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The SystemSurrogate is a framework for multidisciplinary models. It manages multiple single discipline component models and the connections between them. It provides a top-level interface for constructing and evaluating surrogates.


  • Manages multidisciplinary models in a graph data structure, supports feedforward and feedback connections
  • Feedback connections are solved with a fixed-point iteration (FPI) nonlinear solver
  • FPI uses Anderson acceleration and surrogate evaluations for speed-up
  • Top-level interface for training and using surrogates of each component model
  • Adaptive experimental design for choosing training data efficiently
  • Convenient testing, plotting, and performance metrics provided to assess quality of surrogates
  • Detailed logging and traceback information
  • Supports parallel execution with OpenMP and MPI protocols
  • Abstract and flexible interfacing with component models

Model specification

Models are callable Python wrapper functions of the form ret = model(x, *args, **kwargs), where x is an np.ndarray of model inputs (and *args, **kwargs allow passing any other required configurations for your model). The return value is a Python dictionary of the form ret = {'y': y, 'files': files, 'cost': cost, etc.}. In the return dictionary, you specify the raw model output y as an np.ndarray at a minimum. Optionally, you can specify paths to output files and the average model cost (in seconds of cpu time), and anything else you want. Your model() function can do anything it wants in order to go from xy. Python has the flexibility to call virtually any external codes, or to implement the function natively with numpy.

Component specification

A component adds some extra configuration around a callable model. These configurations are defined in a Python dictionary, which we give the custom type ComponentSpec. At a bare minimum, you must specify a callable model and its connections to other models within the multidisciplinary system. The limiting case is a single component model, for which the configuration is simply component = ComponentSpec(model).

ComponentSpec(model, name='', exo_in=None, coupling_in=None, coupling_out=None, truth_alpha=(), max_alpha=(), max_beta=(), surrogate='lagrange', model_args=(), model_kwargs=None, save_output=False)

Bases: UserDict

Provides a simple extension class of a Python dictionary, used to configure a component model.

Specifying a list of random variables

The three fields: exo_in, coupling_in, and coupling_out fully determine how a component fits within a multidisciplinary system. For each, you must specify a list of variables in the same order as the model uses them. The model will use all exogenous inputs first, and then all coupling inputs. You can use a variable's global integer index into the system exo_vars or coupling_vars, or you can use the str id of the variable or the variable itself. This is summarized in the amisc.IndicesRV custom type.


Let's say you have a model:

def my_model(x, *args, **kwargs):
    print(x.shape)  # (3,), so a total of 3 inputs
    G = 6.674e-11
    m1 = x[0]           # System-level input
    m2 = x[1]           # System-level input
    r = x[2]            # Coupling input
    F = G*m1*m2 / r**2
    return {'y': F}
Let's say this model is part of a larger system where m1 and m2 are specified by the system, and r comes from a different model that predicts the distance between two objects. You would set the configuration as:
component = ComponentSpec(my_model, exo_in=['m1', 'm2'], coupling_in=['r'], coupling_out=['F'])

Construct the configuration for this component model.


Always specify the model at a global scope, i.e. don't use lambda or nested functions. When saving to file, only a symbolic reference to the function signature will be saved, which must be globally defined when loading back from that save file.


the component model, must be defined in a global scope (i.e. in a module or top-level of a script)

TYPE: callable


the name used to identify this component model



specifies the global, system-level (i.e. exogenous/external) inputs to this model



specifies the coupling inputs received from other models

TYPE: IndicesRV | dict[str:IndicesRV] DEFAULT: None


specifies all outputs of this model (which may couple later to downstream models)



the model fidelity indices to treat as a "ground truth" reference

TYPE: tuple | int DEFAULT: ()


the maximum model fidelity indices to allow for refinement purposes

TYPE: tuple | int DEFAULT: ()


the maximum surrogate fidelity indices to allow for refinement purposes

TYPE: tuple | int DEFAULT: ()


one of ('lagrange, 'analytical'), or the ComponentSurrogate class to use directly

TYPE: str | ComponentSurrogate DEFAULT: 'lagrange'


optional arguments to pass to the component model

TYPE: tuple DEFAULT: ()


optional keyword arguments to pass to the component model

TYPE: dict DEFAULT: None


whether this model will be saving outputs to file

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False

Source code in src/amisc/
def __init__(self, model: callable, name: str = '', exo_in: IndicesRV = None,
             coupling_in: IndicesRV | dict[str: IndicesRV] = None, coupling_out: IndicesRV = None,
             truth_alpha: tuple | int = (), max_alpha: tuple | int = (), max_beta: tuple | int = (),
             surrogate: str | ComponentSurrogate = 'lagrange', model_args: tuple = (), model_kwargs: dict = None,
             save_output: bool = False):
    """Construct the configuration for this component model.

    !!! Warning
        Always specify the model at a _global_ scope, i.e. don't use `lambda` or nested functions. When saving to
        file, only a symbolic reference to the function signature will be saved, which must be globally defined
        when loading back from that save file.

    :param model: the component model, must be defined in a global scope (i.e. in a module or top-level of a script)
    :param name: the name used to identify this component model
    :param exo_in: specifies the global, system-level (i.e. exogenous/external) inputs to this model
    :param coupling_in: specifies the coupling inputs received from other models
    :param coupling_out: specifies all outputs of this model (which may couple later to downstream models)
    :param truth_alpha: the model fidelity indices to treat as a "ground truth" reference
    :param max_alpha: the maximum model fidelity indices to allow for refinement purposes
    :param max_beta: the maximum surrogate fidelity indices to allow for refinement purposes
    :param surrogate: one of ('lagrange, 'analytical'), or the `ComponentSurrogate` class to use directly
    :param model_args: optional arguments to pass to the component model
    :param model_kwargs: optional keyword arguments to pass to the component model
    :param save_output: whether this model will be saving outputs to file
    d = locals()
    d2 = {key: value for key, value in d.items() if key in ComponentSpec.Options}

SystemSurrogate(components, exo_vars, coupling_vars, est_bds=0, save_dir=None, executor=None, stdout=True, init_surr=True, logger_name=None)

Multidisciplinary (MD) surrogate framework top-level class.

Accessing individual components

The ComponentSurrogate objects that compose SystemSurrogate are internally stored in the self.graph.nodes data structure. You can access them with get_component(comp_name).


global list of exogenous/external inputs for the MD system

TYPE: list[BaseRV]


global list of coupling variables for the MD system (including all system-level outputs)

TYPE: list[BaseRV]


the total number of refinement steps that have been made

TYPE: int


contains data that summarizes surrogate training progress

TYPE: dict


root directory where all surrogate build products are saved to file

TYPE: str


log file where all logs are written to by default

TYPE: str


manages parallel execution for the system

TYPE: Executor


the internal graph data structure of the MD system

TYPE: nx.DiGraph

Construct the MD system surrogate.


Component models should always use coupling variables in the order they appear in the system-level coupling_vars.


list of components in the MD system (using the ComponentSpec class)

TYPE: list[ComponentSpec] | ComponentSpec


list of system-level exogenous/external inputs

TYPE: list[BaseRV] | BaseRV


list of all coupling variables (including all system-level outputs)

TYPE: list[BaseRV] | BaseRV


number of samples to estimate coupling variable bounds, do nothing if 0



root directory for all build products (.log, .pkl, .json, etc.), won't save if None

TYPE: str | Path DEFAULT: None


an instance of a concurrent.futures.Executor, use to iterate new candidates in parallel

TYPE: Executor DEFAULT: None


whether to log to console

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


whether to initialize the surrogate immediately when constructing

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


the name of the logger to use, if None then uses class name by default


Source code in src/amisc/
def __init__(self, components: list[ComponentSpec] | ComponentSpec, exo_vars: list[BaseRV] | BaseRV,
             coupling_vars: list[BaseRV] | BaseRV, est_bds: int = 0, save_dir: str | Path = None,
             executor: Executor = None, stdout: bool = True, init_surr: bool = True, logger_name: str = None):
    """Construct the MD system surrogate.

