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1"""Examples for using the package."""
2# ruff: noqa: F841
3# ruff: noqa: I001
5def normal_example():
6 """Sample and plot a normal pdf."""
7 # --8<-- [start:normal]
8 import numpy as np
9 import uqtils as uq
11 ndim = 3
12 shape = (5, ndim)
14 means = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=shape).astype(np.float64)
15 cov = np.eye(ndim) * 0.1
17 samples = uq.normal_sample(means, cov, size=1000) # (1000, 5, 3)
18 pdfs = uq.normal_pdf(samples, means, cov) # (1000, 5)
20 fig, ax = uq.ndscatter(samples[:, 0, :])
21 # --8<-- [end:normal]
24def gradient_example():
25 """Evaluate 1d and multivariate gradients."""
26 # --8<-- [start:gradient]
27 import numpy as np
28 import uqtils as uq
30 # 1d example
31 def f(x):
32 return np.sin(x)
34 x0 = 1.0
35 df_dx = uq.approx_jac(f, x0)
36 d2f_dx2 = uq.approx_hess(f, x0)
38 # Multivariate example
39 n_in, n_out = 3, 2
40 def f(x):
41 x0, x1, x2 = [x[..., i] for i in range(n_in)]
42 f0 = x0 * x1 + x2
43 f1 = np.sin(x0)**2 + x2**3
44 return np.concatenate((f0[..., np.newaxis], f1[..., np.newaxis]), axis=-1)
46 shape = (100, 5, n_in)
47 x0 = np.random.rand(*shape)
48 jac = uq.approx_jac(f, x0) # (100, 5, n_out, n_in)
49 hess = uq.approx_hess(f, x0) # (100, 5, n_out, n_in, n_in)
50 # --8<-- [end:gradient]
53def mcmc_example():
54 """Sample from a logpdf distribution using MCMC."""
55 # --8<-- [start:mcmc]
56 import numpy as np
57 import uqtils as uq
59 def fun(x):
60 mu = [1, 1]
61 cov = [[0.5, -0.1], [-0.1, 0.5]]
62 return uq.normal_pdf(x, mu, cov, logpdf=True)
64 nsamples, nwalkers, ndim = 1000, 4, 2
65 x0 = np.random.randn(nwalkers, ndim)
66 cov0 = np.eye(ndim)
68 samples, log_pdf, accepted = uq.dram(fun, x0, nsamples, cov0=cov0)
70 burn_in = int(0.1 * nsamples)
71 samples = samples[burn_in:, ...].reshape((-1, ndim))
72 fig, ax = uq.ndscatter(samples, plot2d='hist')
73 # --8<-- [end:mcmc]
75def sobol_example():
76 """Do Sobol' analysis on the Ishigami test function."""
77 # --8<-- [start:sobol]
78 import numpy as np
79 import uqtils as uq
81 model = lambda x: uq.ishigami(x)['y']
82 sampler = lambda shape: np.random.rand(*shape, 3) * (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
83 n_samples = 1000
85 S1, ST = uq.sobol_sa(model, sampler, n_samples)
86 # --8<-- [end:sobol]