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Provides an object-oriented interface for model inputs/outputs, random variables, scalars, and field quantities.


  • Variable — an object that stores information about a variable and includes methods for sampling, pdf evaluation, normalization, compression, loading from file, etc. Variables can mostly be treated as strings that have some additional information and utilities attached to them.
  • VariableList — a container for Variables that provides dict-like access of Variables by name along with normal indexing and slicing.

The preferred serialization of Variable and VariableList is to/from yaml. This is done by default with the !Variable and !VariableList yaml tags.

Variable(name=None, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseModel, Serializable

Object for storing information about variables and providing methods for pdf evaluation, sampling, etc. All fields will undergo pydantic validation and conversion to the correct types.

A simple variable object can be created with var = Variable(). All initialization options are optional and will be given good defaults. You should probably at the very least give a memorable name and a domain. Variables can mostly be treated as strings with some extra information/utilities attached.

With the pyyaml library installed, all Variable objects can be saved or loaded directly from a .yml file by using the !Variable yaml tag (which is loaded by default with amisc).

  • Use Variable.distribution to specify PDFs, such as for random variables. See the Distribution classes.
  • Use Variable.norm to specify a transformed-space that is more amenable to surrogate construction (e.g. mapping to the range (0,1)). See the Transform classes.
  • Use Variable.compression to specify high-dimensional, coordinate-based field quantities, such as from the output of many simulation software programs. See the Compression classes.
  • Use Variable.category as an additional layer for using Variable's in different ways (e.g. set a "calibration" category for Bayesian inference).


# Random variable
temp = Variable(name='T', description='Temperature', units='K', distribution='Uniform(280, 320)')
samples = temp.sample(100)
pdf = temp.pdf(samples)

# Field quantity
vel = Variable(name='u', description='Velocity', units='m/s', compression={'fields': ['ux', 'uy', 'uz']})
vel_data = ...  # from a simulation
reduced_vel = vel.compress(vel_data)


Changes to collection fields (like Variable.norm) should completely reassign the whole collection to trigger the correct validation, rather than editing particular entries. For example, reassign norm=['log', 'linear(2, 2)'] rather than editing norm via norm.append('linear(2, 2)').


an identifier for the variable, can compare variables directly with strings for indexing purposes

TYPE: Optional[str]


a typical value for this variable

TYPE: Optional[float]


a lengthier description of the variable

TYPE: Optional[str]


assumed units for the variable (if applicable)

TYPE: Optional[str]


an additional descriptor for how this variable is used, e.g. calibration, operating, design, etc.

TYPE: Optional[str]


latex format for the variable, i.e. "\(x_i\)"

TYPE: Optional[str]


specifies field quantities and links to relevant compression data

TYPE: Optional[str | dict | Compression]


a string specifier of a probability distribution function (see the Distribution types)

TYPE: Optional[str | Distribution]


the explicit domain bounds of the variable (limits of where you expect to use it); for field quantities, this is a list of domains for each latent dimension

TYPE: Optional[str | tuple[float, float] | list]


specifier of a map to a transformed-space for surrogate construction (see the Transform types)

TYPE: Optional[_TransformLike]

Source code in src/amisc/
def __init__(self, /, name=None, **kwargs):
    # Try to set the variable name if instantiated as "x = Variable()"
    if name is None:
        name = _inspect_assignment('Variable')
    name = name or "X_" + "".join(random.choices(string.digits, k=3))
    super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs)

get_tex(units=False, symbol=True)

Return a raw string that is well-formatted for plotting (with latex).


whether to include the units in the string

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


just latex symbol if true, otherwise the full description

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


the latex formatted string

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_tex(self, units: bool = False, symbol: bool = True) -> str:
    """Return a raw string that is well-formatted for plotting (with latex).

    :param units: whether to include the units in the string
    :param symbol: just latex symbol if true, otherwise the full description
    :returns: the latex formatted string
    s = (self.tex if symbol else self.description) or
    return r'{} [{}]'.format(s, self.units or '-') if units else r'{}'.format(s)


Return the nominal value of the variable. Defaults to the mean for a normal distribution or the center of the domain if var.nominal is not specified. Returns a list of nominal values for each latent dimension if this is a field quantity with compression.

float | list | None

the nominal value(s)

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_nominal(self) -> float | list | None:
    """Return the nominal value of the variable. Defaults to the mean for a normal distribution or the
    center of the domain if `var.nominal` is not specified. Returns a list of nominal values for each latent
    dimension if this is a field quantity with compression.