    !!! Warning
        Component models should always use coupling variables in the order they appear in the system-level

    :param components: list of components in the MD system (using the ComponentSpec class)
    :param exo_vars: list of system-level exogenous/external inputs
    :param coupling_vars: list of all coupling variables (including all system-level outputs)
    :param est_bds: number of samples to estimate coupling variable bounds, do nothing if 0
    :param save_dir: root directory for all build products (.log, .pkl, .json, etc.), won't save if None
    :param executor: an instance of a `concurrent.futures.Executor`, use to iterate new candidates in parallel
    :param stdout: whether to log to console
    :param init_surr: whether to initialize the surrogate immediately when constructing
    :param logger_name: the name of the logger to use, if None then uses class name by default
    # Setup root save directory
    if save_dir is not None:
        timestamp ='.')[0].replace(':', '.')
        save_dir = Path(save_dir) / ('amisc_' + timestamp)
    self.root_dir = None
    self.log_file = None
    self.logger = None
    self.executor = executor
    self.graph = nx.DiGraph()
    self.set_root_directory(save_dir, stdout=stdout, logger_name=logger_name)

    # Store system info in a directed graph data structure
    self.exo_vars = copy.deepcopy(exo_vars) if isinstance(exo_vars, list) else [exo_vars]
    self.x_vars = self.exo_vars     # Create an alias to be consistent with components
    self.coupling_vars = copy.deepcopy(coupling_vars) if isinstance(coupling_vars, list) else [coupling_vars]
    self.refine_level = 0
    self.build_metrics = dict()     # Save refinement error metrics during training

    # Construct graph nodes
    components = [components] if not isinstance(components, list) else components
    for k, comp in enumerate(components):
        if comp['name'] == '':
            comp['name'] = f'Component {k}'
    Nk = len(components)
    nodes = {comp['name']: comp for comp in components}  # work-around since self.graph.nodes is not built yet
    for k in range(Nk):
        # Add the component as a str() node, with attributes specifying details of the surrogate
        comp_dict = components[k]
        indices, surr = self._build_component(comp_dict, nodes=nodes)
        self.graph.add_node(comp_dict['name'], surrogate=surr, is_computed=False, **indices)

    # Connect all neighbor nodes
    for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():
        for neighbor in node_obj['local_in']:
            self.graph.add_edge(neighbor, node)

    self.set_logger(logger_name, stdout=stdout)  # Need to update component loggers

    # Estimate coupling variable bounds
    if est_bds > 0:

    # Init system with most coarse fidelity indices in each component
    if init_surr:

fit(qoi_ind=None, num_refine=100, max_iter=20, max_tol=0.001, max_runtime=1, save_interval=0, update_bounds=True, test_set=None, n_jobs=1)

Train the system surrogate adaptively by iterative refinement until an end condition is met.


list of system QoI variables to focus refinement on, use all QoI if not specified



number of samples of exogenous inputs to compute error indicators on

TYPE: int DEFAULT: 100


the maximum number of refinement steps to take



the max allowable value in relative L2 error to achieve

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 0.001


the maximum wall clock time (hr) to run refinement for (will go until all models finish)

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 1


number of refinement steps between each progress save, none if 0



whether to continuously update coupling variable bounds during refinement

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


dict(xt=(Nt, x_dim), yt=(Nt, y_dim) to show convergence of surrogate to the truth model

TYPE: dict DEFAULT: None


number of cpu workers for computing error indicators (on master MPI task), 1=sequential


Source code in src/amisc/
def fit(self, qoi_ind: IndicesRV = None, num_refine: int = 100, max_iter: int = 20, max_tol: float = 1e-3,
        max_runtime: float = 1, save_interval: int = 0, update_bounds: bool = True, test_set: dict = None,
        n_jobs: int = 1):
    """Train the system surrogate adaptively by iterative refinement until an end condition is met.

    :param qoi_ind: list of system QoI variables to focus refinement on, use all QoI if not specified
    :param num_refine: number of samples of exogenous inputs to compute error indicators on
    :param max_iter: the maximum number of refinement steps to take
    :param max_tol: the max allowable value in relative L2 error to achieve
    :param max_runtime: the maximum wall clock time (hr) to run refinement for (will go until all models finish)
    :param save_interval: number of refinement steps between each progress save, none if 0
    :param update_bounds: whether to continuously update coupling variable bounds during refinement
    :param test_set: `dict(xt=(Nt, x_dim), yt=(Nt, y_dim)` to show convergence of surrogate to the truth model
    :param n_jobs: number of cpu workers for computing error indicators (on master MPI task), 1=sequential
    qoi_ind = self._get_qoi_ind(qoi_ind)
    Nqoi = len(qoi_ind)
    max_iter = self.refine_level + max_iter
    curr_error = np.inf
    t_start = time.time()
    test_stats, xt, yt, t_fig, t_ax = None, None, None, None, None

    # Record of (error indicator, component, alpha, beta, num_evals, total added cost (s)) for each iteration
    train_record = self.build_metrics.get('train_record', [])
    if test_set is not None:
        xt, yt = test_set['xt'], test_set['yt']
    xt, yt = self.build_metrics.get('xt', xt), self.build_metrics.get('yt', yt)  # Overrides test set param

    # Track convergence progress on a test set and on the max error indicator
    err_fig, err_ax = plt.subplots()
    if xt is not None and yt is not None:
        self.build_metrics['xt'] = xt
        self.build_metrics['yt'] = yt
        if self.build_metrics.get('test_stats') is not None:
            test_stats = self.build_metrics.get('test_stats')
            # Get initial perf metrics, (2, Nqoi)
            test_stats = np.expand_dims(self.get_test_metrics(xt, yt, qoi_ind=qoi_ind), axis=0)
        t_fig, t_ax = plt.subplots(1, Nqoi) if Nqoi > 1 else plt.subplots()

    # Set up a parallel pool of workers, sequential if n_jobs=1
    with Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=0) as ppool:
        while True:
            # Check all end conditions
            if self.refine_level >= max_iter:
                self._print_title_str(f'Termination criteria reached: Max iteration {self.refine_level}/{max_iter}')
            if curr_error == -np.inf:
                self._print_title_str('Termination criteria reached: No candidates left to refine')
            if curr_error < max_tol:
                self._print_title_str(f'Termination criteria reached: L2 error {curr_error} < tol {max_tol}')
            if ((time.time() - t_start)/3600.0) >= max_runtime:
                actual = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time()-t_start)
                target = datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_runtime*3600)
                self._print_title_str(f'Termination criteria reached: runtime {str(actual)} > {str(target)}')

            # Refine surrogate and save progress
            refine_res = self.refine(qoi_ind=qoi_ind, num_refine=num_refine, update_bounds=update_bounds,
            curr_error = refine_res[0]
            if save_interval > 0 and self.refine_level % save_interval == 0:

            # Plot progress of error indicator
            error_record = [res[0] for res in train_record]
            self.build_metrics['train_record'] = train_record
            err_ax.clear(); err_ax.grid(); err_ax.plot(error_record, '-k')
            ax_default(err_ax, 'Iteration', r'Relative $L_2$ error indicator', legend=False)
            if self.root_dir is not None:
                err_fig.savefig(str(Path(self.root_dir) / 'error_indicator.png'), dpi=300, format='png')

            # Plot progress on test set
            if xt is not None and yt is not None:
                stats = self.get_test_metrics(xt, yt, qoi_ind=qoi_ind)
                test_stats = np.concatenate((test_stats, stats[np.newaxis, ...]), axis=0)
                for i in range(Nqoi):
                    ax = t_ax if Nqoi == 1 else t_ax[i]
                    ax.clear(); ax.grid(); ax.set_yscale('log')
                    ax.plot(test_stats[:, 1, i], '-k')
                    ax_default(ax, 'Iteration', r'Relative $L_2$ error', legend=False)
                t_fig.set_size_inches(3.5*Nqoi, 3.5)
                if self.root_dir is not None:
                    t_fig.savefig(str(Path(self.root_dir) / 'test_set.png'), dpi=300, format='png')
                self.build_metrics['test_stats'] = test_stats

    self._save_progress('sys_final.pkl')'Final system surrogate: \n {self}')


Get a breakdown of cost allocation up to a certain iteration number during training (starting at 1).


the iteration number to get allocation results for (defaults to last refinement step)



cost_alloc, offline_alloc, cost_cum - the cost alloc per node/fidelity and cumulative training cost

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_allocation(self, idx: int = None):
    """Get a breakdown of cost allocation up to a certain iteration number during training (starting at 1).

