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Provides interpolator classes. Interpolators manage training data and specify how to refine/gather more data.


  • BaseInterpolator: Abstract class providing basic structure of an interpolator
  • LagrangeInterpolator: Concrete implementation for tensor-product barycentric Lagrange interpolation

BaseInterpolator(beta, x_vars, xi=None, yi=None, model=None, model_args=(), model_kwargs=None)

Bases: ABC

Base interpolator abstract class.

Setting the training data

You can leave the training data xi, yi empty; they can be iteratively refined later on.

Model specification

The model is a callable function of the form ret = model(x, *args, **kwargs). The return value is a dictionary of the form ret = {'y': y, 'files': files, 'cost': cost}. In the return dictionary, you specify the raw model output y as an np.ndarray at a minimum. Optionally, you can specify paths to output files and the average model cost (in units of seconds of cpu time), and anything else you want.


specifies the refinement level of this interpolator as a set of natural number indices

TYPE: tuple[int, ...]


list of variables that fully determines the input domain of interest for interpolation

TYPE: list[BaseRV]


(Nx, x_dim), interpolation points (or knots, training samples, etc.) stored as an array

TYPE: np.ndarray


(Nx, y_dim), function values at the interpolation points, i.e. the training data

TYPE: np.ndarray


stores a ref to the model or function that is to be interpolated, callable as ret = model(x)

TYPE: callable[np.ndarray] -> dict


additional arguments to supply to the model

TYPE: tuple


additional keyword arguments to supply to the model

TYPE: dict


the average total cpu time (in seconds) for a single model evaluation call of one set of inputs

TYPE: float


tracks model output files corresponding to yi training data (for more complex models)

TYPE: list[str | Path]


a logging utility reference

TYPE: logging.Logger

Construct the interpolator.


refinement level indices

TYPE: tuple


list of variables to specify input domain of interpolation

TYPE: BaseRV | list[BaseRV]


(Nx, xdim), interpolation points (optional)



(Nx, ydim), the function values at the interpolation points (optional)



callable as {'y': y} = model(x), with x = (..., x_dim), y = (..., y_dim)



optional args for the model



optional kwargs for the model


Source code in src/amisc/
def __init__(self, beta: tuple, x_vars: BaseRV | list[BaseRV], xi=None, yi=None,
             model=None, model_args=(), model_kwargs=None):
    """Construct the interpolator.

    :param beta: refinement level indices
    :param x_vars: list of variables to specify input domain of interpolation
    :param xi: `(Nx, xdim)`, interpolation points (optional)
    :param yi: `(Nx, ydim)`, the function values at the interpolation points (optional)
    :param model: callable as {'y': y} = model(x), with `x = (..., x_dim)`, `y = (..., y_dim)`
    :param model_args: optional args for the model
    :param model_kwargs: optional kwargs for the model
    x_vars = [x_vars] if not isinstance(x_vars, list) else x_vars
    self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__name__)
    self._model = model
    self._model_args = model_args
    self._model_kwargs = model_kwargs if model_kwargs is not None else {}
    self.output_files = []                              # Save output files with same indexing as xi, yi
    self.xi = xi                                        # Interpolation points
    self.yi = yi                                        # Function values at interpolation points
    self.beta = beta                                    # Refinement level indices
    self.x_vars = x_vars                                # BaseRV() objects for each input
    self.model_cost = None                              # Total cpu time to evaluate model once (s)

__call__(x) abstractmethod

Evaluate the interpolation at points x.


(..., x_dim), the points to be interpolated, must be within the input domain for accuracy

TYPE: ndarray | float


(..., y_dim), the interpolated function values

Source code in src/amisc/
def __call__(self, x: np.ndarray | float) -> np.ndarray:
    """Evaluate the interpolation at points `x`.

    :param x: `(..., x_dim)`, the points to be interpolated, must be within the input domain for accuracy
    :returns y: `(..., y_dim)`, the interpolated function values


Helper function to make sure input x is an ndarray of shape (..., xdim).


if 1d-like as (n,), then converted to 2d as (1, n) if n==xdim or (n, 1) if xdim==1

TYPE: float | list | ndarray

tuple[bool, ndarray]

x as at least a 2d array (..., xdim), and whether x was originally 1d-like

Source code in src/amisc/
def _fmt_input(self, x: float | list | np.ndarray) -> tuple[bool, np.ndarray]:
    """Helper function to make sure input `x` is an ndarray of shape `(..., xdim)`.