    :returns: the nominal value(s)
    nominal = self.nominal
    if nominal is None:
        if dist := self.distribution:
            nominal = float(dist.nominal())
        elif domain := self.get_domain():
            nominal = [np.mean(d) for d in domain] if isinstance(domain, list) else float(np.mean(domain))

    return nominal


Return a tuple of the defined domain of this variable. Returns a list of domains for each latent dimension if this is a field quantity with compression.

tuple | list | None

the domain(s) of this variable

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_domain(self) -> tuple | list | None:
    """Return a tuple of the defined domain of this variable. Returns a list of domains for each latent dimension
    if this is a field quantity with compression.

    :returns: the domain(s) of this variable
    if self.domain is None:
        return None
    elif isinstance(self.domain, list):
        return self.domain
    elif self.compression is not None:
        # Try to infer a list of domains from compression latent size
            return [self.domain] * self.compression.latent_size()
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValueError(f'Variables with `compression` data should return a list of domains, one '
                             f'for each latent coefficient. Could not infer domain for "{}".') from e
        return self.domain


Return an array of the given shape for uniform samples over the domain of this variable. Returns samples for each latent dimension if this is a field quantity with compression.

Will always sample uniformly over the normalized surrogate domain if norm is specified, and will return samples in the original unnormalized domain.


The last dim of the returned samples will be the latent space size for field quantities.


the shape of samples to return

TYPE: tuple | int


the random samples over the domain of the variable

Source code in src/amisc/
def sample_domain(self, shape: tuple | int) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return an array of the given `shape` for uniform samples over the domain of this variable. Returns
    samples for each latent dimension if this is a field quantity with compression.

    Will always sample uniformly over the normalized surrogate domain if `norm` is specified, and will return
    samples in the original unnormalized domain.

    !!! Note
        The last dim of the returned samples will be the latent space size for field quantities.

    :param shape: the shape of samples to return
    :returns: the random samples over the domain of the variable
    if isinstance(shape, int):
        shape = (shape, )
    if domain := self.get_domain():
        if isinstance(domain, list):
            lb = np.atleast_1d([d[0] for d in domain])
            ub = np.atleast_1d([d[1] for d in domain])
            return np.random.rand(*shape, 1) * (ub - lb) + lb
            lb, ub = self.normalize(domain)
            norm_samples = np.random.rand(*shape) * (ub - lb) + lb
            return self.denormalize(norm_samples)
        raise RuntimeError(f'Variable "{}" does not have a domain specified.')

update_domain(domain, override=False)

Update the domain of this variable by taking the minimum or maximum of the new domain with the current domain for the lower and upper bounds, respectively. Will attempt to update the domain of each latent dimension if this is a field quantity with compression. If the variable has a Uniform distribution, this will update the distribution's bounds too.


the new domain(s) to update with

TYPE: tuple[float, float] | list[tuple]


will simply set the domain to the new values rather than update against the current domain; (default False)

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False

Source code in src/amisc/
def update_domain(self, domain: tuple[float, float] | list[tuple], override: bool = False):
    """Update the domain of this variable by taking the minimum or maximum of the new domain with the current domain
    for the lower and upper bounds, respectively. Will attempt to update the domain of each latent dimension
    if this is a field quantity with compression. If the variable has a `Uniform` distribution, this will
    update the distribution's bounds too.

    :param domain: the new domain(s) to update with
    :param override: will simply set the domain to the new values rather than update against the current domain;
                     (default `False`)
    def _update_domain(domain, curr_domain):
        lb, ub = domain
        ret = (lb, ub) if override else (min(lb, curr_domain[0]) if curr_domain is not None else lb,
                                         max(ub, curr_domain[1]) if curr_domain is not None else ub)
        return tuple(map(float, ret))

    curr_domain = self.get_domain()
    if isinstance(domain, list):
        if not isinstance(curr_domain, list):
            curr_domain = [curr_domain] * len(domain)
        self.domain = [_update_domain(d, curr_domain[i]) for i, d in enumerate(domain)]
    elif isinstance(curr_domain, list):
        if not isinstance(domain, list):
            domain = [domain] * len(curr_domain)
        self.domain = [_update_domain(d, curr_domain[i]) for i, d in enumerate(domain)]
        self.domain = _update_domain(domain, curr_domain)
        if (dist := self.distribution) is not None and isinstance(dist, Uniform | LogUniform):
            dist.dist_args = self.domain  # keep Uniform dist in sync


Compute the PDF of the Variable at the given x locations. Will just return one's if the variable does not have a distribution.


locations to compute the PDF at

TYPE: ndarray


the PDF evaluations at x

Source code in src/amisc/
def pdf(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Compute the PDF of the Variable at the given `x` locations. Will just return one's if the variable
    does not have a distribution.

