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Classes for storing and managing training data for surrogate models. The TrainingData interface also specifies how new training data should be sampled over the input space (i.e. experimental design).


  • TrainingData — an interface for storing surrogate training data.
  • SparseGrid — a class for storing training data in a sparse grid format.

SparseGrid(collocation_rule='leja', knots_per_level=2, expand_latent_method='round-robin', opt_args=lambda: {'locally_biased': False, 'maxfun': 300}(), betas=set(), x_grids=dict(), yi_map=dict(), yi_nan_map=dict(), error_map=dict(), latent_size=dict()) dataclass

Bases: TrainingData, PickleSerializable

A class for storing training data in a sparse grid format. The SparseGrid class stores training points by their coordinate location in a larger tensor-product grid, and obtains new training data by refining a single 1d grid at a time.

MISC and sparse grids

MISC itself can be thought of as an extension to the well-known sparse grid technique, so this class readily integrates with the MISC implementation in Component. Sparse grids limit the curse of dimensionality up to about dim = 10-15 for the input space (which would otherwise be infeasible with a normal full tensor-product grid of the same size).

About points in a sparse grid

A sparse grid approximates a full tensor-product grid \((N_1, N_2, ..., N_d)\), where \(N_i\) is the number of grid points along dimension \(i\), for a \(d\)-dimensional space. Each point is uniquely identified in the sparse grid by a list of indices \((j_1, j_2, ..., j_d)\), where \(j_i = 0 ... N_i\). We refer to this unique identifier as a "grid coordinate". In the SparseGrid data structure, these coordinates are used along with the alpha fidelity index to uniquely locate the training data for a given multi-index pair.


the collocation rule to use for generating new grid points (only 'leja' is supported)

TYPE: str


the number of grid knots/points per level in the beta fidelity multi-index

TYPE: int


method for expanding latent grids, either 'round-robin' or 'tensor-product'

TYPE: str


extra arguments for the global 1d direct optimizer

TYPE: dict


a set of all beta multi-indices that have been seen so far

TYPE: set[MultiIndex]


a dict of grid points for each 1d input dimension

TYPE: dict[str, ArrayLike]


a dict of model outputs for each grid coordinate

TYPE: dict[MultiIndex, dict[tuple[int, ...], dict[str, ArrayLike]]]


a dict of imputed model outputs for each grid coordinate where the model failed (or gave nan)

TYPE: dict[MultiIndex, dict[tuple[int, ...], dict[str, ArrayLike]]]


a dict of error information for each grid coordinate where the model failed

TYPE: dict[MultiIndex, dict[tuple[int, ...], dict[str, Any]]]


the number of latent coefficients for each variable (0 if scalar)

TYPE: dict[str, int]

beta_to_knots(beta, knots_per_level=None, latent_size=None, expand_latent_method=None)

Convert a beta multi-index to the number of knots per dimension in the sparse grid.


refinement level indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


level-to-grid-size multiplier, i.e. number of new points (or knots) for each beta level



the number of latent coefficients for each variable (0 if scalar); number of variables and order should match the beta multi-index

TYPE: dict DEFAULT: None


method for expanding latent grids, either 'round-robin' or 'tensor-product'



the number of knots/points per dimension for the sparse grid

Source code in src/amisc/
def beta_to_knots(self, beta: MultiIndex, knots_per_level: int = None, latent_size: dict = None,
                  expand_latent_method: str = None) -> tuple:
    """Convert a `beta` multi-index to the number of knots per dimension in the sparse grid.

    :param beta: refinement level indices
    :param knots_per_level: level-to-grid-size multiplier, i.e. number of new points (or knots) for each beta level
    :param latent_size: the number of latent coefficients for each variable (0 if scalar); number of variables and
                        order should match the `beta` multi-index
    :param expand_latent_method: method for expanding latent grids, either 'round-robin' or 'tensor-product'
    :returns: the number of knots/points per dimension for the sparse grid
    knots_per_level = knots_per_level or self.knots_per_level
    latent_size = latent_size or self.latent_size
    expand_latent_method = expand_latent_method or self.expand_latent_method