    :param idx: the iteration number to get allocation results for (defaults to last refinement step)
    :returns: `cost_alloc, offline_alloc, cost_cum` - the cost alloc per node/fidelity and cumulative training cost
    if idx is None:
        idx = self.refine_level
    if idx > self.refine_level:
        raise ValueError(f'Specified index: {idx} is greater than the max training level of {self.refine_level}')

    cost_alloc = dict()     # Cost allocation per node and model fidelity
    cost_cum = [0.0]        # Cumulative cost allocation during training

    # Add initialization costs for each node
    for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():
        surr = node_obj['surrogate']
        base_alpha = (0,) * len(surr.truth_alpha)
        base_beta = (0,) * (len(surr.max_refine) - len(surr.truth_alpha))
        base_cost = surr.get_cost(base_alpha, base_beta)
        cost_alloc[node] = dict()
        if base_cost > 0:
            cost_alloc[node][str(base_alpha)] = np.array([1, float(base_cost)])
            cost_cum[0] += float(base_cost)

    # Add cumulative training costs
    for i in range(idx):
        err_indicator, node, alpha, beta, num_evals, cost = self.build_metrics['train_record'][i]
        if cost_alloc[node].get(str(alpha), None) is None:
            cost_alloc[node][str(alpha)] = np.zeros(2)  # (num model evals, total cpu_time cost)
        cost_alloc[node][str(alpha)] += [round(num_evals), float(cost)]

    # Get summary of total offline costs spent building search candidates (i.e. training overhead)
    offline_alloc = dict()
    for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():
        surr = node_obj['surrogate']
        offline_alloc[node] = dict()
        for alpha, beta in surr.candidate_set:
            if offline_alloc[node].get(str(alpha), None) is None:
                offline_alloc[node][str(alpha)] = np.zeros(2)   # (num model evals, total cpu_time cost)
            added_cost = surr.get_cost(alpha, beta)
            base_cost = surr.get_sub_surrogate(alpha, beta).model_cost
            offline_alloc[node][str(alpha)] += [round(added_cost/base_cost), float(added_cost)]

    return cost_alloc, offline_alloc, np.cumsum(cost_cum)


Return the ComponentSurrogate object for this component.


name of the component to return

TYPE: str


the ComponentSurrogate object

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_component(self, comp_name: str) -> ComponentSurrogate:
    """Return the `ComponentSurrogate` object for this component.

    :param comp_name: name of the component to return
    :returns: the `ComponentSurrogate` object
    comp = self if comp_name == 'System' else self.graph.nodes[comp_name]['surrogate']
    return comp

get_test_metrics(xt, yt, qoi_ind=None, training=True)

Get relative L2 error metric over a test set.


(Nt, x_dim) random test set of inputs

TYPE: ndarray


(Nt, y_dim) random test set outputs

TYPE: ndarray


list of indices of QoIs to get metrics for



whether to evaluate the surrogate in training or evaluation mode

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


stats - (2, Nqoi) array → [num_candidates, rel_L2_error] for each QoI

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_test_metrics(self, xt: np.ndarray, yt: np.ndarray, qoi_ind: IndicesRV = None,
                     training: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
    """Get relative L2 error metric over a test set.

    :param xt: `(Nt, x_dim)` random test set of inputs
    :param yt: `(Nt, y_dim)` random test set outputs
    :param qoi_ind: list of indices of QoIs to get metrics for
    :param training: whether to evaluate the surrogate in training or evaluation mode
    :returns: `stats` - `(2, Nqoi)` array &rarr; `[num_candidates, rel_L2_error]` for each QoI
    qoi_ind = self._get_qoi_ind(qoi_ind)
    ysurr = self(xt, training=training)
    ysurr = ysurr[:, qoi_ind]
    yt = yt[:, qoi_ind]
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        rel_l2_err = np.sqrt(np.mean((yt - ysurr) ** 2, axis=0)) / np.sqrt(np.mean(yt ** 2, axis=0))
        rel_l2_err = np.nan_to_num(rel_l2_err, posinf=np.nan, neginf=np.nan, nan=np.nan)
    num_cands = 0
    for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():
        num_cands += len(node_obj['surrogate'].index_set) + len(node_obj['surrogate'].candidate_set)

    # Get test stats for each QoI
    stats = np.zeros((2, yt.shape[-1]))
    self.logger.debug(f'{"QoI idx": >10} {"Iteration": >10} {"len(I_k)": >10} {"Relative L2": >15}')
    for i in range(yt.shape[-1]):
        stats[:, i] = np.array([num_cands, rel_l2_err[i]])
        self.logger.debug(f'{i: 10d} {self.refine_level: 10d} {num_cands: 10d} {rel_l2_err[i]: 15.5f}')

    return stats


Add the coarsest multi-index to each component surrogate.

Source code in src/amisc/
def init_system(self):
    """Add the coarsest multi-index to each component surrogate."""
    self._print_title_str('Initializing all component surrogates')
    for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():
        # for alpha, beta in list(node_obj['surrogate'].candidate_set):
        #     # Add one refinement in each input dimension to initialize
        #     node_obj['surrogate'].activate_index(alpha, beta)"Initialized component '{node}'.")

insert_component(component, exo_add=None, qoi_add=None)

Insert a new component into the system.


specs of new component model

TYPE: ComponentSpec


variables to add to system exogenous inputs (will be appended to end of exo_vars)

TYPE: BaseRV | list[BaseRV] DEFAULT: None


system output QoIs to add (will be appended to end of coupling_vars)

TYPE: BaseRV | list[BaseRV] DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/amisc/
def insert_component(self, component: ComponentSpec, exo_add: BaseRV | list[BaseRV] = None,
                     qoi_add: BaseRV | list[BaseRV] = None):
    """Insert a new component into the system.

    :param component: specs of new component model
    :param exo_add: variables to add to system exogenous inputs (will be appended to end of `exo_vars`)
    :param qoi_add: system output QoIs to add (will be appended to end of `coupling_vars`)
    if exo_add is not None:
        exo_add = [exo_add] if not isinstance(exo_add, list) else exo_add
    if qoi_add is not None:
        qoi_add = [qoi_add] if not isinstance(qoi_add, list) else qoi_add

    indices, surr = self._build_component(component)
    self.graph.add_node(component['name'], surrogate=surr, is_computed=False, **indices)

    # Add graph edges
    neighbors = list(indices['local_in'].keys())
    for neighbor in neighbors:
        self.graph.add_edge(neighbor, component['name'])"Inserted component '{component['name']}'.")

load_from_file(filename, root_dir=None, executor=None, stdout=True, logger_name=None) staticmethod

Load a SystemSurrogate object from file.


the .pkl file to load

TYPE: str | Path


if provided, an amisc_timestamp directory will be created at root_dir. Ignored if the .pkl file already resides in an amisc-like directory. If none, then the surrogate object is only loaded into memory and is not given a file directory for any save artifacts.

TYPE: str | Path DEFAULT: None


a concurrent.futures.Executor object to set; clears it if None

TYPE: Executor DEFAULT: None


whether to log to console

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


the name of the logger to use, if None then uses class name by default



the SystemSurrogate object

Source code in src/amisc/
def load_from_file(filename: str | Path, root_dir: str | Path = None, executor: Executor = None,
                   stdout: bool = True, logger_name: str = None):
    """Load a `SystemSurrogate` object from file.

