif isinstance(serializer, YamlSerializable): 

570 serializers[key] = serializer 

571 elif isinstance(serializer, str): 

572 serializers[key] = YamlSerializable.deserialize(serializer) 

573 else: 

574 serializers[key] = YamlSerializable(obj=serializer) 

575 return serializers 


577 @field_validator('model') 

578 @classmethod 

579 def _validate_model(cls, model: str | Callable) -> Callable: 

580 """Expects model as a callable or a yaml !!python/name string representation.""" 

581 if isinstance(model, str): 

582 return YamlSerializable.deserialize(model).obj 

583 else: 

584 return model 


586 @field_validator('inputs', 'outputs') 

587 @classmethod 

588 def _validate_variables(cls, variables: _VariableLike) -> VariableList: 

589 if isinstance(variables, VariableList): 

590 return variables 

591 else: 

592 return VariableList.deserialize(variables) 


594 @field_validator('model_fidelity', 'data_fidelity', 'surrogate_fidelity') 

595 @classmethod 

596 def _validate_indices(cls, multi_index) -> MultiIndex: 

597 return MultiIndex(multi_index) 


599 @field_validator('active_set', 'candidate_set') 

600 @classmethod 

601 def _validate_index_set(cls, index_set) -> IndexSet: 

602 return IndexSet.deserialize(index_set) 


604 @field_validator('misc_states', 'misc_costs', 'misc_coeff_train', 'misc_coeff_test') 

605 @classmethod 

606 def _validate_misc_tree(cls, misc_tree) -> MiscTree: 

607 return MiscTree.deserialize(misc_tree) 


609 @field_validator('model_costs') 

610 @classmethod 

611 def _validate_model_costs(cls, model_costs: dict) -> dict: 

612 return {MultiIndex(key): float(value) for key, value in model_costs.items()} 


614 @field_validator('model_evals') 

615 @classmethod 

616 def _validate_model_evals(cls, model_evals: dict) -> dict: 

617 return {MultiIndex(key): int(value) for key, value in model_evals.items()} 


619 @field_validator('model_kwargs', 'interpolator', 'training_data') 

620 @classmethod 

621 def _validate_arbitrary_serializable(cls, data: Any, info: ValidationInfo) -> Any: 

622 """Use the stored custom serialization classes to deserialize arbitrary objects.""" 

623 serializer ='serializers').get(info.field_name).obj 

624 if isinstance(data, Serializable): 

625 return data 

626 else: 

627 return serializer.deserialize(data) 


629 @property 

630 def xdim(self) -> int: 

631 return len(self.inputs) 


633 @property 

634 def ydim(self) -> int: 

635 return len(self.outputs) 


637 @property 

638 def max_alpha(self) -> MultiIndex: 

639 """The maximum model fidelity multi-index (alias for `model_fidelity`).""" 

640 return self.model_fidelity 


642 @property 

643 def max_beta(self) -> MultiIndex: 

644 """The maximum surrogate fidelity multi-index is a combination of training and interpolator indices.""" 

645 return self.data_fidelity + self.surrogate_fidelity 


647 @property 

648 def has_surrogate(self) -> bool: 

649 """The component has no surrogate model if there are no fidelity indices.""" 

650 return (len(self.max_alpha) + len(self.max_beta)) > 0 


652 @property 

653 def logger(self) -> logging.Logger: 

654 return self._logger 


656 @logger.setter 

657 def logger(self, logger: logging.Logger): 

658 self._logger = logger 


660 def __eq__(self, other): 

661 if isinstance(other, Component): 

662 return (self.model.__code__.co_code == other.model.__code__.co_code and self.inputs == other.inputs 

663 and self.outputs == other.outputs and == 

664 and == 

665 and self.model_fidelity == other.model_fidelity and self.max_beta == other.max_beta and 

666 self.interpolator == other.interpolator 

667 and self.active_set == other.active_set and self.candidate_set == other.candidate_set 

668 and self.misc_states == other.misc_states and self.misc_costs == other.misc_costs 

669 ) 

670 else: 

671 return False 


673 def _neighbors(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex, active_set: IndexSet = None, forward: bool = True): 

674 """Get all possible forward or backward multi-index neighbors (distance of one unit vector away). 


676 :param alpha: the model fidelity index 

677 :param beta: the surrogate fidelity index 

678 :param active_set: the set of active multi-indices 

679 :param forward: whether to get forward or backward neighbors 

680 :returns: a set of multi-indices that are neighbors of the input multi-index pair `(alpha, beta)` 

681 """ 

682 active_set = active_set or self.active_set 

683 ind = np.array(alpha + beta) 

684 max_ind = np.array(self.max_alpha + self.max_beta) 

685 new_candidates = IndexSet() 

686 for i in range(len(ind)): 

687 ind_new = ind.copy() 

688 ind_new[i] += 1 if forward else -1 


690 # Don't add if we surpass a refinement limit or lower bound 

691 if np.any(ind_new > max_ind) or np.any(ind_new < 0): 

692 continue 


694 # Add the new index if it maintains downward-closedness 

695 down_closed = True 

696 for j in range(len(ind)): 

697 ind_check = ind_new.copy() 

698 ind_check[j] -= 1 

699 if ind_check[j] >= 0: 

700 tup_check = (MultiIndex(ind_check[:len(alpha)]), MultiIndex(ind_check[len(alpha):])) 

701 if tup_check not in active_set and tup_check != (alpha, beta): 

702 down_closed = False 

703 break 

704 if down_closed: 

705 new_candidates.add((ind_new[:len(alpha)], ind_new[len(alpha):])) 


707 return new_candidates 


709 def _surrogate_outputs(self): 

710 """Helper function to get the names of the surrogate outputs (including latent variables).""" 

711 y_vars = [] 

712 for var in self.outputs: 

713 if var.compression is not None: 

714 for i in range(var.compression.latent_size()): 

715 y_vars.append(f'{}{LATENT_STR_ID}{i}') 

716 else: 

717 y_vars.append( 

718 return y_vars 


720 def _match_index_set(self, index_set, misc_coeff): 

721 """Helper function to grab the correct data structures for the given index set and MISC coefficients.""" 