    grid_size = []
    for i, (var, num_latent) in enumerate(latent_size.items()):
        if num_latent > 0:
            match expand_latent_method:
                case 'round-robin':
                    if beta[i] == 0:
                        grid_size.append((1,) * num_latent)  # initializes all latent grids to 1
                        latent_refine_idx = (beta[i] - 1) % num_latent
                        latent_refine_num = ((beta[i] - 1) // num_latent) + 1
                        latent_beta = tuple([latent_refine_num] * (latent_refine_idx + 1) +
                                            [latent_refine_num - 1] * (num_latent - latent_refine_idx - 1))
                        latent_grid = [knots_per_level * latent_beta[j] + 1 for j in range(num_latent)]
                case 'tensor-product':
                    grid_size.append((knots_per_level * beta[i] + 1,) * num_latent)
                case other:
                    raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown method for expanding latent grids: {other}")
            grid_size.append(knots_per_level * beta[i] + 1)

    return tuple(grid_size)


Clear all training data.

Source code in src/amisc/
def clear(self):
    """Clear all training data."""

collocation_1d(N, z_bds, z_pts=None, wt_fcn=None, method='leja', opt_args=None) staticmethod

Find the next N points in the 1d sequence of z_pts using the provided collocation method.


number of new points to add to the sequence

TYPE: int


bounds on the 1d domain

TYPE: tuple


current univariate sequence (Nz,), start at middle of z_bds if None

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


weighting function, uses a constant weight if None, callable as wt_fcn(z)

TYPE: callable DEFAULT: None


collocation method to use, currently only 'leja' is supported

DEFAULT: 'leja'


extra arguments for the global 1d direct optimizer



the univariate sequence z_pts augmented by N new points

Source code in src/amisc/
def collocation_1d(N: int, z_bds: tuple, z_pts: np.ndarray = None,
                   wt_fcn: callable = None, method='leja', opt_args=None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Find the next `N` points in the 1d sequence of `z_pts` using the provided collocation method.

    :param N: number of new points to add to the sequence
    :param z_bds: bounds on the 1d domain
    :param z_pts: current univariate sequence `(Nz,)`, start at middle of `z_bds` if `None`
    :param wt_fcn: weighting function, uses a constant weight if `None`, callable as `wt_fcn(z)`
    :param method: collocation method to use, currently only 'leja' is supported
    :param opt_args: extra arguments for the global 1d `direct` optimizer
    :returns: the univariate sequence `z_pts` augmented by `N` new points
    opt_args = opt_args or {}
    if wt_fcn is None:
        wt_fcn = lambda z: 1
    if z_pts is None:
        z_pts = (z_bds[1] + z_bds[0]) / 2
        N = N - 1
    z_pts = np.atleast_1d(z_pts)

    match method:
        case 'leja':
            # Construct Leja sequence by maximizing the Leja objective sequentially
            for i in range(N):
                obj_fun = lambda z: -wt_fcn(np.array(z)) * - z_pts))
                res = direct(obj_fun, [z_bds], **opt_args)  # Use global DIRECT optimization over 1d domain
                z_star = res.x
                z_pts = np.concatenate((z_pts, z_star))
        case other:
            raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown collocation method: {other}")

    return z_pts

get(alpha, beta, y_vars=None, skip_nan=False)

Get the training data from the sparse grid for a given alpha and beta pair.

Source code in src/amisc/
def get(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex, y_vars: list[str] = None, skip_nan: bool = False):
    """Get the training data from the sparse grid for a given `alpha` and `beta` pair."""
    return self.get_by_coord(alpha, list(self._expand_grid_coords(beta)), y_vars=y_vars, skip_nan=skip_nan)

get_by_coord(alpha, coords, y_vars=None, skip_nan=False)

Get training data from the sparse grid for a given alpha and list of grid coordinates. Try to replace nan values with imputed values. Skip any data points with remaining nan values if skip_nan=True.


the model fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


a list of grid coordinates to locate the yi values in the sparse grid data structure

TYPE: list


the keys of the outputs to return (if None, return all outputs)

TYPE: list DEFAULT: None


skip any data points with remaining nan values if skip_nan=True (only for numeric outputs)

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


dicts of model inputs xi_dict and outputs yi_dict

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_by_coord(self, alpha: MultiIndex, coords: list, y_vars: list = None, skip_nan: bool = False):
    """Get training data from the sparse grid for a given `alpha` and list of grid coordinates. Try to replace
    `nan` values with imputed values. Skip any data points with remaining `nan` values if `skip_nan=True`.