    :param filename: the .pkl file to load
    :param root_dir: if provided, an `amisc_timestamp` directory will be created at `root_dir`. Ignored if the
                     `.pkl` file already resides in an `amisc`-like directory. If none, then the surrogate object
                     is only loaded into memory and is not given a file directory for any save artifacts.
    :param executor: a `concurrent.futures.Executor` object to set; clears it if None
    :param stdout: whether to log to console
    :param logger_name: the name of the logger to use, if None then uses class name by default
    :returns: the `SystemSurrogate` object
    with open(Path(filename), 'rb') as dill_file:
        sys_surr = dill.load(dill_file)
        sys_surr.x_vars = sys_surr.exo_vars     # backwards compatible v0.2.0

    copy_flag = False
    if root_dir is None:
        parts = Path(filename).resolve().parts
        if len(parts) > 2:
            if parts[-3].startswith('amisc_'):
                root_dir = Path(filename).parent.parent  # Assumes amisc_root/sys/filename.pkl default structure
        if not Path(root_dir).is_dir():
            root_dir = '.'
        timestamp ='.')[0].replace(':', '.')
        root_dir = Path(root_dir) / ('amisc_' + timestamp)
        copy_flag = True

    sys_surr.set_root_directory(root_dir, stdout=stdout, logger_name=logger_name)

    if copy_flag:
        shutil.copyfile(Path(filename), root_dir / 'sys' / Path(filename).name)

    return sys_surr

plot_allocation(cmap='Blues', text_bar_width=0.06, arrow_bar_width=0.02)

Plot bar charts showing cost allocation during training.

Beta feature

This has pretty good default settings, but it might look terrible for your use. Mostly provided here as a template for making cost allocation bar charts. Please feel free to copy and edit in your own code.


the colormap string identifier for plt

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'Blues'


the minimum total cost fraction above which a bar will print centered model fidelity text

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 0.06


the minimum total cost fraction above which a bar will try to print text with an arrow; below this amount, the bar is too skinny and won't print any text

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 0.02


fig, ax, Figure and Axes objects

Source code in src/amisc/
def plot_allocation(self, cmap: str = 'Blues', text_bar_width: float = 0.06, arrow_bar_width: float = 0.02):
    """Plot bar charts showing cost allocation during training.

    !!! Warning "Beta feature"
        This has pretty good default settings, but it might look terrible for your use. Mostly provided here as
        a template for making cost allocation bar charts. Please feel free to copy and edit in your own code.

    :param cmap: the colormap string identifier for `plt`
    :param text_bar_width: the minimum total cost fraction above which a bar will print centered model fidelity text
    :param arrow_bar_width: the minimum total cost fraction above which a bar will try to print text with an arrow;
                            below this amount, the bar is too skinny and won't print any text
    :returns: `fig, ax`, Figure and Axes objects
    # Get total cost (including offline overhead)
    train_alloc, offline_alloc, cost_cum = self.get_allocation()
    total_cost = cost_cum[-1]
    for node, alpha_dict in offline_alloc.items():
        for alpha, cost in alpha_dict.items():
            total_cost += cost[1]

    # Remove nodes with cost=0 from alloc dicts (i.e. analytical models)
    remove_nodes = []
    for node, alpha_dict in train_alloc.items():
        if len(alpha_dict) == 0:
    for node in remove_nodes:
        del train_alloc[node]
        del offline_alloc[node]

    # Bar chart showing cost allocation breakdown for MF system at end
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey='row')
    width = 0.7
    x = np.arange(len(train_alloc))
    xlabels = list(train_alloc.keys())
    cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
    for k in range(2):
        ax = axs[k]
        alloc = train_alloc if k == 0 else offline_alloc
        ax.set_title('Online training' if k == 0 else 'Overhead')
        for j, (node, alpha_dict) in enumerate(alloc.items()):
            bottom = 0
            c_intervals = np.linspace(0, 1, len(alpha_dict))
            bars = [(alpha, cost, cost[1] / total_cost) for alpha, cost in alpha_dict.items()]
            bars = sorted(bars, key=lambda ele: ele[2], reverse=True)
            for i, (alpha, cost, frac) in enumerate(bars):
                p =[j], frac, width, color=cmap(c_intervals[i]), linewidth=1,
                           edgecolor=[0, 0, 0], bottom=bottom)
                bottom += frac
                if frac > text_bar_width:
                    ax.bar_label(p, labels=[f'{alpha}, {round(cost[0])}'], label_type='center')
                elif frac > arrow_bar_width:
                    xy = (x[j] + width / 2, bottom - frac / 2)  # Label smaller bars with a text off to the side
                    ax.annotate(f'{alpha}, {round(cost[0])}', xy, xytext=(xy[0] + 0.2, xy[1]),
                                arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '->', 'linewidth': 1})
                    pass  # Don't label really small bars
        ax_default(ax, '', "Fraction of total cost" if k == 0 else '', legend=False)
        ax.set_xticks(x, xlabels)
        ax.set_xlim(left=-1, right=x[-1] + 1)
    fig.set_size_inches(8, 4)

    if self.root_dir is not None:
        fig.savefig(Path(self.root_dir) / 'mf_allocation.png', dpi=300, format='png')

    return fig, axs

plot_slice(slice_idx=None, qoi_idx=None, show_surr=True, show_model=None, model_dir=None, N=50, nominal=None, random_walk=False, from_file=None)

Helper function to plot 1d slices of the surrogate and/or model(s) over the inputs.


list of exogenous input variables or indices to take 1d slices of



list of model output variables or indices to plot 1d slices of



whether to show the surrogate prediction

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


also plot model predictions, list() of ['best', 'worst', tuple(alpha), etc.]

TYPE: list DEFAULT: None


base directory to save model outputs (if specified)

TYPE: str | Path DEFAULT: None


the number of points to take in the 1d slice



dict of str(var)->nominal to use as constant value for all non-sliced variables

TYPE: dict[str:float] DEFAULT: None


whether to slice in a random d-dimensional direction or hold all params const while slicing

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


path to a .pkl file to load a saved slice from disk

TYPE: str | Path DEFAULT: None


fig, ax with num_slice by num_qoi subplots

Source code in src/amisc/
def plot_slice(self, slice_idx: IndicesRV = None, qoi_idx: IndicesRV = None, show_surr: bool = True,
               show_model: list = None, model_dir: str | Path = None, N: int = 50, nominal: dict[str: float] = None,
               random_walk: bool = False, from_file: str | Path = None):
    """Helper function to plot 1d slices of the surrogate and/or model(s) over the inputs.

    :param slice_idx: list of exogenous input variables or indices to take 1d slices of
    :param qoi_idx: list of model output variables or indices to plot 1d slices of
    :param show_surr: whether to show the surrogate prediction
    :param show_model: also plot model predictions, list() of ['best', 'worst', tuple(alpha), etc.]
    :param model_dir: base directory to save model outputs (if specified)
    :param N: the number of points to take in the 1d slice
    :param nominal: `dict` of `str(var)->nominal` to use as constant value for all non-sliced variables
    :param random_walk: whether to slice in a random d-dimensional direction or hold all params const while slicing
    :param from_file: path to a .pkl file to load a saved slice from disk
    :returns: `fig, ax` with `num_slice` by `num_qoi` subplots
    # Manage loading important quantities from file (if provided)
    xs, ys_model, ys_surr = None, None, None
    if from_file is not None:
        with open(Path(from_file), 'rb') as fd:
            slice_data = pickle.load(fd)
            slice_idx = slice_data['slice_idx']     # Must use same input slices as save file
            show_model = slice_data['show_model']   # Must use same model data as save file
            qoi_idx = slice_data['qoi_idx'] if qoi_idx is None else qoi_idx
            xs = slice_data['xs']
            model_dir = None  # Don't run or save any models if loading from file

    # Set default values (take up to the first 3 slices by default)
    rand_id = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=4))
    if model_dir is not None:
        os.mkdir(Path(model_dir) / f'sweep_{rand_id}')
    if nominal is None:
        nominal = dict()
    slice_idx = list(np.arange(0, min(3, len(self.exo_vars)))) if slice_idx is None else slice_idx
    qoi_idx = list(np.arange(0, min(3, len(self.coupling_vars)))) if qoi_idx is None else qoi_idx
    if isinstance(slice_idx[0], str | BaseRV):
        slice_idx = [self.exo_vars.index(var) for var in slice_idx]
    if isinstance(qoi_idx[0], str | BaseRV):
        qoi_idx = [self.coupling_vars.index(var) for var in qoi_idx]

    exo_bds = [var.bounds() for var in self.exo_vars]
    xlabels = [self.exo_vars[idx].to_tex(units=True) for idx in slice_idx]
    ylabels = [self.coupling_vars[idx].to_tex(units=True) for idx in qoi_idx]