722 if misc_coeff is None: 

723 match index_set: 

724 case 'train': 

725 misc_coeff = self.misc_coeff_train 

726 case 'test': 

727 misc_coeff = self.misc_coeff_test 

728 case other: 

729 raise ValueError(f"Index set must be 'train' or 'test' if you do not provide `misc_coeff`. " 

730 f"{other} not recognized.") 

731 if isinstance(index_set, str): 

732 match index_set: 

733 case 'train': 

734 index_set = self.active_set 

735 case 'test': 

736 index_set = self.active_set.union(self.candidate_set) 

737 case other: 

738 raise ValueError(f"Index set must be 'train' or 'test'. {other} not recognized.") 


740 return index_set, misc_coeff 


742 def cache(self, kind: list | Literal["training"] = "training"): 

743 """Cache data for quicker access. Only `"training"` is supported. 


745 :param kind: the type(s) of data to cache (only "training" is supported). This will cache the 

746 surrogate training data with nans removed. 

747 """ 

748 if not isinstance(kind, list): 

749 kind = [kind] 


751 if "training" in kind: 

752 self._cache.setdefault("training", {}) 

753 y_vars = self._surrogate_outputs() 

754 for alpha, beta in self.active_set.union(self.candidate_set): 

755 self._cache["training"].setdefault(alpha, {}) 


757 if beta not in self._cache["training"][alpha]: 

758 self._cache["training"][alpha][beta] = self.training_data.get(alpha, beta[:len(self.data_fidelity)], 

759 y_vars=y_vars, skip_nan=True) 


761 def clear_cache(self): 

762 """Clear cached data.""" 

763 self._cache.clear() 


765 def get_training_data(self, alpha: Literal['best', 'worst'] | MultiIndex = 'best', 

766 beta: Literal['best', 'worst'] | MultiIndex = 'best', 

767 y_vars: list = None, 

768 cached: bool = False) -> tuple[Dataset, Dataset]: 

769 """Get all training data for a given multi-index pair `(alpha, beta)`. 


771 :param alpha: the model fidelity index (defaults to the maximum available model fidelity) 

772 :param beta: the surrogate fidelity index (defaults to the maximum available surrogate fidelity) 

773 :param y_vars: the training data to return (defaults to all stored data) 

774 :param cached: if True, will get cached training data if available (this will ignore `y_vars` and 

775 only grab whatever is in the cache, which is surrogate outputs only and no nans) 

776 :returns: `(xtrain, ytrain)` - the training data for the given multi-indices 

777 """ 

778 # Find the best alpha 

779 if alpha == 'best': 

780 alpha_best = () 

781 for a, _ in self.active_set.union(self.candidate_set): 

782 if sum(a) > sum(alpha_best): 

783 alpha_best = a 

784 alpha = alpha_best 

785 elif alpha == 'worst': 

786 alpha = (0,) * len(self.max_alpha) 


788 # Find the best beta for the given alpha 

789 if beta == 'best': 

790 beta_best = () 

791 for a, b in self.active_set.union(self.candidate_set): 

792 if a == alpha and sum(b) > sum(beta_best): 

793 beta_best = b 

794 beta = beta_best 

795 elif beta == 'worst': 

796 beta = (0,) * len(self.max_beta) 


798 try: 

799 if cached and (data := self._cache.get("training", {}).get(alpha, {}).get(beta)) is not None: 

800 return data 

801 else: 

802 return self.training_data.get(alpha, beta[:len(self.data_fidelity)], y_vars=y_vars, skip_nan=True) 

803 except Exception as e: 

804 self.logger.error(f"Error getting training data for alpha={alpha}, beta={beta}.") 

805 raise e 


807 def call_model(self, inputs: dict | Dataset, 

808 model_fidelity: Literal['best', 'worst'] | tuple | list = None, 

809 output_path: str | Path = None, 

810 executor: Executor = None, 

811 track_costs: bool = False, 

812 **kwds) -> Dataset: 

813 """Wrapper function for calling the underlying component model. 


815 This function formats the input data, calls the model, and processes the output data. 

816 It supports vectorized calls, parallel execution using an executor, or serial execution. These options are 

817 checked in that order, with the first available method used. Must set `Component.vectorized=True` if the 

818 model supports input arrays of the form `(N,)` or even arbitrary shape `(...,)`. 


820 !!! Warning "Parallel Execution" 

821 The underlying model must be defined in a global module scope if `pickle` is the serialization method for 

822 the provided `Executor`. 


824 !!! Note "Additional return values" 

825 The model can return additional items that are not part of `Component.outputs`. These items are returned 

826 as object arrays in the output `dict`. Two special return values are `model_cost` and `output_path`. 

827 Returning `model_cost` will store the computational cost of a single model evaluation (which is used by 

828 `amisc` adaptive surrogate training). Returning `output_path` will store the output file name if the model 

829 wrote any files to disk. 


831 !!! Note "Handling errors" 

832 If the underlying component model raises an exception, the error is stored in `output_dict['errors']` with 

833 the index of the input data that caused the error. The output data for that index is set to `np.nan` 

834 for each output variable. 


836 :param inputs: The input data for the model, formatted as a `dict` with a key for each input variable and 

837 a corresponding value that is an array of the input data. If specified as a plain list, then the 

838 order is assumed the same as `Component.inputs`. 

839 :param model_fidelity: Fidelity indices to tune the model fidelity (model must request this 

840 in its keyword arguments). 

841 :param output_path: Directory to save model output files (model must request this in its keyword arguments). 

842 :param executor: Executor for parallel execution if the model is not vectorized (optional). 

843 :param track_costs: Whether to track the computational cost of each model evaluation. 

844 :param kwds: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the model (model must request these in its keyword args). 

845 :returns: The output data from the model, formatted as a `dict` with a key for each output variable and a 

846 corresponding value that is an array of the output data. 