    :param alpha: the model fidelity indices
    :param coords: a list of grid coordinates to locate the `yi` values in the sparse grid data structure
    :param y_vars: the keys of the outputs to return (if `None`, return all outputs)
    :param skip_nan: skip any data points with remaining `nan` values if `skip_nan=True` (only for numeric outputs)
    :returns: `dicts` of model inputs `xi_dict` and outputs `yi_dict`
    N = len(coords)
    is_numeric = {}
    is_singleton = {}
    xi_dict = self._extract_grid_points(coords)
    yi_dict = {}

    first_yi = next(iter(self.yi_map[alpha].values()))
    if y_vars is None:
        y_vars = first_yi.keys()

    for var in y_vars:
        yi = np.atleast_1d(first_yi[var])
        is_numeric[var] = self._is_numeric(yi)
        is_singleton[var] = self._is_singleton(yi)
        yi_dict[var] = np.empty(N, dtype=np.float64 if is_numeric[var] and is_singleton[var] else object)

    for i, coord in enumerate(coords):
            yi_curr = self.yi_map[alpha][coord]
            for var in y_vars:
                yi = arr if (arr := self.yi_nan_map[alpha].get(coord, {}).get(var)) is not None else yi_curr[var]
                yi_dict[var][i] = yi if is_singleton[var] else np.atleast_1d(yi)

        except KeyError as e:
            raise KeyError(f"Can't access sparse grid data for alpha={alpha}, coord={coord}. "
                           f"Make sure the data has been set first.") from e

    # Delete nans if requested (only for numeric singleton outputs)
    if skip_nan:
        nan_idx = np.full(N, False)
        for var in y_vars:
            if is_numeric[var] and is_singleton[var]:
                nan_idx |= np.isnan(yi_dict[var])

        xi_dict = {k: v[~nan_idx] for k, v in xi_dict.items()}
        yi_dict = {k: v[~nan_idx] for k, v in yi_dict.items()}

    return xi_dict, yi_dict  # Both with elements of shape (N, ...) for N grid points

impute_missing_data(alpha, beta)

Impute missing values in the sparse grid for a given multi-index pair by linear regression imputation.

Source code in src/amisc/
def impute_missing_data(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex):
    """Impute missing values in the sparse grid for a given multi-index pair by linear regression imputation."""
    imputer, xi_all, yi_all = None, None, None

    # only impute (small-length) numeric quantities
    yi_dict = next(iter(self.yi_map[alpha].values()))
    output_vars = [var for var in self._numeric_outputs(yi_dict)
                   if len(np.ravel(yi_dict[var])) <= self.MAX_IMPUTE_SIZE]

    for coord, yi_dict in self.yi_map[alpha].items():
        if any([np.any(np.isnan(yi_dict[var])) for var in output_vars]):
            if imputer is None:
                # Grab all 'good' interpolation points and train a simple linear regression fit
                xi_all, yi_all = self.get(alpha, beta, y_vars=output_vars, skip_nan=True)
                if len(xi_all) == 0 or len(next(iter(xi_all.values()))) == 0:
                    continue  # possible if no good data has been set yet

                N = next(iter(xi_all.values())).shape[0]  # number of grid points
                xi_mat = np.concatenate([xi_all[var][:, np.newaxis] if len(xi_all[var].shape) == 1 else
                                         xi_all[var] for var in xi_all.keys()], axis=-1)
                yi_mat = np.concatenate([yi_all[var][:, np.newaxis] if len(yi_all[var].shape) == 1 else
                                         yi_all[var].reshape((N, -1)) for var in output_vars], axis=-1)

                imputer = _RidgeRegression(alpha=1.0)
      , yi_mat)

            # Run the imputer for this coordinate
            x_interp = self._extract_grid_points(coord)
            x_interp = np.concatenate([x_interp[var][:, np.newaxis] if len(x_interp[var].shape) == 1 else
                                       x_interp[var] for var in x_interp.keys()], axis=-1)
            y_interp = imputer.predict(x_interp)