    :param x: if 1d-like as (n,), then converted to 2d as (1, n) if n==xdim or (n, 1) if xdim==1
    :returns: `x` as at least a 2d array `(..., xdim)`, and whether `x` was originally 1d-like
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    shape_1d = len(x.shape) == 1
    if shape_1d:
        if x.shape[0] != self.xdim() and self.xdim() > 1:
            raise ValueError(f'Input x shape {x.shape} is incompatible with xdim of {self.xdim()}')
        x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0 if x.shape[0] == self.xdim() else 1)

    return shape_1d, x

grad(x, xi=None, yi=None) abstractmethod

Evaluate the gradient/Jacobian at points x using the interpolator.


(..., xdim), the evaluation points, must be within domain of self.xi for accuracy

TYPE: ndarray | float | list


(Ni, xdim) optional, interpolation grid points to use (e.g. if self.reduced=True)

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


(Ni, ydim) optional, function values at xi to use (e.g. if self.reduced=True)

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


(..., ydim, xdim), the Jacobian at points x

Source code in src/amisc/
def grad(self, x: np.ndarray | float | list, xi: np.ndarray = None, yi: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Evaluate the gradient/Jacobian at points `x` using the interpolator.

    :param x: `(..., xdim)`, the evaluation points, must be within domain of `self.xi` for accuracy
    :param xi: `(Ni, xdim)` optional, interpolation grid points to use (e.g. if `self.reduced=True`)
    :param yi: `(Ni, ydim)` optional, function values at xi to use (e.g. if `self.reduced=True`)
    :returns jac: `(..., ydim, xdim)`, the Jacobian at points `x`

hessian(x, xi=None, yi=None) abstractmethod

Evaluate the Hessian at points x using the interpolator.


(..., xdim), the evaluation points, must be within domain of self.xi for accuracy

TYPE: ndarray | float | list


(Ni, xdim) optional, interpolation grid points to use (e.g. if self.reduced=True)

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


(Ni, ydim) optional, function values at xi to use (e.g. if self.reduced=True)

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


(..., ydim, xdim, xdim), the Hessian at points x

Source code in src/amisc/
def hessian(self, x: np.ndarray | float | list, xi: np.ndarray = None, yi: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Evaluate the Hessian at points `x` using the interpolator.

    :param x: `(..., xdim)`, the evaluation points, must be within domain of `self.xi` for accuracy
    :param xi: `(Ni, xdim)` optional, interpolation grid points to use (e.g. if `self.reduced=True`)
    :param yi: `(Ni, ydim)` optional, function values at xi to use (e.g. if `self.reduced=True`)
    :returns hess: `(..., ydim, xdim, xdim)`, the Hessian at points `x`

refine(beta, auto=True) abstractmethod

Return a new interpolator with one dimension refined by one level, as specified by beta.

When you want to compute the model manually

You can set auto=False, in which case the newly refined interpolation points x will be returned to you along with their indices, in the form idx, x, interp = refine(beta, auto=False). You might also want to do this if you did not provide a model when constructing the Interpolator (so auto=True won't work).


the new refinement level indices, should only refine one dimension by one level

TYPE: tuple


whether to automatically compute and store model at refinement points (default is True)



idx - indices into xi, x - the new interpolation points, and interp - a refined BaseInterpolator object, just returns interp if auto=True

Source code in src/amisc/
def refine(self, beta: tuple, auto=True):
    """Return a new interpolator with one dimension refined by one level, as specified by `beta`.

    !!! Info "When you want to compute the model manually"
        You can set `auto=False`, in which case the newly refined interpolation points `x` will be returned to you
        along with their indices, in the form `idx, x, interp = refine(beta, auto=False)`. You might also want to
        do this if you did not provide a model when constructing the Interpolator (so `auto=True` won't work).

    :param beta: the new refinement level indices, should only refine one dimension by one level
    :param auto: whether to automatically compute and store model at refinement points (default is True)
    :returns: `idx` - indices into `xi`, `x` - the new interpolation points, and `interp` - a refined
               BaseInterpolator object, just returns `interp` if `auto=True`


Return whether the underlying model wants to save outputs to file.