    # Construct slice model inputs (if not provided)
    if xs is None:
        xs = np.zeros((N, len(slice_idx), len(self.exo_vars)))
        for i in range(len(slice_idx)):
            if random_walk:
                # Make a random straight-line walk across d-cube
                r0 = np.squeeze(self.sample_inputs((1,), use_pdf=False), axis=0)
                r0[slice_idx[i]] = exo_bds[slice_idx[i]][0]             # Start slice at this lower bound
                rf = np.squeeze(self.sample_inputs((1,), use_pdf=False), axis=0)
                rf[slice_idx[i]] = exo_bds[slice_idx[i]][1]             # Slice up to this upper bound
                xs[0, i, :] = r0
                for k in range(1, N):
                    xs[k, i, :] = xs[k-1, i, :] + (rf-r0)/(N-1)
                # Otherwise, only slice one variable
                for j in range(len(self.exo_vars)):
                    if j == slice_idx[i]:
                        xs[:, i, j] = np.linspace(exo_bds[slice_idx[i]][0], exo_bds[slice_idx[i]][1], N)
                        xs[:, i, j] = nominal.get(self.exo_vars[j], self.exo_vars[j].nominal)

    # Walk through each model that is requested by show_model
    if show_model is not None:
        if from_file is not None:
            ys_model = slice_data['ys_model']
            ys_model = list()
            for model in show_model:
                output_dir = None
                if model_dir is not None:
                    output_dir = (Path(model_dir) / f'sweep_{rand_id}' /
                                  str(model).replace('{', '').replace('}', '').replace(':', '=').replace("'", ''))
                ys_model.append(self(xs, use_model=model, model_dir=output_dir))
    if show_surr:
        ys_surr = self(xs) if from_file is None else slice_data['ys_surr']

    # Make len(qoi) by len(inputs) grid of subplots
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(qoi_idx), len(slice_idx), sharex='col', sharey='row')
    for i in range(len(qoi_idx)):
        for j in range(len(slice_idx)):
            if len(qoi_idx) == 1:
                ax = axs if len(slice_idx) == 1 else axs[j]
            elif len(slice_idx) == 1:
                ax = axs if len(qoi_idx) == 1 else axs[i]
                ax = axs[i, j]
            x = xs[:, j, slice_idx[j]]
            if show_model is not None:
                c = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1]]) if len(show_model) <= 2 else (
                    plt.get_cmap('jet')(np.linspace(0, 1, len(show_model))))
                for k in range(len(show_model)):
                    model_str = (str(show_model[k]).replace('{', '').replace('}', '')
                                 .replace(':', '=').replace("'", ''))
                    model_ret = ys_model[k]
                    y_model = model_ret[:, j, qoi_idx[i]]
                    label = {'best': 'High-fidelity' if len(show_model) > 1 else 'Model',
                             'worst': 'Low-fidelity'}.get(model_str, model_str)
                    ax.plot(x, y_model, ls='-', c=c[k, :], label=label)
            if show_surr:
                y_surr = ys_surr[:, j, qoi_idx[i]]
                ax.plot(x, y_surr, '--r', label='Surrogate')
            ylabel = ylabels[i] if j == 0 else ''
            xlabel = xlabels[j] if i == len(qoi_idx) - 1 else ''
            legend = (i == 0 and j == len(slice_idx) - 1)
            ax_default(ax, xlabel, ylabel, legend=legend)
    fig.set_size_inches(3 * len(slice_idx), 3 * len(qoi_idx))

    # Save results (unless we were already loading from a save file)
    if from_file is None and self.root_dir is not None:
        fname = f's{",".join([str(i) for i in slice_idx])}_q{",".join([str(i) for i in qoi_idx])}'
        fname = f'sweep_rand{rand_id}_' + fname if random_walk else f'sweep_nom{rand_id}_' + fname
        fdir = Path(self.root_dir) if model_dir is None else Path(model_dir) / f'sweep_{rand_id}'
        fig.savefig(fdir / f'{fname}.png', dpi=300, format='png')
        save_dict = {'slice_idx': slice_idx, 'qoi_idx': qoi_idx, 'show_model': show_model, 'show_surr': show_surr,
                     'nominal': nominal, 'random_walk': random_walk, 'xs': xs, 'ys_model': ys_model,
                     'ys_surr': ys_surr}
        with open(fdir / f'{fname}.pkl', 'wb') as fd:
            pickle.dump(save_dict, fd)

    return fig, axs

predict(x, max_fpi_iter=100, anderson_mem=10, fpi_tol=1e-10, use_model=None, model_dir=None, verbose=False, training=False, index_set=None, qoi_ind=None, ppool=None)

Evaluate the system surrogate at exogenous inputs x.


You can use this function to predict outputs for your MD system using the full-order models rather than the surrogate, by specifying use_model. This is convenient because SystemSurrogate manages all the coupled information flow between models automatically. However, it is highly recommended to not use the full model if your system contains feedback loops. The FPI nonlinear solver would be infeasible using anything more computationally demanding than the surrogate.


(..., x_dim) the points to get surrogate predictions for

TYPE: ndarray | float


the limit on convergence for the fixed-point iteration routine

TYPE: int DEFAULT: 100


hyperparameter for tuning the convergence of FPI with anderson acceleration



tolerance limit for convergence of fixed-point iteration

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 1e-10


'best'=highest-fidelity, 'worst'=lowest-fidelity, tuple=specific fidelity, None=surrogate, specify a dict of the above to assign different model fidelities for diff components

TYPE: str | tuple | dict DEFAULT: None


directory to save model outputs if use_model is specified

TYPE: str | Path DEFAULT: None


whether to print out iteration progress during execution

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


whether to call the system surrogate in training or evaluation mode, ignored if use_model

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


dict(node=[indices]) to override default index set for a node (only useful for parallel)

TYPE: dict[str:IndexSet] DEFAULT: None


list of qoi indices to return, defaults to returning all system coupling_vars



a joblib Parallel instance to pass to each component to loop over multi-indices in parallel



(..., y_dim) the surrogate approximation of the system QoIs

Source code in src/amisc/
def predict(self, x: np.ndarray | float, max_fpi_iter: int = 100, anderson_mem: int = 10, fpi_tol: float = 1e-10,
            use_model: str | tuple | dict = None, model_dir: str | Path = None, verbose: bool = False,
            training: bool = False, index_set: dict[str: IndexSet] = None, qoi_ind: IndicesRV = None,
            ppool=None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Evaluate the system surrogate at exogenous inputs `x`.

    !!! Warning
        You can use this function to predict outputs for your MD system using the full-order models rather than the
        surrogate, by specifying `use_model`. This is convenient because `SystemSurrogate` manages all the
        coupled information flow between models automatically. However, it is *highly* recommended to not use
        the full model if your system contains feedback loops. The FPI nonlinear solver would be infeasible using
        anything more computationally demanding than the surrogate.