            # Unpack the imputed value
            y_impute = {}
            start_idx = 0
            for var in output_vars:
                var_shape = yi_all[var].shape[1:] or (1,)
                end_idx = start_idx + int(
                yi = np.atleast_1d(y_interp[0, start_idx:end_idx]).reshape(var_shape)
                nan_idx = np.isnan(np.atleast_1d(yi_dict[var]))
                yi[~nan_idx] = np.atleast_1d(yi_dict[var])[~nan_idx]  # Only keep imputed values where yi is nan
                y_impute[var] = float(yi[0]) if self._is_singleton(yi) else yi.tolist()
                start_idx = end_idx

            self.yi_nan_map[alpha][coord] = copy.deepcopy(y_impute)

is_one_level_refinement(beta_old, beta_new) staticmethod

Check if a new beta multi-index is a one-level refinement from a previous beta.


Refining from (0, 1, 2) to the new multi-index (1, 1, 2) is a one-level refinement. But refining to either (2, 1, 2) or (1, 2, 2) are not, since more than one refinement occurs at the same time.


the starting multi-index

TYPE: tuple


the new refined multi-index

TYPE: tuple


whether beta_new is a one-level refinement from beta_old

Source code in src/amisc/
def is_one_level_refinement(beta_old: tuple, beta_new: tuple) -> bool:
    """Check if a new `beta` multi-index is a one-level refinement from a previous `beta`.

    !!! Example
        Refining from `(0, 1, 2)` to the new multi-index `(1, 1, 2)` is a one-level refinement. But refining to
        either `(2, 1, 2)` or `(1, 2, 2)` are not, since more than one refinement occurs at the same time.

    :param beta_old: the starting multi-index
    :param beta_new: the new refined multi-index
    :returns: whether `beta_new` is a one-level refinement from `beta_old`
    level_diff = np.array(beta_new, dtype=int) - np.array(beta_old, dtype=int)
    ind = np.nonzero(level_diff)[0]
    return ind.shape[0] == 1 and level_diff[ind] == 1

refine(alpha, beta, input_domains, weight_fcns=None)

Refine the sparse grid for a given alpha and beta pair and given collocation rules. Return any new grid points that do not have model evaluations saved yet.


The beta multi-index is used to determine the number of collocation points in each input dimension. The length of beta should therefore match the number of variables in x_vars.

Source code in src/amisc/
def refine(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex, input_domains: dict, weight_fcns: dict = None):
    """Refine the sparse grid for a given `alpha` and `beta` pair and given collocation rules. Return any new
    grid points that do not have model evaluations saved yet.

    !!! Note
        The `beta` multi-index is used to determine the number of collocation points in each input dimension. The
        length of `beta` should therefore match the number of variables in `x_vars`.
    weight_fcns = weight_fcns or {}

    # Initialize a sparse grid for beta=(0, 0, ..., 0)
    if np.sum(beta) == 0:
        if len(self.x_grids) == 0:
            num_latent = {}
            for var in input_domains:
                if LATENT_STR_ID in var:
                    base_id = var.split(LATENT_STR_ID)[0]
                    num_latent[base_id] = 1 if base_id not in num_latent else num_latent[base_id] + 1
                    num_latent[var] = 0
            self.latent_size = num_latent

            new_pt = {}
            domains = iter(input_domains.items())
            for grid_size in self.beta_to_knots(beta):
                if isinstance(grid_size, int):  # scalars
                    var, domain = next(domains)
                    new_pt[var] = self.collocation_1d(grid_size, domain, method=self.collocation_rule,
                                                      wt_fcn=weight_fcns.get(var, None),
                else:                           # latent coeffs
                    for s in grid_size:
                        var, domain = next(domains)
                        new_pt[var] = self.collocation_1d(s, domain, method=self.collocation_rule,
                                                          wt_fcn=weight_fcns.get(var, None),
            self.x_grids = new_pt
        self.yi_map.setdefault(alpha, dict())
        self.yi_nan_map.setdefault(alpha, dict())
        self.error_map.setdefault(alpha, dict())
        new_coords = list(self._expand_grid_coords(beta))
        return new_coords, self._extract_grid_points(new_coords)