847 """ 

848 # Format inputs to a common loop shape (fail if missing any) 

849 if len(inputs) == 0: 

850 return {} # your fault 

851 if isinstance(inputs, list | np.ndarray): 

852 inputs = np.atleast_1d(inputs) 

853 inputs = { inputs[..., i] for i, var in enumerate(self.inputs)} 


855 var_shape = {} 

856 for var in self.inputs: 

857 s = None 

858 if (arr := kwds.get(f'{}{COORDS_STR_ID}')) is not None: 

859 if not np.issubdtype(arr.dtype, np.object_): # if not object array, then it's a single coordinate set 

860 s = arr.shape if len(arr.shape) == 1 else arr.shape[:-1] # skip the coordinate dim (last axis) 

861 if var.compression is not None: 

862 for field in var.compression.fields: 

863 var_shape[field] = s 

864 else: 

865 var_shape[] = s 

866 inputs, loop_shape = format_inputs(inputs, var_shape=var_shape) 


868 N = int( 

869 list_alpha = isinstance(model_fidelity, list | np.ndarray) 

870 alpha_requested = self.model_kwarg_requested('model_fidelity') 

871 for var in self.inputs: 

872 if var.compression is not None: 

873 for field in var.compression.fields: 

874 if field not in inputs: 

875 raise ValueError(f"Missing field '{field}' for input variable '{var}'.") 

876 elif not in inputs: 

877 raise ValueError(f"Missing input variable '{}'.") 


879 # Pass extra requested items to the model kwargs 

880 kwargs = copy.deepcopy( 

881 if self.model_kwarg_requested('output_path'): 

882 kwargs['output_path'] = output_path 

883 if self.model_kwarg_requested('input_vars'): 

884 kwargs['input_vars'] = self.inputs 

885 if self.model_kwarg_requested('output_vars'): 

886 kwargs['output_vars'] = self.outputs 

887 if alpha_requested: 

888 if not list_alpha: 

889 model_fidelity = [model_fidelity] * N 

890 for i in range(N): 

891 if model_fidelity[i] == 'best': 

892 model_fidelity[i] = self.max_alpha 

893 elif model_fidelity[i] == 'worst': 

894 model_fidelity[i] = (0,) * len(self.model_fidelity) 


896 for k, v in kwds.items(): 

897 if self.model_kwarg_requested(k): 

898 kwargs[k] = v 


900 # Compute model (vectorized, executor parallel, or serial) 

901 errors = {} 

902 if self.vectorized: 

903 if alpha_requested: 

904 kwargs['model_fidelity'] = np.atleast_1d(model_fidelity).reshape((N, -1)) 


906 self._model_start_time = time.time() 

907 output_dict = self.model(*[inputs[] for var in self.inputs], **kwargs) if self.call_unpacked \ 

908 else self.model(inputs, **kwargs) 

909 self._model_end_time = time.time() 


911 if self.ret_unpacked: 

912 output_dict = (output_dict,) if not isinstance(output_dict, tuple) else output_dict 

913 output_dict = { output_dict[i] for i, out_var in enumerate(self.outputs)} 

914 else: 

915 self._model_start_time = time.time() 

916 if executor is None: # Serial 

917 results = deque(maxlen=N) 

918 for i in range(N): 

919 try: 

920 if alpha_requested: 

921 kwargs['model_fidelity'] = model_fidelity[i] 

922 ret = self.model(*[{k: v[i] for k, v in inputs.items()}[] for var in self.inputs], 

923 **kwargs) if self.call_unpacked else ( 

924 self.model({k: v[i] for k, v in inputs.items()}, **kwargs)) 

925 if self.ret_unpacked: 

926 ret = (ret,) if not isinstance(ret, tuple) else ret 

927 ret = { ret[i] for i, out_var in enumerate(self.outputs)} 

928 results.append(ret) 

929 except Exception: 

930 results.append({'inputs': {k: v[i] for k, v in inputs.items()}, 'index': i, 

931 'model_kwargs': kwargs.copy(), 'error': traceback.format_exc()}) 

932 else: # Parallel 

933 results = deque(maxlen=N) 

934 futures = [] 

935 for i in range(N): 

936 if alpha_requested: 

937 kwargs['model_fidelity'] = model_fidelity[i] 

938 fs = executor.submit(self.model, 

939 *[{k: v[i] for k, v in inputs.items()}[] for var in self.inputs], 

940 **kwargs) if self.call_unpacked else ( 

941 executor.submit(self.model, {k: v[i] for k, v in inputs.items()}, **kwargs)) 

942 futures.append(fs) 

943 wait(futures, timeout=None, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) 


945 for i, fs in enumerate(futures): 

946 try: 

947 if alpha_requested: 

948 kwargs['model_fidelity'] = model_fidelity[i] 

949 ret = fs.result() 

950 if self.ret_unpacked: 

951 ret = (ret,) if not isinstance(ret, tuple) else ret 

952 ret = { ret[i] for i, out_var in enumerate(self.outputs)} 

953 results.append(ret) 

954 except Exception: 

955 results.append({'inputs': {k: v[i] for k, v in inputs.items()}, 'index': i, 

956 'model_kwargs': kwargs.copy(), 'error': traceback.format_exc()}) 

957 self._model_end_time = time.time() 


959 # Collect parallel/serial results 

960 output_dict = {} 

961 for i in range(N): 

962 res = results.popleft() 

963 if 'error' in res: 

964 errors[i] = res 

965 else: 

966 for key, val in res.items(): 

967 # Save this component's variables 

968 is_component_var = False 

969 for var in self.outputs: 

970 if var.compression is not None: # field quantity return values (save as object arrays) 

971 if key in var.compression.fields or key == f'{var}{COORDS_STR_ID}': 

972 if output_dict.get(key) is None: 

973 output_dict.setdefault(key, np.full((N,), None, dtype=object)) 

974 output_dict[key][i] = np.atleast_1d(val) 

975 is_component_var = True 

976 break 

977 elif key == var: 

978 if output_dict.get(key) is None: 

979 output_dict.setdefault(key, np.full((N, *np.atleast_1d(val).shape), np.nan)) 

980 output_dict[key][i, ...] = np.atleast_1d(val) 

981 is_component_var = True 

982 break 


984 # Otherwise, save other objects 

985 if not is_component_var: 

986 # Save singleton numeric values as numeric arrays (model costs, etc.) 

