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1"""Provides some example test functions for demonstration purposes.""" 

2import pickle 

3import uuid 

4from pathlib import Path 


6import numpy as np 


8from amisc.system import System 



11def f1(x): 

12 """Figure 5 in Jakeman 2022.""" 

13 y1 = x * np.sin(np.pi * x) 

14 return y1 



17def f2(y1): 

18 """Figure 5 in Jakeman 2022.""" 

19 y2 = 1 / (1 + 25*y1**2) 

20 return y2 



23def f3(x, y2): 

24 """Hypothetical third function for Figure 5 in Jakeman 2022.""" 

25 y3 = x * np.cos(np.pi * y2) 

26 return y3 



29def tanh_func(inputs, A=2, L=1, frac=4): 

30 """Simple tunable tanh function.""" 

31 return {'y': A * np.tanh(2 / (L/frac) * (inputs['x'] - L/2)) + A + 1} 



34def borehole_func(inputs): 

35 """Model found at 


37 :param inputs: `dict` of input variables `rw`, `r`, `Tu`, `Hu`, `Tl`, `Hl`, `L`, and `Kw` 

38 :returns vdot: Water flow rate in m^3/yr 

39 """ 

40 rw = inputs['rw'] # Radius of borehole (m) 

41 r = inputs['r'] # Radius of influence (m) 

42 Tu = inputs['Tu'] # Transmissivity (m^2/yr) 

43 Hu = inputs['Hu'] # Potentiometric head (m) 

44 Tl = inputs['Tl'] # Transmissivity (m^2/yr) 

45 Hl = inputs['Hl'] # Potentiometric head (m) 

46 L = inputs['L'] # Length of borehole (m) 

47 Kw = inputs['Kw'] # Hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 

48 vdot = 2*np.pi*Tu*(Hu-Hl) / (np.log(r/rw) * (1 + (2*L*Tu/(np.log(r/rw)*Kw*rw**2)) + (Tu/Tl))) 


50 return {'vdot': vdot} 



53def wing_weight_func(inputs): 

54 """Model found at 


56 :param inputs: `dict` of input variables `Sw`, `Wfw`, `A`, `Lambda`, `q`, `lamb`, `tc`, `Nz`, `Wdg`, and `Wp` 

57 :returns Wwing: the weight of the airplane wing (lb) 

58 """ 

59 Sw = inputs['Sw'] # Wing area (ft^2) 

60 Wfw = inputs['Wfw'] # Weight of fuel (lb) 

61 A = inputs['A'] # Aspect ratio 

62 Lambda = inputs['Lambda'] # Quarter-chord sweep (deg) 

63 q = inputs['q'] # Dynamic pressure (lb/ft^2) 

64 lamb = inputs['lambda'] # taper ratio 

65 tc = inputs['tc'] # Aerofoil thickness to chord ratio 

66 Nz = inputs['Nz'] # Ultimate load factor 

67 Wdg = inputs['Wdg'] # Design gross weight (lb) 

68 Wp = inputs['Wp'] # Paint weight (lb/ft^2) 

69 Lambda = Lambda*(np.pi/180) 

70 Wwing = 0.036*(Sw**0.758)*(Wfw**0.0035)*((A/(np.cos(Lambda))**2)**0.6)*(q**0.006)*(lamb**0.04)*\ 

71 (100*tc/np.cos(Lambda))**(-0.3)*((Nz*Wdg)**0.49) + Sw*Wp 


73 return {'Wwing': Wwing} 



76def nonlinear_wave(inputs, env_var=0.1**2, wavelength=0.5, wave_amp=0.1, tanh_amp=0.5, L=1, t=0.25): 

77 """Custom nonlinear model of a traveling Gaussian wave for testing. 


79 :param inputs: `dict` of input variables `d` and `theta` 

80 :param env_var: variance of Gaussian envelope 

81 :param wavelength: sinusoidal perturbation wavelength 

82 :param wave_amp: amplitude of perturbation 

83 :param tanh_amp: amplitude of tanh(x) 

84 :param L: domain length of underlying tanh function 

85 :param t: transition length of tanh function (as fraction of L) 

86 :returns: `dict` with model output `y` 

87 """ 

88 d = inputs['d'] 

89 theta = inputs['theta'] 


91 # Traveling sinusoid with moving Gaussian envelope 

92 env_range = [0.2, 0.6] 

93 mu = env_range[0] + theta * (env_range[1] - env_range[0]) 

94 theta_env = 1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * env_var)) * np.exp(-0.5 * (d - mu) ** 2 / env_var) 

95 ftheta = wave_amp * np.sin((2*np.pi/wavelength) * theta) * theta_env 


97 # Underlying tanh dependence on d 

98 fd = tanh_amp * np.tanh(2/(L*t)*(d - L/2)) + tanh_amp 


100 # Compute model = f(theta, d) + f(d) 

101 return {'y': ftheta + fd} 



104def fire_sat_globals(): 

105 """Global variables for the fire satellite system.""" 