    # Otherwise, refine the sparse grid
    for beta_old in self.betas:
        # Get the first lower neighbor in the sparse grid and refine the 1d grid if necessary
        if self.is_one_level_refinement(beta_old, beta):
            new_grid_size = self.beta_to_knots(beta)
            inputs = zip(self.x_grids.keys(), self.x_grids.values(), input_domains.values())

            for new_size in new_grid_size:
                if isinstance(new_size, int):       # scalar grid
                    var, grid, domain = next(inputs)
                    if len(grid) < new_size:
                        num_new_pts = new_size - len(grid)
                        self.x_grids[var] = self.collocation_1d(num_new_pts, domain, grid, opt_args=self.opt_args,
                                                                wt_fcn=weight_fcns.get(var, None),
                else:                               # latent grid
                    for s_new in new_size:
                        var, grid, domain = next(inputs)
                        if len(grid) < s_new:
                            num_new_pts = s_new - len(grid)
                            self.x_grids[var] = self.collocation_1d(num_new_pts, domain, grid,
                                                                    wt_fcn=weight_fcns.get(var, None),

    new_coords = []
    for coord in self._expand_grid_coords(beta):
        if coord not in self.yi_map[alpha]:
            # If we have not computed this grid coordinate yet

    new_pts = self._extract_grid_points(new_coords)

    return new_coords, new_pts

set(alpha, beta, coords, yi_dict)

Store model output yi_dict values.


the model fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


the surrogate fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


a list of grid coordinates to locate the yi values in the sparse grid data structure

TYPE: list


a dict of model output yi values

TYPE: dict[str, ArrayLike]

Source code in src/amisc/
def set(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex, coords: list, yi_dict: dict[str, ArrayLike]):
    """Store model output `yi_dict` values.

    :param alpha: the model fidelity indices
    :param beta: the surrogate fidelity indices
    :param coords: a list of grid coordinates to locate the `yi` values in the sparse grid data structure
    :param yi_dict: a `dict` of model output `yi` values
    for i, coord in enumerate(coords):  # First dim of yi is loop dim aligning with coords
        new_yi = {}
        for var, yi in yi_dict.items():
            yi = np.atleast_1d(yi[i])
            new_yi[var] = (float(yi[0]) if self._is_numeric(yi) else yi[0]) if self._is_singleton(yi) else yi.tolist()  # noqa: E501
        self.yi_map[alpha][coord] = copy.deepcopy(new_yi)

set_errors(alpha, beta, coords, errors)

Store error information in the sparse-grid for a given multi-index pair.

Source code in src/amisc/
def set_errors(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex, coords: list, errors: list[dict]):
    """Store error information in the sparse-grid for a given multi-index pair."""
    for coord, error in zip(coords, errors):
        self.error_map[alpha][coord] = copy.deepcopy(error)


Bases: Serializable, ABC

Interface for storing and collecting surrogate training data. TrainingData objects should:

  • get - retrieve the training data
  • set - store the training data
  • refine - generate new design points for the parent Component model
  • clear - clear all training data
  • set_errors - store error information (if desired)
  • impute_missing_data - fill in missing values in the training data (if desired)

clear() abstractmethod

Clear all training data.

Source code in src/amisc/
def clear(self):
    """Clear all training data."""
    raise NotImplementedError

from_dict(config) classmethod

Create a TrainingData object from a dict configuration. Currently, only method='sparse-grid' is supported for the SparseGrid class.

Source code in src/amisc/
def from_dict(cls, config: dict) -> TrainingData:
    """Create a `TrainingData` object from a `dict` configuration. Currently, only `method='sparse-grid'` is
    supported for the `SparseGrid` class.
    method = config.pop('method', 'sparse-grid').lower()
    match method:
        case 'sparse-grid':
            return SparseGrid(**config)
        case other:
            raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown training data method: {other}")

get(alpha, beta, y_vars=None, skip_nan=False) abstractmethod

Return the training data for a given multi-index pair.


the model fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


the surrogate fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


the keys of the outputs to return (if None, return all outputs)

TYPE: list[str] DEFAULT: None


skip any data points with remaining nan values if skip_nan=True

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False

tuple[Dataset, Dataset]

dicts of model inputs x_train and outputs y_train

Source code in src/amisc/
def get(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex, y_vars: list[str] = None,
        skip_nan: bool = False) -> tuple[Dataset, Dataset]:
    """Return the training data for a given multi-index pair.