You can specify that a model wants to save outputs to file by providing an 'output_dir' kwarg.

Source code in src/amisc/
def save_enabled(self):
    """Return whether the underlying model wants to save outputs to file.

    !!! Note
        You can specify that a model wants to save outputs to file by providing an `'output_dir'` kwarg.
    return self._model_kwargs.get('output_dir') is not None

set_yi(yi=None, model=None, x_new=())

Set the training data; if yi=None, then compute from the model.


You would use x_new if you wanted to compute the model at these specific locations and store the result. This will ignore anything passed in for yi, and it assumes a model is already specified (or passed in).


You can pass in integer indices for x_new or tuple indices. Integers will index into self.xi. Tuples provide extra flexibility for more complicated indexing, e.g. they might specify indices along different coordinate directions in an N-dimensional grid. If you pass in a list of tuple indices for x_new, the resulting model outputs will be returned back to you in the form dict[str: np.ndarray]. The keys are string casts of the tuple indices, and the values are the corresponding model outputs.


(Nx, y_dim), training data to set, must match dimension of self.xi

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


callable function, optionally overrides self._model

TYPE: callable DEFAULT: None


tuple of (idx, x), where x is an (N_new, x_dim) array of new interpolation points to include and idx specifies the indices of these points into self.xi

TYPE: tuple[list[int | tuple], ndarray] DEFAULT: ()

dict[str:ndarray] | None

dict[str: np.ndarray] if idx contains tuple elements, otherwise None

Source code in src/amisc/
def set_yi(self, yi: np.ndarray = None, model: callable = None,
           x_new: tuple[list[int | tuple], np.ndarray] = ()) -> dict[str: np.ndarray] | None:
    """Set the training data; if `yi=None`, then compute from the model.

    !!! Warning
        You would use `x_new` if you wanted to compute the model at these specific locations and store the result.
        This will ignore anything passed in for `yi`, and it assumes a model is already specified (or passed in).

    !!! Info
        You can pass in integer indices for `x_new` or tuple indices. Integers will index into `self.xi`. Tuples
        provide extra flexibility for more complicated indexing, e.g. they might specify indices along different
        coordinate directions in an N-dimensional grid. If you pass in a list of tuple indices for `x_new`, the
        resulting model outputs will be returned back to you in the form `dict[str: np.ndarray]`. The keys are
        string casts of the tuple indices, and the values are the corresponding model outputs.

    :param yi: `(Nx, y_dim)`, training data to set, must match dimension of `self.xi`
    :param model: callable function, optionally overrides `self._model`
    :param x_new: tuple of `(idx, x)`, where `x` is an `(N_new, x_dim)` array of new interpolation points to
                  include and `idx` specifies the indices of these points into `self.xi`
    :returns: dict[str: np.ndarray] if `idx` contains tuple elements, otherwise `None`
    if model is not None:
        self._model = model
    if self._model is None:
        error_msg = 'Model not specified for computing QoIs at interpolation grid points.'
        raise Exception(error_msg)

    # Overrides anything passed in for yi (you would only be using this if yi was set previously)
    if x_new:
        new_idx = x_new[0]
        new_x = x_new[1]
        return_y = isinstance(new_idx[0], tuple)  # Return y rather than storing it if tuple indices are passed in
        ret = dict(y=dict(), files=dict())
        model_ret = self._model(new_x, *self._model_args, **self._model_kwargs)
        if not isinstance(model_ret, dict):
                f"Function {self._model} did not return a dict of the form {{'y': y}}. Please make sure"
                f" you do so to avoid conflicts. Returning the value directly instead...")
            model_ret = dict(y=model_ret)
        y_new, files_new, cpu_time = model_ret['y'], model_ret.get('files', None), model_ret.get('cost', 1)

        if self.save_enabled():
            for j in range(y_new.shape[0]):
                if return_y:
                    ret['y'][str(new_idx[j])] = y_new[j, :].astype(np.float32)
                    ret['files'][str(new_idx[j])] = files_new[j]
                    self.yi[new_idx[j], :] = y_new[j, :].astype(np.float32)
                    self.output_files[new_idx[j]] = files_new[j]
            for j in range(y_new.shape[0]):
                if return_y:
                    ret['y'][str(new_idx[j])] = y_new[j, :].astype(np.float32)
                    self.yi[new_idx[j], :] = y_new[j, :].astype(np.float32)