106 Re = 6378140. # Radius of Earth (m) 

107 mu = 3.986e14 # Gravitational parameter (m^3 s^-2) 

108 eta = 0.22 # Power efficiency 

109 Id = 0.77 # Inherent degradation of the array 

110 thetai = 0. # Sun incidence angle 

111 LT = 15. # Spacecraft lifetime (years) 

112 eps = 0.0375 # Power production degradation (%/year) 

113 rlw = 3. # Length to width ratio 

114 nsa = 3. # Number of solar arrays 

115 rho = 700. # Mass density of arrays (kg/m^3) 

116 t = 0.005 # Thickness (m) 

117 D = 2. # Distance between panels (m) 

118 IbodyX = 6200. # kg*m^2 

119 IbodyY = 6200. # kg*m^2 

120 IbodyZ = 4700. # kg*m^2 

121 dt_slew = 760. # s 

122 theta = 15. # Deviation of moment axis from vertical (deg) 

123 As = 13.85 # Area reflecting radiation (m^2) 

124 c = 2.9979e8 # Speed of light (m/s) 

125 M = 7.96e15 # Magnetic moment of earth (A*m^2) 

126 Rd = 5. # Residual dipole of spacecraft (A*m^2) 

127 rhoa=5.148e-11 # Atmospheric density (kg/m^3) -- typo in Chaudhuri 2018 has this as 1e11 instead 

128 A = 13.85 # Cross-section in flight (m^2) 

129 Phold = 20. # Holding power (W) 

130 omega = 6000. # Max vel of wheel (rpm) 

131 nrw = 3. # Number of reaction wheels 


133 return {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if not k.startswith('_') and isinstance(v, float)} 



136def orbit_fun(inputs, output_path=None, pct_failure=0): 

137 """Compute the orbit model for the fire satellite system. 


139 :param inputs: `dict` of input variables `H` and `Φ` 

140 :param output_path: where to save model outputs 

141 :param pct_failure: probability of a failure 

142 :returns: `dict` with model outputs `Vsat`, `To`, `Te`, and `Slew` 

143 """ 

144 v = fire_sat_globals() # Global variables 


146 H = inputs['H'] # Altitude (m) 

147 phi = inputs[u'Φ'] # Target diameter (m) 

148 vel = np.sqrt(v['mu'] / (v['Re'] + H)) # Satellite velocity (m/s) 

149 dt_orbit = 2*np.pi*(v['Re'] + H) / vel # Orbit period (s) 

150 dt_eclipse = (dt_orbit/np.pi)*np.arcsin(v['Re'] / (v['Re'] + H)) # Eclipse period (s) 

151 theta_slew = np.arctan(np.sin(phi / v['Re']) / (1 - np.cos(phi / v['Re']) + H/v['Re'])) # Max slew angle (rad) 


153 num_samples = np.atleast_1d(H).shape[0] 


155 if np.random.rand() < pct_failure: 

156 i = np.random.randint(0, num_samples) 

157 i2 = np.random.randint(0, num_samples) 

158 vel[i] = np.nan 

159 theta_slew[i2] = np.nan 


161 y = {'Vsat': vel, 'To': dt_orbit, 'Te': dt_eclipse, 'Slew': theta_slew} 


163 if output_path is not None: 

164 files = [] 

165 id = str(uuid.uuid4()) 

166 for index in range(num_samples): 

167 fname = f'{id}_{index}.pkl' 

168 with open(Path(output_path) / fname, 'wb') as fd: 

169 pickle.dump({var: np.atleast_1d(y[var])[index] for var in y.keys()}, fd) 

170 files.append(fname) 

171 y['output_path'] = files 


173 return y 



176def power_fun(inputs, model_fidelity=(0,), *, output_path=None, pct_failure=0): 

177 """Compute the power model for the fire satellite system. 


179 :param inputs: `dict` of input variables `Po`, `Fs`, `To`, `Te`, and `Pat` 

180 :param model_fidelity: fidelity index for the model 

181 :param output_path: where to save model outputs 

182 :param pct_failure: probability of a failure 

183 :returns: `dict` with model outputs `Imin`, `Imax`, `Ptot`, and `Asa` 

184 """ 

185 alpha = model_fidelity 

186 pct = 1 - (2 - alpha[0]) * 0.04 if len(alpha) == 1 else 1 # extra pct error term 

187 v = fire_sat_globals() # Global variables 


189 Po = inputs['Po'] # Other power sources (W) 

190 Fs = inputs['Fs'] # Solar flux (W/m^2) 

191 dt_orbit = inputs['To'] # Orbit period (s) 

192 dt_eclipse = inputs['Te'] # Eclipse period (s) 