987 _val = np.atleast_1d(val) 

988 if key == 'model_cost' or (np.issubdtype(_val.dtype, np.number) 

989 and len(_val.shape) == 1 and _val.shape[0] == 1): 

990 if output_dict.get(key) is None: 

991 output_dict.setdefault(key, np.full((N,), np.nan)) 

992 output_dict[key][i] = _val[0] 

993 else: 

994 # Otherwise save into a generic object array 

995 if output_dict.get(key) is None: 

996 output_dict.setdefault(key, np.full((N,), None, dtype=object)) 

997 output_dict[key][i] = val 


999 # Save average model costs for each alpha fidelity 

1000 if track_costs: 

1001 if model_fidelity is not None and output_dict.get('model_cost') is not None: 

1002 alpha_costs = {} 

1003 for i, cost in enumerate(output_dict['model_cost']): 

1004 alpha_costs.setdefault(MultiIndex(model_fidelity[i]), []) 

1005 alpha_costs[MultiIndex(model_fidelity[i])].append(cost) 

1006 for a, costs in alpha_costs.items(): 

1007 self.model_evals.setdefault(a, 0) 

1008 self.model_costs.setdefault(a, 0.0) 

1009 num_evals_prev = self.model_evals.get(a) 

1010 num_evals_new = len(costs) 

1011 prev_avg = self.model_costs.get(a) 

1012 new_avg = (np.sum(costs) + prev_avg * num_evals_prev) / (num_evals_prev + num_evals_new) 

1013 self.model_evals[a] += num_evals_new 

1014 self.model_costs[a] = float(new_avg) 


1016 # Reshape loop dimensions to match the original input shape 

1017 output_dict = format_outputs(output_dict, loop_shape) 


1019 for var in self.outputs: 

1020 if var.compression is not None: 

1021 for field in var.compression.fields: 

1022 if field not in output_dict: 

1023 self.logger.warning(f"Model return missing field '{field}' for output variable '{var}'. " 

1024 f"This may indicate an error during model evaluation. Returning NaNs...") 

1025 output_dict[field].setdefault(field, np.full((N,), np.nan)) 

1026 elif not in output_dict: 

1027 self.logger.warning(f"Model return missing output variable '{}'. This may indicate " 

1028 f"an error during model evaluation. Returning NaNs...") 

1029 output_dict[] = np.full((N,), np.nan) 


1031 # Return the output dictionary and any errors 

1032 if errors: 

1033 output_dict['errors'] = errors 

1034 return output_dict 


1036 def predict(self, inputs: dict | Dataset, 

1037 use_model: Literal['best', 'worst'] | tuple = None, 

1038 model_dir: str | Path = None, 

1039 index_set: Literal['train', 'test'] | IndexSet = 'test', 

1040 misc_coeff: MiscTree = None, 

1041 incremental: bool = False, 

1042 executor: Executor = None, 

1043 **kwds) -> Dataset: 

1044 """Evaluate the MISC surrogate approximation at new inputs `x`. 


1046 !!! Note "Using the underlying model" 

1047 By default this will predict the MISC surrogate approximation; all inputs are assumed to be in a compressed 

1048 and normalized form. If the component does not have a surrogate (i.e. it is analytical), then the inputs 

1049 will be converted to model form and the underlying model will be called in place. If you instead want to 

1050 override the surrogate, passing `use_model` will call the underlying model directly. In that case, the 

1051 inputs should be passed in already in model form (i.e. full fields, denormalized). 


1053 :param inputs: `dict` of input arrays for each variable input 

1054 :param use_model: 'best'=high-fidelity, 'worst'=low-fidelity, tuple=a specific `alpha`, None=surrogate (default) 

1055 :param model_dir: directory to save output files if `use_model` is specified, ignored otherwise 

1056 :param index_set: the active index set, defaults to `self.active_set` if `'train'` or both 

1057 `self.active_set + self.candidate_set` if `'test'` 

1058 :param misc_coeff: the data structure holding the MISC coefficients to use, which defaults to the 

1059 training or testing coefficients depending on the `index_set` parameter. 

1060 :param incremental: a special flag to use if the provided `index_set` is an incremental update to the active 

1061 index set. A temporary copy of the internal `misc_coeff` data structure will be updated 

1062 and used to incorporate the new indices. 

1063 :param executor: executor for parallel execution if the model is not vectorized (optional), will use the 

1064 executor for looping over MISC coefficients if evaluating the surrogate rather than the model 

1065 :param kwds: additional keyword arguments to pass to the model (if using the underlying model) 

1066 :returns: the surrogate approximation of the model (or the model return itself if `use_model`) 

1067 """ 

1068 # Use raw model inputs/outputs 

1069 if use_model is not None: 

1070 outputs = self.call_model(inputs, model_fidelity=use_model, output_path=model_dir, executor=executor,**kwds) 

1071 return {str(var): outputs[var] for var in outputs} 


1073 # Convert inputs/outputs to/from model if no surrogate (i.e. analytical models) 

1074 if not self.has_surrogate: 

1075 field_coords = {f'{var}{COORDS_STR_ID}': 

1076 self.model_kwargs.get(f'{var}{COORDS_STR_ID}', kwds.get(f'{var}{COORDS_STR_ID}', None)) 

1077 for var in self.inputs} 

1078 inputs, field_coords = to_model_dataset(inputs, self.inputs, del_latent=True, **field_coords) 

1079 field_coords.update(kwds) 

1080 outputs = self.call_model(inputs, model_fidelity=use_model or 'best', output_path=model_dir, 

1081 executor=executor, **field_coords) 

1082 outputs, _ = to_surrogate_dataset(outputs, self.outputs, del_fields=True, **field_coords) 

1083 return {str(var): outputs[var] for var in outputs} 


1085 # Choose the correct index set and misc_coeff data structures 

1086 if incremental: 

1087 misc_coeff = copy.deepcopy(self.misc_coeff_train) 

1088 self.update_misc_coeff(index_set, self.active_set, misc_coeff) 

1089 index_set = self.active_set.union(index_set) 

1090 else: 

1091 index_set, misc_coeff = self._match_index_set(index_set, misc_coeff) 


1093 # Format inputs for surrogate prediction (all scalars at this point, including latent coeffs) 

1094 inputs, loop_shape = format_inputs(inputs) # {'x': (N,)} 

1095 outputs = {} 


1097 # Handle prediction with empty active set (return nan) 

