Normal distribution
It is a frequent task to either sample from or evaluate the normal distribution. There are many ways to do this in
existing libraries, like np.random.randn()
or scipy.stats.norm
. However, sometimes you deal with multivariate data
of arbitrary shapes. What if you wanted to sample from N
distinct multivariate Gaussians, each with their own
covariances and means? Or perhaps you want to use the same covariance for all N
distributions and then evaluate
the pdf at M
completely different locations?
The code snippet here shows how we generalize normal sampling and pdfs using a vectorized implementation.
import numpy as np
import uqtils as uq
ndim = 3
shape = (5, ndim)
means = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=shape).astype(np.float64)
cov = np.eye(ndim) * 0.1
samples = uq.normal_sample(means, cov, size=1000) # (1000, 5, 3)
pdfs = uq.normal_pdf(samples, means, cov) # (1000, 5)
fig, ax = uq.ndscatter(samples[:, 0, :])
It is another frequent task to obtain first and second derivatives of objective functions, say for maximum likelihood estimation. The generalizations of 1st and 2nd derivatives for multivariate, vector-valued functions (i.e. multiple inputs and multiple outputs) are the Jacobian and Hessian matrices. It is convenient to have functions that evaluate the Jacobian/Hessian for arbitrary numbers of inputs or outputs, including the limiting case of a single input and single output (which gives the normal 1st and 2nd derivatives that we all know and love).
The code snippet here shows generalized finite-difference approximations of the Jacobian/Hessian for arbitrary input/output dimensions. The implementation is also vectorized over any number of extra axes, allowing you to evaluate multiple Jacobians/Hessians in one go.
import numpy as np
import uqtils as uq
# 1d example
def f(x):
return np.sin(x)
x0 = 1.0
df_dx = uq.approx_jac(f, x0)
d2f_dx2 = uq.approx_hess(f, x0)
# Multivariate example
n_in, n_out = 3, 2
def f(x):
x0, x1, x2 = [x[..., i] for i in range(n_in)]
f0 = x0 * x1 + x2
f1 = np.sin(x0)**2 + x2**3
return np.concatenate((f0[..., np.newaxis], f1[..., np.newaxis]), axis=-1)
shape = (100, 5, n_in)
x0 = np.random.rand(*shape)
jac = uq.approx_jac(f, x0) # (100, 5, n_out, n_in)
hess = uq.approx_hess(f, x0) # (100, 5, n_out, n_in, n_in)
Markov-Chain Monte Carlo
Here is an example of the delayed rejection adaptive Metropolis-Hastings (DRAM) algorithm for MCMC sampling. The
implementation is vectorized over nwalkers
, allowing multiple sampling chains to proceed in parallel.
import numpy as np
import uqtils as uq
def fun(x):
mu = [1, 1]
cov = [[0.5, -0.1], [-0.1, 0.5]]
return uq.normal_pdf(x, mu, cov, logpdf=True)
nsamples, nwalkers, ndim = 1000, 4, 2
x0 = np.random.randn(nwalkers, ndim)
cov0 = np.eye(ndim)
samples, log_pdf, accepted = uq.dram(fun, x0, nsamples, cov0=cov0)
burn_in = int(0.1 * nsamples)
samples = samples[burn_in:, ...].reshape((-1, ndim))
fig, ax = uq.ndscatter(samples, plot2d='hist')
Sobol' sensitivity analysis
Here is an example of getting the Sobol' indices for the Ishigami test function.