    :param x: `(..., x_dim)` the points to get surrogate predictions for
    :param max_fpi_iter: the limit on convergence for the fixed-point iteration routine
    :param anderson_mem: hyperparameter for tuning the convergence of FPI with anderson acceleration
    :param fpi_tol: tolerance limit for convergence of fixed-point iteration
    :param use_model: 'best'=highest-fidelity, 'worst'=lowest-fidelity, tuple=specific fidelity, None=surrogate,
                       specify a `dict` of the above to assign different model fidelities for diff components
    :param model_dir: directory to save model outputs if `use_model` is specified
    :param verbose: whether to print out iteration progress during execution
    :param training: whether to call the system surrogate in training or evaluation mode, ignored if `use_model`
    :param index_set: `dict(node=[indices])` to override default index set for a node (only useful for parallel)
    :param qoi_ind: list of qoi indices to return, defaults to returning all system `coupling_vars`
    :param ppool: a joblib `Parallel` instance to pass to each component to loop over multi-indices in parallel
    :returns y: `(..., y_dim)` the surrogate approximation of the system QoIs
    # Allocate space for all system outputs (just save all coupling vars)
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    ydim = len(self.coupling_vars)
    y = np.zeros(x.shape[:-1] + (ydim,), dtype=x.dtype)
    valid_idx = ~np.isnan(x[..., 0])  # Keep track of valid samples (set to False if FPI fails)
    t1 = 0
    output_dir = None
    qoi_ind = self._get_qoi_ind(qoi_ind)
    is_computed = np.full(ydim, False)

    # Interpret which model fidelities to use for each component (if specified)
    if use_model is not None:
        if not isinstance(use_model, dict):
            use_model = {node: use_model for node in self.graph.nodes}  # use same for each component
        use_model = {node: None for node in self.graph.nodes}
    use_model = {node: use_model.get(node, None) for node in self.graph.nodes}

    # Initialize all components
    for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():
        node_obj['is_computed'] = False

    # Convert system into DAG by grouping strongly-connected-components
    dag = nx.condensation(self.graph)

    # Compute component models in topological order
    for supernode in nx.topological_sort(dag):
        if np.all(is_computed[qoi_ind]):
            break  # Exit early if all qois of interest are computed

        scc = [n for n in dag.nodes[supernode]['members']]

        # Compute single component feedforward output (no FPI needed)
        if len(scc) == 1:
            if verbose:
      "Running component '{scc[0]}'...")
                t1 = time.time()

            # Gather inputs
            node_obj = self.graph.nodes[scc[0]]
            exo_inputs = x[..., node_obj['exo_in']]
            # for comp_name in node_obj['local_in']:
            #     assert self.graph.nodes[comp_name]['is_computed']
            coupling_inputs = y[..., node_obj['global_in']]
            comp_input = np.concatenate((exo_inputs, coupling_inputs), axis=-1)  # (..., xdim)

            # Compute outputs
            indices = index_set.get(scc[0], None) if index_set is not None else None
            if model_dir is not None:
                output_dir = Path(model_dir) / scc[0]
            comp_output = node_obj['surrogate'](comp_input[valid_idx, :], use_model=use_model.get(scc[0]),
                                                model_dir=output_dir, training=training, index_set=indices,
            for local_i, global_i in enumerate(node_obj['global_out']):
                y[valid_idx, global_i] = comp_output[..., local_i]
                is_computed[global_i] = True
            node_obj['is_computed'] = True

            if verbose:
      "Component '{scc[0]}' completed. Runtime: {time.time() - t1} s")

        # Handle FPI for SCCs with more than one component
            # Set the initial guess for all coupling vars (middle of domain)
            coupling_bds = [rv.bounds() for rv in self.coupling_vars]
            x_couple = np.array([(bds[0] + bds[1]) / 2 for bds in coupling_bds]).astype(x.dtype)
            x_couple = np.broadcast_to(x_couple, x.shape[:-1] + x_couple.shape).copy()

            adj_nodes = []
            fpi_idx = set()
            for node in scc:
                for comp_name, local_idx in self.graph.nodes[node]['local_in'].items():
                    # Track the global idx of all coupling vars that need FPI
                    if comp_name in scc:
                        fpi_idx.update([self.graph.nodes[comp_name]['global_out'][idx] for idx in local_idx])

                    # Override coupling vars from components outside the scc (should already be computed)
                    if comp_name not in scc and comp_name not in adj_nodes:
                        # assert self.graph.nodes[comp_name]['is_computed']
                        global_idx = self.graph.nodes[comp_name]['global_out']
                        x_couple[..., global_idx] = y[..., global_idx]
                        adj_nodes.append(comp_name)  # Only need to do this once for each adj component
            x_couple_next = x_couple.copy()
            fpi_idx = sorted(fpi_idx)

            # Main FPI loop
            if verbose:
      "Initializing FPI for SCC {scc} ...")
                t1 = time.time()
            k = 0
            residual_hist = None
            x_hist = None
            while True:
                for node in scc:
                    # Gather inputs from exogenous and coupling sources
                    node_obj = self.graph.nodes[node]
                    exo_inputs = x[..., node_obj['exo_in']]
                    coupling_inputs = x_couple[..., node_obj['global_in']]
                    comp_input = np.concatenate((exo_inputs, coupling_inputs), axis=-1)     # (..., xdim)

                    # Compute component outputs (just don't do this FPI with the real models, please..)
                    indices = index_set.get(node, None) if index_set is not None else None
                    comp_output = node_obj['surrogate'](comp_input[valid_idx, :], use_model=use_model.get(node),
                                                        model_dir=None, training=training, index_set=indices,
                    global_idx = node_obj['global_out']
                    for local_i, global_i in enumerate(global_idx):
                        x_couple_next[valid_idx, global_i] = comp_output[..., local_i]
                        # Can't splice valid_idx with global_idx for some reason, have to loop over global_idx here

                # Compute residual and check end conditions
                residual = np.expand_dims(x_couple_next[..., fpi_idx] - x_couple[..., fpi_idx], axis=-1)
                max_error = np.max(np.abs(residual[valid_idx, :, :]))
                if verbose:
          'FPI iter: {k}. Max residual: {max_error}. Time: {time.time() - t1} s')
                if max_error <= fpi_tol:
                    if verbose:
              'FPI converged for SCC {scc} in {k} iterations with {max_error} < tol '
                                         f'{fpi_tol}. Final time: {time.time() - t1} s')
                if k >= max_fpi_iter:
                    self.logger.warning(f'FPI did not converge in {max_fpi_iter} iterations for SCC {scc}: '
                                        f'{max_error} > tol {fpi_tol}. Some samples will be returned as NaN.')
                    converged_idx = np.max(np.abs(residual), axis=(-1, -2)) <= fpi_tol
                    for idx in fpi_idx:
                        y[~converged_idx, idx] = np.nan
                    valid_idx = np.logical_and(valid_idx, converged_idx)

                # Keep track of residual and x_couple histories
                if k == 0:
                    residual_hist = residual.copy()                                 # (..., xdim, 1)
                    x_hist = np.expand_dims(x_couple_next[..., fpi_idx], axis=-1)   # (..., xdim, 1)
                    x_couple[:] = x_couple_next[:]
                    k += 1
                    continue  # skip anderson accel on first iteration

                # Iterate with anderson acceleration (only iterate on samples that are not yet converged)
                converged_idx = np.max(np.abs(residual), axis=(-1, -2)) <= fpi_tol
                curr_idx = np.logical_and(valid_idx, ~converged_idx)
                residual_hist = np.concatenate((residual_hist, residual), axis=-1)
                x_hist = np.concatenate((x_hist, np.expand_dims(x_couple_next[..., fpi_idx], axis=-1)), axis=-1)
                mk = min(anderson_mem, k)
                Fk = residual_hist[curr_idx, :, k-mk:]                               # (..., xdim, mk+1)
                C = np.ones(Fk.shape[:-2] + (1, mk + 1))
                b = np.zeros(Fk.shape[:-2] + (len(fpi_idx), 1))
                d = np.ones(Fk.shape[:-2] + (1, 1))
                alpha = np.expand_dims(self._constrained_lls(Fk, b, C, d), axis=-3)   # (..., 1, mk+1, 1)
                x_new = np.squeeze(x_hist[curr_idx, :, np.newaxis, -(mk+1):] @ alpha, axis=(-1, -2))
                for local_i, global_i in enumerate(fpi_idx):
                    x_couple[curr_idx, global_i] = x_new[..., local_i]
                k += 1

            # Save outputs of each component in SCC after convergence of FPI
            for node in scc:
                global_idx = self.graph.nodes[node]['global_out']
                for global_i in global_idx:
                    y[valid_idx, global_i] = x_couple_next[valid_idx, global_i]
                    is_computed[global_i] = True
                self.graph.nodes[node]['is_computed'] = True

    # Return all component outputs (..., Nqoi); samples that didn't converge during FPI are left as np.nan
    return y[..., qoi_ind]

refine(qoi_ind=None, num_refine=100, update_bounds=True, ppool=None)

Find and refine the component surrogate with the largest error on system-level QoI.


indices of system QoI to focus surrogate refinement on, use all QoI if not specified



number of samples of exogenous inputs to compute error indicators on

TYPE: int DEFAULT: 100


whether to continuously update coupling variable bounds

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


a Parallel instance from joblib to compute error indicators in parallel, None=sequential

TYPE: Parallel DEFAULT: None


a tuple of (error_indicator, component, node_star, alpha_star, beta_star, N, cost) indicating the chosen candidate index and incurred cost

Source code in src/amisc/
def refine(self, qoi_ind: IndicesRV = None, num_refine: int = 100, update_bounds: bool = True,
           ppool: Parallel = None) -> tuple:
    """Find and refine the component surrogate with the largest error on system-level QoI.