1098 if len(index_set) == 0: 

1099 for var in self.outputs: 

1100 outputs[] = np.full(loop_shape, np.nan) 

1101 return outputs 


1103 y_vars = self._surrogate_outputs() # Only request this component's specified outputs (ignore all extras) 


1105 # Combination technique MISC surrogate prediction 

1106 results = [] 

1107 coeffs = [] 

1108 for alpha, beta in index_set: 

1109 comb_coeff = misc_coeff[alpha, beta] 

1110 if np.abs(comb_coeff) > 0: 

1111 coeffs.append(comb_coeff) 

1112 args = (self.misc_states.get((alpha, beta)), 

1113 self.get_training_data(alpha, beta, y_vars=y_vars, cached=True)) 


1115 results.append(self.interpolator.predict(inputs, *args) if executor is None else 

1116 executor.submit(self.interpolator.predict, inputs, *args)) 


1118 if executor is not None: 

1119 wait(results, timeout=None, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) 

1120 results = [future.result() for future in results] 


1122 for coeff, interp_pred in zip(coeffs, results): 

1123 for var, arr in interp_pred.items(): 

1124 if outputs.get(var) is None: 

1125 outputs[str(var)] = coeff * arr 

1126 else: 

1127 outputs[str(var)] += coeff * arr 


1129 return format_outputs(outputs, loop_shape) 


1131 def update_misc_coeff(self, new_indices: IndexSet, index_set: Literal['test', 'train'] | IndexSet = 'train', 

1132 misc_coeff: MiscTree = None): 

1133 """Update MISC coefficients incrementally resulting from the addition of new indices to an index set. 


1135 !!! Warning "Incremental updates" 

1136 This function is used to update the MISC coefficients stored in `misc_coeff` after adding new indices 

1137 to the given `index_set`. If a custom `index_set` or `misc_coeff` are provided, the user is responsible 

1138 for ensuring the data structures are consistent. Since this is an incremental update, this means all 

1139 existing coefficients for every index in `index_set` should be precomputed and stored in `misc_coeff`. 


1141 :param new_indices: a set of $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ tuples that are being added to the `index_set` 

1142 :param index_set: the active index set, defaults to `self.active_set` if `'train'` or both 

1143 `self.active_set + self.candidate_set` if `'test'` 

1144 :param misc_coeff: the data structure holding the MISC coefficients to update, which defaults to the 

1145 training or testing coefficients depending on the `index_set` parameter. This data structure 

1146 is modified in place. 

1147 """ 

1148 index_set, misc_coeff = self._match_index_set(index_set, misc_coeff) 


1150 for new_alpha, new_beta in new_indices: 

1151 new_ind = np.array(new_alpha + new_beta) 


1153 # Update all existing/new coefficients if they are a distance of [0, 1] "below" the new index 

1154 # Note that new indices can only be [0, 1] away from themselves -- not any other new indices 

1155 for old_alpha, old_beta in itertools.chain(index_set, [(new_alpha, new_beta)]): 

1156 old_ind = np.array(old_alpha + old_beta) 

1157 diff = new_ind - old_ind 

1158 if np.all(np.isin(diff, [0, 1])): 

1159 if misc_coeff.get((old_alpha, old_beta)) is None: 

1160 misc_coeff[old_alpha, old_beta] = 0 

1161 misc_coeff[old_alpha, old_beta] += (-1) ** int(np.sum(np.abs(diff))) 


1163 def activate_index(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex, model_dir: str | Path = None, 

1164 executor: Executor = None, weight_fcns: dict[str, callable] | Literal['pdf'] | None = 'pdf'): 

1165 """Add a multi-index to the active set and all neighbors to the candidate set. 


1167 !!! Warning 

1168 The user of this function is responsible for ensuring that the index set maintains downward-closedness. 

1169 That is, only activate indices that are neighbors of the current active set. 


1171 :param alpha: A multi-index specifying model fidelity 

1172 :param beta: A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity 

1173 :param model_dir: Directory to save model output files 

1174 :param executor: Executor for parallel execution of model on training data if the model is not vectorized 

1175 :param weight_fcns: Dictionary of weight functions for each input variable (defaults to the variable PDFs); 

1176 each function should be callable as `fcn(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray`, where the input 

1177 is an array of normalized input data and the output is an array of weights. If None, then 

1178 no weighting is applied. 

1179 """ 

1180 if (alpha, beta) in self.active_set: 

1181 self.logger.warning(f'Multi-index {(alpha, beta)} is already in the active index set. Ignoring...') 

1182 return 

1183 if (alpha, beta) not in self.candidate_set and (sum(alpha) + sum(beta)) > 0: 

1184 # Can only activate the initial index (0, 0, ... 0) without it being in the candidate set 

1185 self.logger.warning(f'Multi-index {(alpha, beta)} is not a neighbor of the active index set, so it ' 

1186 f'cannot be activated. Please only add multi-indices from the candidate set. ' 

1187 f'Ignoring...') 

1188 return 


1190 # Collect all neighbor candidate indices; sort by largest model cost first 

1191 neighbors = self._neighbors(alpha, beta, forward=True) 

1192 indices = list(itertools.chain([(alpha, beta)] if (alpha, beta) not in self.candidate_set else [], neighbors)) 

1193 indices.sort(key=lambda ele: self.model_costs.get(ele[0], sum(ele[0])), reverse=True) 


1195 # Refine and collect all new model inputs (i.e. training points) requested by the new candidates 

1196 alpha_list = [] # keep track of model fidelities 

1197 design_list = [] # keep track of training data coordinates/locations/indices 

1198 model_inputs = {} # concatenate all model inputs 

1199 field_coords = {f'{var}{COORDS_STR_ID}': self.model_kwargs.get(f'{var}{COORDS_STR_ID}', None) 

1200 for var in self.inputs} 

1201 domains = self.inputs.get_domains() 


1203 if weight_fcns == 'pdf': 

1204 weight_fcns = self.inputs.get_pdfs() 


1206 for a, b in indices: 

1207 design_coords, design_pts = self.training_data.refine(a, b[:len(self.data_fidelity)], 

1208 domains, weight_fcns) 