    :param x: locations to compute the PDF at
    :returns: the PDF evaluations at `x`
    if dist := self.distribution:
        return dist.pdf(x)
        return np.ones(x.shape)  # No pdf if no dist is specified

sample(shape, nominal=None)

Draw samples from this Variable's distribution. Just returns the nominal value of the given shape if this Variable has no distribution.


the shape of the returned samples

TYPE: tuple | int


a nominal value to use if applicable (i.e. a center for relative, tolerance, or normal)

TYPE: float | ndarray DEFAULT: None


samples from the PDF of this Variable's distribution

Source code in src/amisc/
def sample(self, shape: tuple | int, nominal: float | np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Draw samples from this `Variable's` distribution. Just returns the nominal value of the given shape if
    this `Variable` has no distribution.

    :param shape: the shape of the returned samples
    :param nominal: a nominal value to use if applicable (i.e. a center for relative, tolerance, or normal)
    :returns: samples from the PDF of this `Variable's` distribution
    if isinstance(shape, int):
        shape = (shape, )
    if nominal is None:
        nominal = self.get_nominal()

    if dist := self.distribution:
        return dist.sample(shape, nominal)
        # Variable's with no distribution
        if nominal is None:
            raise ValueError(f'Cannot sample "{}" with no dist or nominal value specified.')
        elif isinstance(nominal, list | np.ndarray):
            return np.ones(shape + (len(nominal),)) * np.atleast_1d(nominal)  # For field quantities
            return np.ones(shape) * nominal

normalize(values, denorm=False)

Normalize values based on this Variable's norm method(s). See Transform for available norm methods.


If this Variable's self.norm was specified as a list of norm methods, then each will be applied in sequence in the original order (and in reverse for denorm=True). When self.distribution is involved in the transforms (only for minmax and zscore), the dist_args will get normalized too at each transform before applying the next transform.


the values to normalize (array-like)

TYPE: ArrayLike


whether to denormalize instead using the inverse of the original normalization method

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False

ArrayLike | None

the normalized (or unnormalized) values

Source code in src/amisc/
def normalize(self, values: ArrayLike, denorm: bool = False) -> ArrayLike | None:
    """Normalize `values` based on this `Variable's` `norm` method(s). See `Transform` for available norm methods.

    !!! Note
        If this Variable's `self.norm` was specified as a list of norm methods, then each will be applied in
        sequence in the original order (and in reverse for `denorm=True`). When `self.distribution` is involved in
        the transforms (only for `minmax` and `zscore`), the `dist_args` will get normalized too at each
        transform before applying the next transform.

    :param values: the values to normalize (array-like)
    :param denorm: whether to denormalize instead using the inverse of the original normalization method
    :returns: the normalized (or unnormalized) values
    if not self.norm or values is None:
        return values
    if dist := self.distribution:
        normal_dist = isinstance(dist, Normal)
        normal_dist = False

    def _normalize_single(values, transform, inverse, domain, dist_args):
        """Do a single transform. Might need to override transform_args depending on the transform."""
        transform_args = None
        if isinstance(transform, Minmax) and domain:
            transform_args = domain + transform.transform_args[2:]  # Update minmax bounds
        elif isinstance(transform, Zscore) and dist_args:
            transform_args = dist_args                              # Update N(mu, std)

        return transform.transform(values, inverse=inverse, transform_args=transform_args)

    domain = self.get_domain() or ()
    dist_args = self.distribution.dist_args if normal_dist else []
    if isinstance(domain, list):
        domain = ()  # For field quantities, domain is not used in normalization

    if denorm:
        # First, send domain and dist_args through the forward norm list (up until the last norm)
        hyperparams = [np.hstack((domain, dist_args))]
        for i, transform in enumerate(self.norm):
            domain, dist_args = tuple(hyperparams[i][:2]), tuple(hyperparams[i][2:])
            hyperparams.append(_normalize_single(hyperparams[i], transform, False, domain, dist_args))