    :param qoi_ind: indices of system QoI to focus surrogate refinement on, use all QoI if not specified
    :param num_refine: number of samples of exogenous inputs to compute error indicators on
    :param update_bounds: whether to continuously update coupling variable bounds
    :param ppool: a `Parallel` instance from `joblib` to compute error indicators in parallel, None=sequential
    :returns refine_res: a tuple of `(error_indicator, component, node_star, alpha_star, beta_star, N, cost)`
                         indicating the chosen candidate index and incurred cost
    self._print_title_str(f'Refining system surrogate: iteration {self.refine_level + 1}')
    set_loky_pickler('dill')    # Dill can serialize 'self' for parallel workers
    temp_exc = self.executor    # It can't serialize an executor though, so must save this temporarily
    qoi_ind = self._get_qoi_ind(qoi_ind)

    # Compute entire integrated-surrogate on a random test set for global system QoI error estimation
    x_exo = self.sample_inputs((num_refine,))
    y_curr = self(x_exo, training=True)
    y_min, y_max = None, None
    if update_bounds:
        y_min = np.min(y_curr, axis=0, keepdims=True)  # (1, ydim)
        y_max = np.max(y_curr, axis=0, keepdims=True)  # (1, ydim)

    # Find the candidate surrogate with the largest error indicator
    error_max, error_indicator = -np.inf, -np.inf
    node_star, alpha_star, beta_star, l2_star, cost_star = None, None, None, -np.inf, 0
    for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():"Estimating error for component '{node}'...")
        candidates = node_obj['surrogate'].candidate_set.copy()

        def compute_error(alpha, beta):
            # Helper function for computing error indicators for a given candidate (alpha, beta)
            index_set = node_obj['surrogate'].index_set.copy()
            index_set.append((alpha, beta))
            y_cand = self(x_exo, training=True, index_set={node: index_set})
            ymin = np.min(y_cand, axis=0, keepdims=True)
            ymax = np.max(y_cand, axis=0, keepdims=True)
            error = y_cand[:, qoi_ind] - y_curr[:, qoi_ind]
            rel_l2 = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(error ** 2, axis=0)) / np.sqrt(np.nanmean(y_cand[:, qoi_ind] ** 2, axis=0))
            rel_l2 = np.nan_to_num(rel_l2, nan=np.nan, posinf=np.nan, neginf=np.nan)
            delta_error = np.nanmax(rel_l2)  # Max relative L2 error over all system QoIs
            delta_work = max(1, node_obj['surrogate'].get_cost(alpha, beta))  # Cpu time (s)

            return ymin, ymax, delta_error, delta_work

        if len(candidates) > 0:
            ret = ppool(delayed(compute_error)(alpha, beta) for alpha, beta in candidates) if ppool is not None \
                else [compute_error(alpha, beta) for alpha, beta in candidates]

            for i, (ymin, ymax, d_error, d_work) in enumerate(ret):
                if update_bounds:
                    y_min = np.min(np.concatenate((y_min, ymin), axis=0), axis=0, keepdims=True)
                    y_max = np.max(np.concatenate((y_max, ymax), axis=0), axis=0, keepdims=True)
                alpha, beta = candidates[i]
                error_indicator = d_error / d_work
      "Candidate multi-index: {(alpha, beta)}. L2 error: {d_error}. Error indicator: "

                if error_indicator > error_max:
                    error_max = error_indicator
                    node_star, alpha_star, beta_star, l2_star, cost_star = node, alpha, beta, d_error, d_work
  "Component '{node}' has no available candidates left!")

    # Update all coupling variable ranges
    if update_bounds:
        for i in range(y_curr.shape[-1]):
            self._update_coupling_bds(i, (y_min[0, i], y_max[0, i]))

    # Add the chosen multi-index to the chosen component
    if node_star is not None:"Candidate multi-index {(alpha_star, beta_star)} chosen for component '{node_star}'")
        self.graph.nodes[node_star]['surrogate'].activate_index(alpha_star, beta_star)
        self.refine_level += 1
        num_evals = round(cost_star / self[node_star].get_sub_surrogate(alpha_star, beta_star).model_cost)
    else:"No candidates left for refinement, iteration: {self.refine_level}")
        num_evals = 0

    return l2_star, node_star, alpha_star, beta_star, num_evals, cost_star

sample_inputs(size, comp='System', use_pdf=False, nominal=None, constants=None)

Return samples of the inputs according to provided options.


tuple or integer specifying shape or number of samples to obtain

TYPE: tuple | int


which component to sample inputs for (defaults to full system exogenous inputs)

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'System'


whether to sample from each variable's pdf, defaults to random samples over input domain instead

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


dict(var_id=value) of nominal values for params with relative uncertainty, also can use to specify constant values for a variable listed in constants

TYPE: dict[str:float] DEFAULT: None


set of param types to hold constant while sampling (i.e. calibration, design, etc.), can also put a var_id string in here to specify a single variable to hold constant

TYPE: set[str] DEFAULT: None


(*size, x_dim) samples of the inputs for the given component/system

Source code in src/amisc/
def sample_inputs(self, size: tuple | int, comp: str = 'System', use_pdf: bool = False,
                  nominal: dict[str: float] = None, constants: set[str] = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return samples of the inputs according to provided options.

    :param size: tuple or integer specifying shape or number of samples to obtain
    :param comp: which component to sample inputs for (defaults to full system exogenous inputs)
    :param use_pdf: whether to sample from each variable's pdf, defaults to random samples over input domain instead
    :param nominal: `dict(var_id=value)` of nominal values for params with relative uncertainty, also can use
                    to specify constant values for a variable listed in `constants`
    :param constants: set of param types to hold constant while sampling (i.e. calibration, design, etc.),
                      can also put a `var_id` string in here to specify a single variable to hold constant
    :returns x: `(*size, x_dim)` samples of the inputs for the given component/system
    size = (size, ) if isinstance(size, int) else size
    if nominal is None:
        nominal = dict()
    if constants is None:
        constants = set()
    x_vars = self.exo_vars if comp == 'System' else self[comp].x_vars
    x = np.empty((*size, len(x_vars)))
    for i, var in enumerate(x_vars):
        # Set a constant value for this variable
        if var.param_type in constants or var in constants:
            x[..., i] = nominal.get(var, var.nominal)  # Defaults to variable's nominal value if not specified

        # Sample from this variable's pdf or randomly within its domain bounds (reject if outside bounds)
            lb, ub = var.bounds()
            x_sample = var.sample(size, nominal=nominal.get(var, None)) if use_pdf \
                else var.sample_domain(size)
            good_idx = (x_sample < ub) & (x_sample > lb)
            num_reject = np.sum(~good_idx)

            while num_reject > 0:
                new_sample = var.sample((num_reject,), nominal=nominal.get(var, None)) if use_pdf \
                    else var.sample_domain((num_reject,))
                x_sample[~good_idx] = new_sample
                good_idx = (x_sample < ub) & (x_sample > lb)
                num_reject = np.sum(~good_idx)

            x[..., i] = x_sample

    return x

save_to_file(filename, save_dir=None)

Save the SystemSurrogate object to a .pkl file.


filename of the .pkl file to save to

TYPE: str


overrides existing surrogate root directory if provided, otherwise defaults to '.'

TYPE: str | Path DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/amisc/
def save_to_file(self, filename: str, save_dir: str | Path = None):
    """Save the `SystemSurrogate` object to a `.pkl` file.