1209 design_pts, fc = to_model_dataset(design_pts, self.inputs, del_latent=True, **field_coords) 


1211 # Remove duplicate (alpha, coords) pairs -- so you don't evaluate the model twice for the same input 

1212 i = 0 

1213 del_idx = [] 

1214 for other_design in design_list: 

1215 for other_coord in other_design: 

1216 for j, curr_coord in enumerate(design_coords): 

1217 if curr_coord == other_coord and a == alpha_list[i] and j not in del_idx: 

1218 del_idx.append(j) 

1219 i += 1 

1220 design_coords = [design_coords[j] for j in range(len(design_coords)) if j not in del_idx] 

1221 design_pts = {var: np.delete(arr, del_idx, axis=0) for var, arr in design_pts.items()} 


1223 alpha_list.extend([tuple(a)] * len(design_coords)) 

1224 design_list.append(design_coords) 

1225 field_coords.update(fc) 

1226 for var in design_pts: 

1227 model_inputs[var] = design_pts[var] if model_inputs.get(var) is None else ( 

1228 np.concatenate((model_inputs[var], design_pts[var]), axis=0)) 


1230 # Evaluate model at designed training points 

1231 if len(alpha_list) > 0: 

1232"Running {len(alpha_list)} total model evaluations for component " 

1233 f"'{}' new candidate indices: {indices}...") 

1234 model_outputs = self.call_model(model_inputs, model_fidelity=alpha_list, output_path=model_dir, 

1235 executor=executor, track_costs=True, **field_coords) 

1236"Model evaluations complete for component '{}'.") 

1237 errors = model_outputs.pop('errors', {}) 

1238 else: 

1239 self._model_start_time = -1.0 

1240 self._model_end_time = -1.0 


1242 # Unpack model outputs and update states 

1243 start_idx = 0 

1244 for i, (a, b) in enumerate(indices): 

1245 num_train_pts = len(design_list[i]) 

1246 end_idx = start_idx + num_train_pts # Ensure loop dim of 1 gets its own axis (might have been squeezed) 

1247 yi_dict = {var: arr[np.newaxis, ...] if len(alpha_list) == 1 and arr.shape[0] != 1 else 

1248 arr[start_idx:end_idx, ...] for var, arr in model_outputs.items()} 


1250 # Check for errors and store 

1251 err_coords = [] 

1252 err_list = [] 

1253 for idx in list(errors.keys()): 

1254 if idx < end_idx: 

1255 err_info = errors.pop(idx) 

1256 err_info['index'] = idx - start_idx 

1257 err_coords.append(design_list[i][idx - start_idx]) 

1258 err_list.append(err_info) 

1259 if len(err_list) > 0: 

1260 self.logger.warning(f"Model errors occurred while adding candidate ({a}, {b}) for component " 

1261 f"{}. Leaving NaN values in training data...") 

1262 self.training_data.set_errors(a, b[:len(self.data_fidelity)], err_coords, err_list) 


1264 # Compress field quantities and normalize 

1265 yi_dict, y_vars = to_surrogate_dataset(yi_dict, self.outputs, del_fields=False, **field_coords) 


1267 # Store training data, computational cost, and new interpolator state 

1268 self.training_data.set(a, b[:len(self.data_fidelity)], design_list[i], yi_dict) 

1269 self.training_data.impute_missing_data(a, b[:len(self.data_fidelity)]) 

1270 self.misc_costs[a, b] = num_train_pts 

1271 self.misc_states[a, b] = self.interpolator.refine(b[len(self.data_fidelity):], 

1272 self.training_data.get(a, b[:len(self.data_fidelity)], 

1273 y_vars=y_vars, skip_nan=True), 

1274 self.misc_states.get((alpha, beta)), 

1275 domains) 

1276 start_idx = end_idx 


1278 # Move to the active index set 

1279 s = set() 

1280 s.add((alpha, beta)) 

1281 self.update_misc_coeff(IndexSet(s), index_set='train') 

1282 if (alpha, beta) in self.candidate_set: 

1283 self.candidate_set.remove((alpha, beta)) 

1284 else: 

1285 # Only for initial index which didn't come from the candidate set 

1286 self.update_misc_coeff(IndexSet(s), index_set='test') 

1287 self.active_set.update(s) 


1289 self.update_misc_coeff(neighbors, index_set='test') # neighbors will only ever pass through here once 

1290 self.candidate_set.update(neighbors) 


1292 def gradient(self, inputs: dict | Dataset, 

1293 index_set: Literal['train', 'test'] | IndexSet = 'test', 

1294 misc_coeff: MiscTree = None, 

1295 derivative: Literal['first', 'second'] = 'first', 

1296 executor: Executor = None) -> Dataset: 

1297 """Evaluate the Jacobian or Hessian of the MISC surrogate approximation at new `inputs`, i.e. 

1298 the first or second derivatives, respectively. 


1300 :param inputs: `dict` of input arrays for each variable input 

1301 :param index_set: the active index set, defaults to `self.active_set` if `'train'` or both 

1302 `self.active_set + self.candidate_set` if `'test'` 

1303 :param misc_coeff: the data structure holding the MISC coefficients to use, which defaults to the 

1304 training or testing coefficients depending on the `index_set` parameter. 

1305 :param derivative: whether to compute the first or second derivative (i.e. Jacobian or Hessian) 

1306 :param executor: executor for looping over MISC coefficients (optional) 

1307 :returns: a `dict` of the Jacobian or Hessian of the surrogate approximation for each output variable 

1308 """ 

1309 if not self.has_surrogate: 

1310 self.logger.warning("No surrogate model available for gradient computation.") 