    :param alpha: the model fidelity indices
    :param beta: the surrogate fidelity indices
    :param y_vars: the keys of the outputs to return (if `None`, return all outputs)
    :param skip_nan: skip any data points with remaining `nan` values if `skip_nan=True`
    :returns: `dicts` of model inputs `x_train` and outputs `y_train`
    raise NotImplementedError

impute_missing_data(alpha, beta) abstractmethod

Impute missing values in the training data for a given multi-index pair (just pass if you don't care).


the model fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


the surrogate fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex

Source code in src/amisc/
def impute_missing_data(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex):
    """Impute missing values in the training data for a given multi-index pair (just pass if you don't care).

    :param alpha: the model fidelity indices
    :param beta: the surrogate fidelity indices
    raise NotImplementedError

refine(alpha, beta, input_domains, weight_fcns=None) abstractmethod

Return new design/training points for a given multi-index pair and their coordinates/locations in the TrainingData storage structure.


domains = {'x1': (0, 1), 'x2': (0, 1)}
alpha, beta = (0, 1), (1, 1)
coords, x_train = training_data.refine(alpha, beta, domains)
y_train = my_model(x_train)
training_data.set(alpha, beta, coords, y_train)

The returned data coordinates coords should be any object that can be used to locate the corresponding x_train training points in the TrainingData storage structure. These coords will be passed back to the set function to store the training data at a later time (i.e. after model evaluation).


the model fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


the surrogate fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


a dict specifying domain bounds for each input variable

TYPE: dict[str, tuple]


a dict of weighting functions for each input variable

TYPE: dict[str, callable] DEFAULT: None

tuple[list[Any], Dataset]

a list of new data coordinates coords and the corresponding training points x_train

Source code in src/amisc/
def refine(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex, input_domains: dict[str, tuple],
           weight_fcns: dict[str, callable] = None) -> tuple[list[Any], Dataset]:
    """Return new design/training points for a given multi-index pair and their coordinates/locations in the
    `TrainingData` storage structure.

    !!! Example
        domains = {'x1': (0, 1), 'x2': (0, 1)}
        alpha, beta = (0, 1), (1, 1)
        coords, x_train = training_data.refine(alpha, beta, domains)
        y_train = my_model(x_train)
        training_data.set(alpha, beta, coords, y_train)

    The returned data coordinates `coords` should be any object that can be used to locate the corresponding
    `x_train` training points in the `TrainingData` storage structure. These `coords` will be passed back to the
    `set` function to store the training data at a later time (i.e. after model evaluation).

    :param alpha: the model fidelity indices
    :param beta: the surrogate fidelity indices
    :param input_domains: a `dict` specifying domain bounds for each input variable
    :param weight_fcns: a `dict` of weighting functions for each input variable
    :returns: a list of new data coordinates `coords` and the corresponding training points `x_train`
    raise NotImplementedError

set(alpha, beta, coords, yi_dict) abstractmethod

Store training data for a given multi-index pair.


the model fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


the surrogate fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


locations for storing the yi values in the underlying data structure

TYPE: list[Any]


a dict of model output yi values, each entry should be the same length as coords

TYPE: Dataset

Source code in src/amisc/
def set(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex, coords: list[Any], yi_dict: Dataset):
    """Store training data for a given multi-index pair.

    :param alpha: the model fidelity indices
    :param beta: the surrogate fidelity indices
    :param coords: locations for storing the `yi` values in the underlying data structure
    :param yi_dict: a `dict` of model output `yi` values, each entry should be the same length as `coords`
    raise NotImplementedError

set_errors(alpha, beta, coords, errors) abstractmethod

Store error information for a given multi-index pair (just pass if you don't care).


the model fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


the surrogate fidelity indices

TYPE: MultiIndex


locations for storing the error information in the underlying data structure

TYPE: list[Any]


a list of error dictionaries, should be the same length as coords

TYPE: list[dict]

Source code in src/amisc/
def set_errors(self, alpha: MultiIndex, beta: MultiIndex, coords: list[Any], errors: list[dict]):
    """Store error information for a given multi-index pair (just pass if you don't care).

    :param alpha: the model fidelity indices
    :param beta: the surrogate fidelity indices
    :param coords: locations for storing the error information in the underlying data structure
    :param errors: a list of error dictionaries, should be the same length as `coords`
    raise NotImplementedError