        if self.model_cost is None:
            self.model_cost = max(1, cpu_time)

        return ret

    # Set yi directly
    if yi is not None:
        self.yi = yi.astype(np.float32)

    # Compute yi
    model_ret = self._model(self.xi, *self._model_args, **self._model_kwargs)
    if not isinstance(model_ret, dict):
        self.logger.warning(f"Function {self._model} did not return a dict of the form {{'y': y}}. Please make sure"
                            f" you do so to avoid conflicts. Returning the value directly instead...")
        model_ret = dict(y=model_ret)

    self.yi, self.output_files, cpu_time = model_ret['y'], model_ret.get('files', list()), model_ret.get('cost', 1)

    if self.model_cost is None:
        self.model_cost = max(1, cpu_time)

update_input_bds(idx, bds)

Update the input bounds at the given index.


the index of the input variable to update

TYPE: int


the new bounds for the variable

TYPE: tuple

Source code in src/amisc/
def update_input_bds(self, idx: int, bds: tuple):
    """Update the input bounds at the given index.

    :param idx: the index of the input variable to update
    :param bds: the new bounds for the variable


Get the dimension of the input domain.

Source code in src/amisc/
def xdim(self):
    """Get the dimension of the input domain."""
    return len(self.x_vars)


Get the dimension of the outputs.

Source code in src/amisc/
def ydim(self):
    """Get the dimension of the outputs."""
    return self.yi.shape[-1] if self.yi is not None else None

LagrangeInterpolator(beta, x_vars, init_grids=True, reduced=False, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseInterpolator

Tensor-product (multivariate) grid interpolator, based on barycentric Lagrange polynomials.


The refinement level indices beta are used in this class to specify anisotropic refinement along each coordinate direction of the input domain, so x_dim = len(beta).


univariate Leja sequence points in each 1d dimension

TYPE: list[np.ndarray]


the barycentric weights corresponding to x_grids

TYPE: list[np.ndarray]


whether to store xi and yi training data, can set to False to save memory, e.g. if an external sparse grid data structure manages this data instead

TYPE: bool

Initialize a Lagrange tensor-product grid interpolator.


refinement level indices for each input dimension

TYPE: tuple


list of variables specifying bounds/pdfs for each input x

TYPE: BaseRV | list[BaseRV]


whether to compute 1d Leja sequences on initialization



whether to store xi/yi matrices, e.g. set true if storing in external sparse grid structure



other optional arguments (see BaseInterpolator)


Source code in src/amisc/
def __init__(self, beta: tuple, x_vars: BaseRV | list[BaseRV], init_grids=True, reduced=False, **kwargs):
    """Initialize a Lagrange tensor-product grid interpolator.

    :param beta: refinement level indices for each input dimension
    :param x_vars: list of variables specifying bounds/pdfs for each input x
    :param init_grids: whether to compute 1d Leja sequences on initialization
    :param reduced: whether to store xi/yi matrices, e.g. set true if storing in external sparse grid structure
    :param **kwargs: other optional arguments (see `BaseInterpolator`)
    self.weights = []   # Barycentric weights for each dimension
    self.x_grids = []   # Univariate nested leja sequences in each dimension
    self.reduced = reduced
    super().__init__(beta, x_vars, **kwargs)

    if init_grids:
        # Construct 1d univariate Leja sequences in each dimension
        grid_sizes = self.get_grid_sizes(self.beta)
        self.x_grids = [self.leja_1d(grid_sizes[n], self.x_vars[n].bounds(),
                                     wt_fcn=self.x_vars[n].pdf).astype(np.float32) for n in range(self.xdim())]

        for n in range(self.xdim()):
            Nx = grid_sizes[n]
            bds = self.x_vars[n].bounds()
            grid = self.x_grids[n]
            C = (bds[1] - bds[0]) / 4.0  # Interval capacity (see Berrut and Trefethen 2004)
            xj = grid.reshape((Nx, 1))
            xi = grid.reshape((1, Nx))
            dist = (xj - xi) / C
            np.fill_diagonal(dist, 1)  # Ignore product when i==j
            self.weights.append((1.0 /, axis=1)).astype(np.float32))  # (Nx,)

        # Cartesian product of univariate grids
        if not self.reduced:
            self.xi = np.empty((, self.xdim()), dtype=np.float32)
            for i, ele in enumerate(itertools.product(*self.x_grids)):
                self.xi[i, :] = ele

__call__(x, xi=None, yi=None)

Evaluate the barycentric interpolation at points x.