1311 return None 


1313 index_set, misc_coeff = self._match_index_set(index_set, misc_coeff) 

1314 inputs, loop_shape = format_inputs(inputs) # {'x': (N,)} 

1315 outputs = {} 


1317 if len(index_set) == 0: 

1318 for var in self.outputs: 

1319 outputs[var] = np.full(loop_shape, np.nan) 

1320 return outputs 

1321 y_vars = self._surrogate_outputs() 


1323 # Combination technique MISC gradient prediction 

1324 results = [] 

1325 coeffs = [] 

1326 for alpha, beta in index_set: 

1327 comb_coeff = misc_coeff[alpha, beta] 

1328 if np.abs(comb_coeff) > 0: 

1329 coeffs.append(comb_coeff) 

1330 func = self.interpolator.gradient if derivative == 'first' else self.interpolator.hessian 

1331 args = (self.misc_states.get((alpha, beta)), 

1332 self.get_training_data(alpha, beta, y_vars=y_vars, cached=True)) 


1334 results.append(func(inputs, *args) if executor is None else executor.submit(func, inputs, *args)) 


1336 if executor is not None: 

1337 wait(results, timeout=None, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) 

1338 results = [future.result() for future in results] 


1340 for coeff, interp_pred in zip(coeffs, results): 

1341 for var, arr in interp_pred.items(): 

1342 if outputs.get(var) is None: 

1343 outputs[str(var)] = coeff * arr 

1344 else: 

1345 outputs[str(var)] += coeff * arr 


1347 return format_outputs(outputs, loop_shape) 


1349 def hessian(self, *args, **kwargs): 

1350 """Alias for `Component.gradient(*args, derivative='second', **kwargs)`.""" 

1351 return self.gradient(*args, derivative='second', **kwargs) 


1353 def model_kwarg_requested(self, kwarg_name: str) -> bool: 

1354 """Return whether the underlying component model requested this `kwarg_name`. Special kwargs include: 


1356 - `output_path` — a save directory created by `amisc` will be passed to the model for saving model output files. 

1357 - `alpha` — a tuple or list of model fidelity indices will be passed to the model to adjust fidelity. 

1358 - `input_vars` — a list of `Variable` objects will be passed to the model for input variable information. 

1359 - `output_vars` — a list of `Variable` objects will be passed to the model for output variable information. 


1361 :param kwarg_name: the argument to check for in the underlying component model's function signature kwargs 

1362 :returns: whether the component model requests this `kwarg` argument 

1363 """ 

1364 signature = inspect.signature(self.model) 

1365 for param in signature.parameters.values(): 

1366 if == kwarg_name and param.default != param.empty: 

1367 return True 

1368 return False 


1370 def set_logger(self, log_file: str | Path = None, stdout: bool = None, logger: logging.Logger = None, 

1371 level: int = logging.INFO): 

1372 """Set a new `logging.Logger` object. 


1374 :param log_file: log to file (if provided) 

1375 :param stdout: whether to connect the logger to console (defaults to whatever is currently set or False) 

1376 :param logger: the logging object to use (if None, then a new logger is created; this will override 

1377 the `log_file` and `stdout` arguments if set) 

1378 :param level: the logging level to set (default is `logging.INFO`) 

1379 """ 

1380 if stdout is None: 

1381 stdout = False 

1382 if self._logger is not None: 

1383 for handler in self._logger.handlers: 

1384 if isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler): 

1385 stdout = True 

1386 break 

1387 self._logger = logger or get_logger(, log_file=log_file, stdout=stdout, level=level) 


1389 def update_model(self, new_model: callable = None, model_kwargs: dict = None, **kwargs): 

1390 """Update the underlying component model or its kwargs.""" 

1391 if new_model is not None: 

1392 self.model = new_model 

1393 new_kwargs = 

1394 new_kwargs.update(model_kwargs or {}) 

1395 new_kwargs.update(kwargs) 

1396 self.model_kwargs = new_kwargs 


1398 def get_cost(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex) -> int: 

1399 """Return the total cost (i.e. number of model evaluations) required to add $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ to the 

1400 MISC approximation. 


1402 :param alpha: A multi-index specifying model fidelity 

1403 :param beta: A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity 

1404 :returns: the total number of model evaluations required for adding this multi-index to the MISC approximation 

1405 """ 

1406 try: 

1407 return self.misc_costs[alpha, beta] 

1408 except Exception: 

1409 return 0 


1411 def get_model_timestamps(self): 

1412 """Return a tuple with the (start, end) timestamps for the most recent call to `call_model`. This 

1413 is useful for tracking the duration of model evaluations. Will return (None, None) if no model has been called. 

1414 """ 

1415 if self._model_start_time < 0 or self._model_end_time < 0: 

1416 return None, None 

1417 else: 

1418 return self._model_start_time, self._model_end_time 


1420 @staticmethod 

1421 def is_downward_closed(indices: IndexSet) -> bool: 

1422 """Return if a list of $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ multi-indices is downward-closed. 


1424 MISC approximations require a downward-closed set in order to use the combination-technique formula for the 

1425 coefficients (as implemented by `Component.update_misc_coeff()`). 


1427 !!! Example 

1428 The list `[( (0,), (0,) ), ( (1,), (0,) ), ( (1,), (1,) )]` is downward-closed. You can visualize this as 

1429 building a stack of cubes: in order to place a cube, all adjacent cubes must be present (does the logo 

1430 make sense now?). 


1432 :param indices: `IndexSet` of (`alpha`, `beta`) multi-indices 

1433 :returns: whether the set of indices is downward-closed 

1434 """ 

1435 # Iterate over every multi-index 

1436 for alpha, beta in indices: 

1437 # Every smaller multi-index must also be included in the indices list 

1438 sub_sets = [np.arange(tuple(alpha + beta)[i] + 1) for i in range(len(alpha) + len(beta))] 

1439 for ele in itertools.product(*sub_sets): 

1440 tup = (MultiIndex(ele[:len(alpha)]), MultiIndex(ele[len(alpha):])) 

1441 if tup not in indices: 

1442 return False 

1443 return True 


1445 def clear(self): 

1446 """Clear the component of all training data, index sets, and MISC states.""" 

1447 self.active_set.clear() 

1448 self.candidate_set.clear() 

1449 self.misc_states.clear() 

1450 self.misc_costs.clear() 

1451 self.misc_coeff_train.clear() 

1452 self.misc_coeff_test.clear() 

1453 self.model_costs.clear() 

1454 self.model_evals.clear() 

1455 self.training_data.clear() 

1456 self._model_start_time = -1.0 

1457 self._model_end_time = -1.0 

1458 self.clear_cache() 


1460 def serialize(self, keep_yaml_objects: bool = False, serialize_args: dict[str, tuple] = None, 

1461 serialize_kwargs: dict[str: dict] = None) -> dict: 

1462 """Convert to a `dict` with only standard Python types as fields and values. 