        # Now denormalize in reverse
        hp_idx = -2
        for transform in reversed(self.norm):
            domain, dist_args = tuple(hyperparams[hp_idx][:2]), tuple(hyperparams[hp_idx][2:])
            values = _normalize_single(values, transform, True, domain, dist_args)
            hp_idx -= 1
        # Normalize values and hyperparams through the forward norm list
        hyperparams = np.hstack((domain, dist_args))
        for transform in self.norm:
            domain, dist_args = tuple(hyperparams[:2]), tuple(hyperparams[2:])
            values = _normalize_single(values, transform, denorm, domain, dist_args)
            hyperparams = _normalize_single(hyperparams, transform, denorm, domain, dist_args)

    return values


Alias for normalize(denorm=True). See normalize for more details.

Source code in src/amisc/
def denormalize(self, values):
    """Alias for `normalize(denorm=True)`. See `normalize` for more details."""
    return self.normalize(values, denorm=True)

compress(values, coords=None, reconstruct=False)

Compress or reconstruct field quantity values using this Variable's compression info.

Specifying compression values

If only one field quantity is associated with this variable, then specify values as dict(coords=..., name=...) for this Variable's name. If coords is not specified, then this assumes the locations are the same as the reconstruction data (and skips interpolation).

Compression workflow

Generally, compression follows interpolate -> normalize -> compress to take raw values into the compressed "latent" space. The interpolation step is required to make sure values align with the coordinates used when building the compression map in the first place (such as through SVD).


a dict with a key for each field qty of shape (..., qty.shape) and a coords key of shape (qty.shape, dim) that gives the coordinates of each point. Only a single latent key should be given instead if reconstruct=True.

TYPE: CompressionData


the coordinates of each point in values if values did not contain a coords key; defaults to the compression grid coordinates

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


whether to reconstruct values instead of compress

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


the compressed values with key latent and shape (..., latent_size); if reconstruct=True, then the reconstructed values with shape (..., qty.shape) for each qty key are returned. The return dict also has a coords key with shape (qty.shape, dim).

Source code in src/amisc/
def compress(self, values: CompressionData, coords: np.ndarray = None,
             reconstruct: bool = False) -> CompressionData:
    """Compress or reconstruct field quantity values using this `Variable's` compression info.

    !!! Note "Specifying compression values"
        If only one field quantity is associated with this variable, then
        specify `values` as `dict(coords=..., name=...)` for this Variable's `name`. If `coords` is not specified,
        then this assumes the locations are the same as the reconstruction data (and skips interpolation).

    !!! Info "Compression workflow"
        Generally, compression follows `interpolate -> normalize -> compress` to take raw values into the compressed
        "latent" space. The interpolation step is required to make sure `values` align with the coordinates used
        when building the compression map in the first place (such as through SVD).

    :param values: a `dict` with a key for each field qty of shape `(..., qty.shape)` and a `coords` key of shape
                  `(qty.shape, dim)` that gives the coordinates of each point. Only a single `latent` key should
                  be given instead if `reconstruct=True`.
    :param coords: the coordinates of each point in `values` if `values` did not contain a `coords` key;
                   defaults to the compression grid coordinates
    :param reconstruct: whether to reconstruct values instead of compress
    :returns: the compressed values with key `latent` and shape `(..., latent_size)`; if `reconstruct=True`,
              then the reconstructed values with shape `(..., qty.shape)` for each `qty` key are returned.
              The return `dict` also has a `coords` key with shape `(qty.shape, dim)`.
    if not self.compression:
        raise ValueError(f'Compression is not supported for variable "{}". Please specify a compression'
                         f' method for this variable.')
    if not self.compression.map_exists:
        raise ValueError(f'Compression map not computed yet for "{}".')