(..., xdim), the points to be interpolated, must be within domain of self.xi for accuracy

TYPE: ndarray | float


(Ni, xdim) optional, interpolation grid points to use (e.g. if self.reduced=True)

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


(Ni, ydim) optional, function values at xi to use (e.g. if self.reduced=True)

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


(..., ydim), the interpolated function values

Source code in src/amisc/
def __call__(self, x: np.ndarray | float, xi: np.ndarray = None, yi: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Evaluate the barycentric interpolation at points `x`.

    :param x: `(..., xdim)`, the points to be interpolated, must be within domain of `self.xi` for accuracy
    :param xi: `(Ni, xdim)` optional, interpolation grid points to use (e.g. if `self.reduced=True`)
    :param yi: `(Ni, ydim)` optional, function values at xi to use (e.g. if `self.reduced=True`)
    :returns y: `(..., ydim)`, the interpolated function values
    shape_1d, x = self._fmt_input(x)
    if yi is None:
        yi = self.yi.copy()
    if xi is None:
        xi = self.xi.copy()
    xdim = xi.shape[-1]
    ydim = yi.shape[-1]
    dims = list(range(xdim))

    nan_idx = np.any(np.isnan(yi), axis=-1)
    if np.any(nan_idx):
        # Use a simple linear regression fit to impute missing values (may have resulted from bad model outputs)
        imputer = Pipeline([('scaler', MaxAbsScaler()), ('model', Ridge(alpha=1))])[~nan_idx, :], yi[~nan_idx, :])
        yi[nan_idx, :] = imputer.predict(xi[nan_idx, :])

    # Create ragged edge matrix of interpolation pts and weights
    grid_sizes = self.get_grid_sizes(self.beta)     # For example:
    x_j = np.empty((xdim, max(grid_sizes)))         # A= [#####--
    w_j = np.empty((xdim, max(grid_sizes)))               #######
    x_j[:] = np.nan                                       ###----]
    w_j[:] = np.nan
    for n in range(xdim):
        x_j[n, :grid_sizes[n]] = self.x_grids[n]
        w_j[n, :grid_sizes[n]] = self.weights[n]
    diff = x[..., np.newaxis] - x_j
    div_zero_idx = np.isclose(diff, 0, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-8)
    diff[div_zero_idx] = 1
    quotient = w_j / diff                   # (..., xdim, Nx)
    qsum = np.nansum(quotient, axis=-1)     # (..., xdim)

    # Loop over multi-indices and compute tensor-product lagrange polynomials
    y = np.zeros(x.shape[:-1] + (ydim,), dtype=x.dtype)    # (..., ydim)
    indices = [np.arange(grid_sizes[n]) for n in range(xdim)]
    for i, j in enumerate(itertools.product(*indices)):
        L_j = quotient[..., dims, j] / qsum  # (..., xdim)
        other_pts = np.copy(div_zero_idx)
        other_pts[div_zero_idx[..., dims, j]] = False

        # Set L_j(x==x_j)=1 for the current j and set L_j(x==x_j)=0 for x_j = x_i, i != j
        L_j[div_zero_idx[..., dims, j]] = 1
        L_j[np.any(other_pts, axis=-1)] = 0

        # Add multivariate basis polynomial contribution to interpolation output
        L_j =, axis=-1, keepdims=True)      # (..., 1)
        y += L_j * yi[i, :]

    return np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(y)) if shape_1d else y

get_grid_sizes(beta, k=2) staticmethod

Compute number of grid points in each input dimension.


refinement level indices

TYPE: tuple


level-to-grid-size multiplier (probably just always k=2)



list of grid sizes in each dimension

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_grid_sizes(beta: tuple, k: int = 2) -> list[int]:
    """Compute number of grid points in each input dimension.