1464 :param keep_yaml_objects: whether to keep `Variable` or other yaml serializable objects instead of 

1465 also serializing them (default is False) 

1466 :param serialize_args: additional arguments to pass to the `serialize` method of each `Component` attribute; 

1467 specify as a `dict` of attribute names to tuple of arguments to pass 

1468 :param serialize_kwargs: additional keyword arguments to pass to the `serialize` method of each 

1469 `Component` attribute 

1470 :returns: a `dict` representation of the `Component` object 

1471 """ 

1472 serialize_args = serialize_args or dict() 

1473 serialize_kwargs = serialize_kwargs or dict() 

1474 d = {} 

1475 for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): 

1476 if value is not None and not key.startswith('_'): 

1477 if key == 'serializers': 

1478 # Update the serializers 

1479 serializers = self._validate_serializers({k: type(getattr(self, k)) for k in value.keys()}) 

1480 d[key] = {k: (v.obj if keep_yaml_objects else v.serialize()) for k, v in serializers.items()} 

1481 elif key in ['inputs', 'outputs'] and not keep_yaml_objects: 

1482 d[key] = value.serialize(**serialize_kwargs.get(key, {})) 

1483 elif key == 'model' and not keep_yaml_objects: 

1484 d[key] = YamlSerializable(obj=value).serialize() 

1485 elif key in ['data_fidelity', 'surrogate_fidelity', 'model_fidelity']: 

1486 if len(value) > 0: 

1487 d[key] = str(value) 

1488 elif key in ['active_set', 'candidate_set']: 

1489 if len(value) > 0: 

1490 d[key] = value.serialize() 

1491 elif key in ['misc_costs', 'misc_coeff_train', 'misc_coeff_test', 'misc_states']: 

1492 if len(value) > 0: 

1493 d[key] = value.serialize(keep_yaml_objects=keep_yaml_objects) 

1494 elif key in ['model_costs']: 

1495 if len(value) > 0: 

1496 d[key] = {str(k): float(v) for k, v in value.items()} 

1497 elif key in ['model_evals']: 

1498 if len(value) > 0: 

1499 d[key] = {str(k): int(v) for k, v in value.items()} 

1500 elif key in ComponentSerializers.__annotations__.keys(): 

1501 if key in ['training_data', 'interpolator'] and not self.has_surrogate: 

1502 continue 

1503 else: 

1504 d[key] = value.serialize(*serialize_args.get(key, ()), **serialize_kwargs.get(key, {})) 

1505 else: 

1506 d[key] = value 

1507 return d 


1509 @classmethod 

1510 def deserialize(cls, serialized_data: dict, search_paths: list[str | Path] = None, 

1511 search_keys: list[str] = None) -> Component: 

1512 """Return a `Component` from `data`. Let pydantic handle field validation and conversion. If any component 

1513 data has been saved to file and the save file doesn't exist, then the loader will search for the file 

1514 in the current working directory and any additional search paths provided. 


1516 :param serialized_data: the serialized data to construct the object from 

1517 :param search_paths: paths to try and find any save files (i.e. if they moved since they were serialized), 

1518 will always search in the current working directory by default 

1519 :param search_keys: keys to search for save files in each component (default is all keys in 

1520 [`ComponentSerializers`][amisc.component.ComponentSerializers], in addition to variable 

1521 inputs and outputs) 

1522 """ 

1523 if isinstance(serialized_data, Component): 

1524 return serialized_data 

1525 elif callable(serialized_data): 

1526 # try to construct a component from a raw function (assume data fidelity is (2,) for each inspected input) 

1527 return cls(serialized_data, data_fidelity=(2,) * len(_inspect_function(serialized_data)[0])) 


1529 search_paths = search_paths or [] 

1530 search_keys = search_keys or [] 

1531 search_keys.extend(ComponentSerializers.__annotations__.keys()) 

1532 comp = serialized_data 


1534 for key in search_keys: 

1535 if (filename := comp.get(key, None)) is not None: 

1536 comp[key] = search_for_file(filename, search_paths=search_paths) # will ret original str if not found 


1538 for key in ['inputs', 'outputs']: 

1539 for var in comp.get(key, []): 

1540 if isinstance(var, dict): 

1541 if (compression := var.get('compression', None)) is not None: 

1542 var['compression'] = search_for_file(compression, search_paths=search_paths) 


1544 return cls(**comp) 


1546 @staticmethod 

1547 def _yaml_representer(dumper: yaml.Dumper, comp: Component) -> yaml.MappingNode: 

1548 """Convert a single `Component` object (`data`) to a yaml MappingNode (i.e. a `dict`).""" 

1549 save_path, save_file = _get_yaml_path(dumper) 

1550 serialize_kwargs = {} 

1551 for key, serializer in comp.serializers.items(): 

1552 if issubclass(serializer.obj, PickleSerializable): 

1553 filename = save_path / f'{save_file}_{}_{key}.pkl' 

1554 serialize_kwargs[key] = {'save_path': save_path / filename} 

1555 return dumper.represent_mapping(Component.yaml_tag, comp.serialize(serialize_kwargs=serialize_kwargs, 

1556 keep_yaml_objects=True)) 


1558 @staticmethod 

1559 def _yaml_constructor(loader: yaml.Loader, node): 

1560 """Convert the `!Component` tag in yaml to a `Component` object.""" 

1561 # Add a file search path in the same directory as the yaml file being loaded from 

1562 save_path, save_file = _get_yaml_path(loader) 

1563 if isinstance(node, yaml.SequenceNode): 

1564 return [ele if isinstance(ele, Component) else Component.deserialize(ele, search_paths=[save_path]) 

1565 for ele in loader.construct_sequence(node, deep=True)] 

1566 elif isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode): 

1567 return Component.deserialize(loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True), search_paths=[save_path]) 

1568 else: 

1569 raise NotImplementedError(f'The "{Component.yaml_tag}" yaml tag can only be used on a yaml sequence or ' 

1570 f'mapping, not a "{type(node)}".')