193 Pacs = inputs['Pat'] # Power from attitude control system (W) 


195 Ptot = Po + Pacs 

196 Pe = Ptot 

197 Pd = Ptot 

198 Xe = 0.6 # These are power efficiencies in eclipse and daylight 

199 Xd = 0.8 # See Ch. 11 of Wertz 1999 SMAD 

200 Te = dt_eclipse 

201 Td = dt_orbit - Te 

202 Psa = ((Pe*Te/Xe) + (Pd*Td/Xd)) / Td 

203 Pbol = v['eta'] * Fs * v['Id'] * np.cos(v['thetai']) 

204 Peol = Pbol * (1 - v['eps']) ** v['LT'] 

205 Asa = Psa / Peol # Total solar array size (m^2) 

206 L = np.sqrt(Asa * v['rlw'] / v['nsa']) 

207 W = np.sqrt(Asa / (v['rlw'] * v['nsa'])) 

208 msa = 2 * v['rho'] * L * W * v['t'] # Mass of solar array 

209 Ix = msa*((1/12)*(L**2 + v['t']**2) + (v['D']+L/2)**2) + v['IbodyX'] 

210 Iy = (msa/12)*(L**2 + W**2) + v['IbodyY'] # typo in Zaman 2013 has this as H**2 instead of L**2 

211 Iz = msa*((1/12)*(L**2 + W**2) + (v['D'] + L/2)**2) + v['IbodyZ'] 

212 Itot = np.concatenate((Ix[..., np.newaxis], Iy[..., np.newaxis], Iz[..., np.newaxis]), axis=-1) 

213 Imin = np.min(Itot, axis=-1) 

214 Imax = np.max(Itot, axis=-1) 


216 num_samples = np.atleast_1d(Po).shape[0] 


218 if np.random.rand() < pct_failure: 

219 i = np.random.randint(0, num_samples) 

220 i2 = np.random.randint(0, num_samples) 

221 Imin[i2] = np.nan 

222 Asa[i] = np.nan 


224 y = {'Imin': Imin, 'Imax': Imax*pct, 'Ptot': Ptot*pct, 'Asa': Asa} 


226 if output_path is not None: 

227 files = [] 

228 id = str(uuid.uuid4()) 

229 for index in range(num_samples): 

230 fname = f'{id}_{index}.pkl' 

231 with open(Path(output_path) / fname, 'wb') as fd: 

232 pickle.dump({var: np.atleast_1d(y[var])[index] for var in y.keys()}, fd) 

233 files.append(fname) 

234 y['output_path'] = files 


236 return y 



239def attitude_fun(inputs, model_fidelity=(0,)): 

240 """Compute the attitude model for the fire satellite system. 


242 :param inputs: `dict` of input variables `H`, `Fs`, `Lsp`, `q`, `La`, `Cd`, `Vsat`, and `Slew` 

243 :param model_fidelity: fidelity index for the model 

244 :returns: `dict` with model outputs `Pat` and `tau_tot` 

245 """ 

246 alpha = model_fidelity 

247 v = fire_sat_globals() # Global variables 

248 pct = 1 - (2 - alpha[0])*0.04 if len(alpha) == 1 else 1 # extra model fidelity pct error term 


250 H = inputs['H'] # Altitude (m) 

251 Fs = inputs['Fs'] # Solar flux 

252 Lsp = inputs['Lsp'] # Moment arm for solar radiation pressure 

253 q = inputs['q'] # Reflectance factor 

254 La = inputs['La'] # Moment arm for aerodynamic drag 

255 Cd = inputs['Cd'] # Drag coefficient 

256 vel = inputs['Vsat'] # Satellite velocity 

257 theta_slew = inputs['Slew'] # Max slew angle 

258 Imin = inputs['Imin'] # Minimum moment of inertia 

259 Imax = inputs['Imax'] # Maximum moment of inertia 


261 tau_slew = 4*theta_slew*Imax / v['dt_slew']**2 

262 tau_g = 3 * v['mu'] * np.abs(Imax - Imin) * np.sin(2 * v['theta'] * (np.pi / 180)) / (2 * (v['Re'] + H) ** 3) 

263 tau_sp = Lsp * Fs * v['As'] * (1 + q) * np.cos(v['thetai']) / v['c'] 

264 tau_m = 2 * v['M'] * v['Rd'] / (v['Re'] + H) ** 3 

265 tau_a = (1 / 2) * La * v['rhoa'] * Cd * v['A'] * vel ** 2 

266 tau_dist = np.sqrt(tau_g**2 + tau_sp**2 + tau_m**2 + tau_a**2) 

267 tau_tot = np.max(np.concatenate((tau_slew[..., np.newaxis], tau_dist[..., np.newaxis]), axis=-1), axis=-1) 

268 Pacs = tau_tot * (v['omega'] * (2 * np.pi / 60)) + v['nrw'] * v['Phold'] 


270 y = {'Pat': Pacs*pct, 'tau_tot': tau_tot*pct} 


272 return y 



275def fire_sat_system(save_dir=None): 

276 """Fire satellite detection system model from Chaudhuri 2018. 


278 !!! Note "Some modifications" 

279 Orbit will save outputs all the time; Power won't because it is part of an FPI loop. Orbit and Power can 

280 return `np.nan` some of the time (optional, to test robustness of surrogate). Power and Attitude have an 

281 `alpha` fidelity index that controls accuracy of the returned values. `alpha=0,1,2` corresponds to `8,4,0` 

282 percent error. 


284 :param save_dir: where to save model outputs 

285 :returns: a `System` object for the fire sat MD example system 

286 """ 

287 return System.load_from_file(Path(__file__).parent / 'fire-sat.yml', root_dir=save_dir)