    :param filename: filename of the `.pkl` file to save to
    :param save_dir: overrides existing surrogate root directory if provided, otherwise defaults to '.'
    if save_dir is None:
        save_dir = '.' if self.root_dir is None else str(Path(self.root_dir) / 'sys')
    if not Path(save_dir).is_dir():
        save_dir = '.'

    exec_temp = self.executor   # Temporarily save executor obj (can't pickle it)
    with open(Path(save_dir) / filename, 'wb') as dill_file:
        dill.dump(self, dill_file)
    self.set_executor(exec_temp)'SystemSurrogate saved to {(Path(save_dir) / filename).resolve()}')


Set a new concurrent.futures.Executor object for parallel calls.


the new Executor object

TYPE: Executor | None

Source code in src/amisc/
def set_executor(self, executor: Executor | None):
    """Set a new `concurrent.futures.Executor` object for parallel calls.

    :param executor: the new `Executor` object
    self.executor = executor
    for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():
        node_obj['surrogate'].executor = executor

set_logger(name=None, log_file=None, stdout=True)

Set a new logging.Logger object with the given unique name.


the name of the new logger object



whether to connect the logger to console (default)

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


log file (if provided)

TYPE: str | Path DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/amisc/
def set_logger(self, name: str = None, log_file: str | Path = None, stdout: bool = True):
    """Set a new `logging.Logger` object with the given unique `name`.

    :param name: the name of the new logger object
    :param stdout: whether to connect the logger to console (default)
    :param log_file: log file (if provided)
    if log_file is None:
        log_file = self.log_file
    if name is None:
        name = self.__class__.__name__
    self.log_file = log_file
    self.logger = get_logger(name, log_file=log_file, stdout=stdout)

    for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():
        surr = node_obj['surrogate']
        surr.logger = self.logger.getChild('Component')
        surr.log_file = self.log_file

set_root_directory(root_dir=None, stdout=True, logger_name=None)

Set the root to a new directory, for example if you move to a new filesystem.


new root directory, don't save build products if None

TYPE: str | Path DEFAULT: None


whether to connect the logger to console (default)

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


the logger name to use, defaults to class name


Source code in src/amisc/
def set_root_directory(self, root_dir: str | Path = None, stdout: bool = True, logger_name: str = None):
    """Set the root to a new directory, for example if you move to a new filesystem.

    :param root_dir: new root directory, don't save build products if None
    :param stdout: whether to connect the logger to console (default)
    :param logger_name: the logger name to use, defaults to class name
    if root_dir is None:
        self.root_dir = None
        self.log_file = None
        self.root_dir = str(Path(root_dir).resolve())
        log_file = None
        if not (Path(self.root_dir) / 'sys').is_dir():
            os.mkdir(Path(self.root_dir) / 'sys')
        if not (Path(self.root_dir) / 'components').is_dir():
            os.mkdir(Path(self.root_dir) / 'components')
        for f in os.listdir(self.root_dir):
            if f.endswith('.log'):
                log_file = str((Path(self.root_dir) / f).resolve())
        if log_file is None:
            fname = ('.')[0].replace(':', '.') +
            log_file = str((Path(self.root_dir) / fname).resolve())
        self.log_file = log_file

    self.set_logger(logger_name, stdout=stdout)

    # Update model output directories
    for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():
        surr = node_obj['surrogate']
        if self.root_dir is not None and surr.save_enabled():
            output_dir = str((Path(self.root_dir) / 'components' / node).resolve())
            if not Path(output_dir).is_dir():

swap_component(component, exo_add=None, exo_remove=None, qoi_add=None, qoi_remove=None)

Swap a new component into the system, updating all connections/inputs.

Beta feature, proceed with caution

If you are swapping a new component in, you cannot remove any inputs that are expected by other components, including the coupling variables output by the current model.


specs of new component model (must replace an existing component with matching name)

TYPE: ComponentSpec


variables to add to system exogenous inputs (will be appended to end)

TYPE: BaseRV | list[BaseRV] DEFAULT: None


indices of system exogenous inputs to delete (can't be shared by other components)



system output QoIs to add (will be appended to end of coupling_vars)

TYPE: BaseRV | list[BaseRV] DEFAULT: None


indices of system coupling_vars to delete (can't be shared by other components)


Source code in src/amisc/
def swap_component(self, component: ComponentSpec, exo_add: BaseRV | list[BaseRV] = None,
                   exo_remove: IndicesRV = None, qoi_add: BaseRV | list[BaseRV] = None,
                   qoi_remove: IndicesRV = None):
    """Swap a new component into the system, updating all connections/inputs.

    !!! Warning "Beta feature, proceed with caution"
        If you are swapping a new component in, you cannot remove any inputs that are expected by other components,
        including the coupling variables output by the current model.

    :param component: specs of new component model (must replace an existing component with matching `name`)
    :param exo_add: variables to add to system exogenous inputs (will be appended to end)
    :param exo_remove: indices of system exogenous inputs to delete (can't be shared by other components)
    :param qoi_add: system output QoIs to add (will be appended to end of `coupling_vars`)
    :param qoi_remove: indices of system `coupling_vars` to delete (can't be shared by other components)
    # Delete system exogenous inputs
    if exo_remove is None:
        exo_remove = []
    exo_remove = [exo_remove] if not isinstance(exo_remove, list) else exo_remove
    exo_remove = [self.exo_vars.index(var) for var in exo_remove] if exo_remove and isinstance(
        exo_remove[0], str | BaseRV) else exo_remove

    exo_remove = sorted(exo_remove)
    for j, exo_var_idx in enumerate(exo_remove):
        # Adjust exogenous indices for all components to account for deleted system inputs
        for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():
            if node != component['name']:
                for i, idx in enumerate(node_obj['exo_in']):
                    if idx == exo_var_idx:
                        error_msg = f"Can't delete system exogenous input at idx {exo_var_idx}, since it is " \
                                    f"shared by component '{node}'."
                        raise ValueError(error_msg)
                    if idx > exo_var_idx:
                        node_obj['exo_in'][i] -= 1

        # Need to update the remaining delete indices by -1 to account for each sequential deletion
        del self.exo_vars[exo_var_idx]
        for i in range(j+1, len(exo_remove)):
            exo_remove[i] -= 1

    # Append any new exogenous inputs to the end
    if exo_add is not None:
        exo_add = [exo_add] if not isinstance(exo_add, list) else exo_add

    # Delete system qoi outputs (if not shared by other components)
    qoi_remove = sorted(self._get_qoi_ind(qoi_remove))
    for j, qoi_idx in enumerate(qoi_remove):
        # Adjust coupling indices for all components to account for deleted system outputs
        for node, node_obj in self.graph.nodes.items():
            if node != component['name']:
                for i, idx in enumerate(node_obj['global_in']):
                    if idx == qoi_idx:
                        error_msg = f"Can't delete system QoI at idx {qoi_idx}, since it is an input to " \
                                    f"component '{node}'."
                        raise ValueError(error_msg)
                    if idx > qoi_idx:
                        node_obj['global_in'][i] -= 1

                for i, idx in enumerate(node_obj['global_out']):
                    if idx > qoi_idx:
                        node_obj['global_out'][i] -= 1

        # Need to update the remaining delete indices by -1 to account for each sequential deletion
        del self.coupling_vars[qoi_idx]
        for i in range(j+1, len(qoi_remove)):
            qoi_remove[i] -= 1

    # Append any new system QoI outputs to the end
    if qoi_add is not None:
        qoi_add = [qoi_add] if not isinstance(qoi_add, list) else qoi_add

    # Build and initialize the new component surrogate
    indices, surr = self._build_component(component)

    # Make changes to adj matrix if coupling inputs changed
    prev_neighbors = list(self.graph.nodes[component['name']]['local_in'].keys())
    new_neighbors = list(indices['local_in'].keys())
    for neighbor in new_neighbors:
        if neighbor not in prev_neighbors:
            self.graph.add_edge(neighbor, component['name'])
    for neighbor in prev_neighbors:
        self.graph.remove_edge(neighbor, component['name'])"Swapped component '{component['name']}'.")
    nx.set_node_attributes(self.graph, {component['name']: {'exo_in': indices['exo_in'], 'local_in':
                                                            indices['local_in'], 'global_in': indices['global_in'],
                                                            'global_out': indices['global_out'],
                                                            'surrogate': surr, 'is_computed': False}})