    # Default field coordinates to the compression coordinates if they are not provided
    field_coords = values.pop('coords', coords)
    if field_coords is None:
        field_coords = self.compression.coords
    ret_dict = {'coords': field_coords}

    # For reconstruction: decompress -> denormalize -> interpolate
    if reconstruct:
            states = np.atleast_1d(values['latent'])    # (..., rank)
        except KeyError as e:
            raise ValueError('Must pass values["latent"] in for reconstruction.') from e
        states = self.compression.reconstruct(states)   # (..., dof)
        states = self.denormalize(states)               # (..., dof)
        states = self.compression.interpolate_from_grid(states, field_coords)

    # For compression: interpolate -> normalize -> compress
        states = self.compression.interpolate_to_grid(field_coords, values)
        states = self.normalize(states)                 # (..., dof)
        states = self.compression.compress(states)      # (..., rank)
        ret_dict['latent'] = states

    return ret_dict

reconstruct(values, coords=None)

Alias for compress(reconstruct=True). See compress for more details.

Source code in src/amisc/
def reconstruct(self, values, coords=None):
    """Alias for `compress(reconstruct=True)`. See `compress` for more details."""
    return self.compress(values, coords=coords, reconstruct=True)


Convert a Variable to a dict with only standard Python types (i.e. convert custom objects like dist and norm to strings and save compression to a .pkl).


the path to save the compression data to (defaults to current directory)

TYPE: str | Path DEFAULT: '.'


the serialized dict of the Variable object

Source code in src/amisc/
def serialize(self, save_path: str | Path = '.') -> dict:
    """Convert a `Variable` to a `dict` with only standard Python types
    (i.e. convert custom objects like `dist` and `norm` to strings and save `compression` to a `.pkl`).

    :param save_path: the path to save the compression data to (defaults to current directory)
    :returns: the serialized `dict` of the `Variable` object
    d = {}
    for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
        if value is not None and not key.startswith('_'):
            if key == 'domain':
                d[key] = [str(v) for v in value] if isinstance(value, list) else str(value)
            elif key == 'distribution':
                d[key] = str(value)
            elif key == 'norm':
                d[key] = [str(transform) for transform in value]
            elif key == 'compression':
                fname = f'{}_compression.pkl'
                d[key] = value.serialize(save_path=Path(save_path) / fname)
                d[key] = value
    return d

deserialize(data, search_paths=None) classmethod

Convert a dict to a Variable object. Let pydantic handle validation and conversion of fields.


the dict to convert to a Variable

TYPE: dict


the paths to search for compression files (if necessary)

TYPE: list[str | Path] DEFAULT: None


the Variable object

Source code in src/amisc/
def deserialize(cls, data: dict, search_paths: list[str | Path] = None) -> Variable:
    """Convert a `dict` to a `Variable` object. Let `pydantic` handle validation and conversion of fields.

    :param data: the `dict` to convert to a `Variable`
    :param search_paths: the paths to search for compression files (if necessary)
    :returns: the `Variable` object
    if isinstance(data, Variable):
        return data
    elif isinstance(data, str):
        return cls(name=data)
        if (compression := data.get('compression', None)) is not None:
            if isinstance(compression, str):
                data['compression'] = search_for_file(compression, search_paths=search_paths)
        return cls(**data)

VariableList(data=None, **kwargs)

Bases: OrderedDict, Serializable

Store Variables as str(var) : Variable in the order they were passed in. You can:

  • Initialize/update from a single Variable or a list of Variables
  • Get/set a Variable directly or by name via my_vars[var] or my_vars[str(var)] etc.
  • Retrieve the original order of insertion by list(my_vars.items())
  • Access/delete elements by order of insertion using integer/slice indexing (i.e. my_vars[1:3])
  • Save/load from yaml file using the !VariableList tag

Initialize a collection of Variable objects.

Source code in src/amisc/
def __init__(self, data: list[Variable] | Variable | OrderedDict | dict = None, **kwargs):
    """Initialize a collection of `Variable` objects."""
    self.update(data, **kwargs)


Get normalized variable domains (expand latent coefficient domains for field quantities). Assume a domain of (0, 1) for variables if their domain is not specified.


whether to normalize the domains using Variable.norm (useful for getting bds for surrogate); latent coefficient domains do not get normalized

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


a dict of variables to their normalized domains; field quantities return a domain for each of their latent coefficients

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_domains(self, norm: bool = True):
    """Get normalized variable domains (expand latent coefficient domains for field quantities). Assume a
    domain of `(0, 1)` for variables if their domain is not specified.

    :param norm: whether to normalize the domains using `Variable.norm` (useful for getting bds for surrogate);
                 latent coefficient domains do not get normalized
    :returns: a `dict` of variables to their normalized domains; field quantities return a domain for each
              of their latent coefficients
    domains = {}
    for var in self:
        var_domain = var.get_domain()
        if isinstance(var_domain, list):  # only field qtys return a list of domains, one for each latent coeff
            for i, domain in enumerate(var_domain):
                domains[f'{}{LATENT_STR_ID}{i}'] = domain
        elif var_domain is None:
            domains[] = (0, 1)
            domains[] = var.normalize(var_domain) if norm else var_domain
    return domains


Get callable pdfs for all variables (skipping field quantities for now)


whether values passed to the pdf functions are normalized and should be denormed first before pdf evaluation (useful for surrogate construction where samples are gathered in the normalized space)

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


a dict of variables to callable pdf functions; field quantities are skipped.

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_pdfs(self, norm: bool = True):
    """Get callable pdfs for all variables (skipping field quantities for now)

    :param norm: whether values passed to the pdf functions are normalized and should be denormed first
                 before pdf evaluation (useful for surrogate construction where samples are gathered in the
                 normalized space)
    :returns: a `dict` of variables to callable pdf functions; field quantities are skipped.
    def _get_pdf(var, norm):
        return lambda z: var.pdf(var.denormalize(z) if norm else z)

    pdf_fcns = {}
    for var in self:
        var_domain = var.get_domain()
        if isinstance(var_domain, list):  # only field qtys return a list of domains, one for each latent coeff
            # for i, domain in enumerate(var_domain):
                # pdf_fcns[f'{}{LATENT_STR_ID}{i}'] = var.latent_pdfs[i]  TODO: Implement latent pdfs
            pdf_fcns[] = _get_pdf(var, norm)
    return pdf_fcns

update(data=None, **kwargs)

Update from a list or dict of Variable objects, or from key=value pairs.

Source code in src/amisc/
def update(self, data: list[Variable | str] | str | Variable | OrderedDict | dict = None, **kwargs):
    """Update from a list or dict of `Variable` objects, or from `key=value` pairs."""
    if data:
        if isinstance(data, OrderedDict | dict):
            for key, value in data.items():
                self.__setitem__(key, value)
            data = [data] if not isinstance(data, list | tuple) else data
            for variable in data:
                self.__setitem__(str(variable), variable)
    if kwargs:
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            self.__setitem__(key, value)

get(key, default=None)

Make sure this passes through __getitem__()

Source code in src/amisc/
def get(self, key, default=None):
    """Make sure this passes through `__getitem__()`"""
        return self.__getitem__(key)
    except Exception:
        return default


Convert to a list of dict objects for each Variable in the list.


the path to save the compression data to (defaults to current directory)


Source code in src/amisc/
def serialize(self, save_path='.') -> list[dict]:
    """Convert to a list of `dict` objects for each `Variable` in the list.

    :param save_path: the path to save the compression data to (defaults to current directory)
    return [var.serialize(save_path=save_path) for var in self.values()]

merge(*variable_lists) classmethod

Merge multiple sets of variables into a single VariableList object.


Variables with the same name will be merged by keeping the one with the most information provided.


the variables/lists to merge



the merged VariableList object

Source code in src/amisc/
def merge(cls, *variable_lists) -> VariableList:
    """Merge multiple sets of variables into a single `VariableList` object.

    !!! Note
        Variables with the same name will be merged by keeping the one with the most information provided.

    :param variable_lists: the variables/lists to merge
    :returns: the merged `VariableList` object
    merged_vars = cls()

    def _get_best_variable(var1, var2):
        var1_dict = {key: value for key, value in var1.__dict__.items() if value is not None}
        var2_dict = {key: value for key, value in var2.__dict__.items() if value is not None}
        return var1 if len(var1_dict) >= len(var2_dict) else var2

    for var_list in variable_lists:
        for var in cls(var_list):
            if in merged_vars:
                merged_vars[] = _get_best_variable(merged_vars[], var)
                merged_vars[] = var

    return merged_vars

deserialize(data, search_paths=None) classmethod

Convert a dict or list of dict objects to a VariableList object. Let pydantic handle validation.

Source code in src/amisc/
def deserialize(cls, data: dict | list[dict], search_paths=None) -> VariableList:
    """Convert a `dict` or list of `dict` objects to a `VariableList` object. Let `pydantic` handle validation."""
    if not isinstance(data, list):
        data = [data]
    return cls([Variable.deserialize(d, search_paths=search_paths) for d in data])