    :param beta: refinement level indices
    :param k: level-to-grid-size multiplier (probably just always `k=2`)
    :returns: list of grid sizes in each dimension
    return [k*beta[i] + 1 for i in range(len(beta))]

grad(x, xi=None, yi=None)

Evaluate the gradient/Jacobian at points x using the interpolator.


(..., xdim), the evaluation points, must be within domain of self.xi for accuracy

TYPE: ndarray | float | list


(Ni, xdim) optional, interpolation grid points to use (e.g. if self.reduced=True)

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


(Ni, ydim) optional, function values at xi to use (e.g. if self.reduced=True)

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


(..., ydim, xdim), the Jacobian at points x

Source code in src/amisc/
def grad(self, x: np.ndarray | float | list, xi: np.ndarray = None, yi: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Evaluate the gradient/Jacobian at points `x` using the interpolator.

    :param x: `(..., xdim)`, the evaluation points, must be within domain of `self.xi` for accuracy
    :param xi: `(Ni, xdim)` optional, interpolation grid points to use (e.g. if `self.reduced=True`)
    :param yi: `(Ni, ydim)` optional, function values at xi to use (e.g. if `self.reduced=True`)
    :returns jac: `(..., ydim, xdim)`, the Jacobian at points `x`
    shape_1d, x = self._fmt_input(x)
    if yi is None:
        yi = self.yi.copy()
    if xi is None:
        xi = self.xi.copy()
    xdim = xi.shape[-1]
    ydim = yi.shape[-1]
    nan_idx = np.any(np.isnan(yi), axis=-1)
    if np.any(nan_idx):
        # Use a simple linear regression fit to impute missing values (may have resulted from bad model outputs)
        imputer = Pipeline([('scaler', MaxAbsScaler()), ('model', Ridge(alpha=1))])[~nan_idx, :], yi[~nan_idx, :])
        yi[nan_idx, :] = imputer.predict(xi[nan_idx, :])

    # Create ragged edge matrix of interpolation pts and weights
    grid_sizes = self.get_grid_sizes(self.beta)     # For example:
    x_j = np.empty((xdim, max(grid_sizes)))         # A= [#####--
    w_j = np.empty((xdim, max(grid_sizes)))               #######
    x_j[:] = np.nan                                       ###----]
    w_j[:] = np.nan
    for n in range(xdim):
        x_j[n, :grid_sizes[n]] = self.x_grids[n]
        w_j[n, :grid_sizes[n]] = self.weights[n]

    # Compute values ahead of time that will be needed for the gradient
    diff = x[..., np.newaxis] - x_j
    div_zero_idx = np.isclose(diff, 0, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-8)
    diff[div_zero_idx] = 1
    quotient = w_j / diff                           # (..., xdim, Nx)
    qsum = np.nansum(quotient, axis=-1)             # (..., xdim)
    sqsum = np.nansum(w_j / diff ** 2, axis=-1)     # (..., xdim)

    # Loop over multi-indices and compute derivative of tensor-product lagrange polynomials
    jac = np.zeros(x.shape[:-1] + (ydim, xdim), dtype=x.dtype)  # (..., ydim, xdim)
    indices = [np.arange(grid_sizes[n]) for n in range(self.xdim())]
    for k in range(xdim):
        dims = [idx for idx in np.arange(xdim) if idx != k]
        for i, j in enumerate(itertools.product(*indices)):
            j_dims = [j[idx] for idx in dims]
            L_j = quotient[..., dims, j_dims] / qsum[..., dims]  # (..., xdim-1)
            other_pts = np.copy(div_zero_idx)
            other_pts[div_zero_idx[..., list(np.arange(xdim)), j]] = False

            # Set L_j(x==x_j)=1 for the current j and set L_j(x==x_j)=0 for x_j = x_i, i != j
            L_j[div_zero_idx[..., dims, j_dims]] = 1
            L_j[np.any(other_pts[..., dims, :], axis=-1)] = 0

            # Partial derivative of L_j with respect to x_k
            dLJ_dx = ((w_j[k, j[k]] / (qsum[..., k] * diff[..., k, j[k]])) *
                      (sqsum[..., k] / qsum[..., k] - 1 / diff[..., k, j[k]]))

            # Set derivatives when x is at the interpolation points (i.e. x==x_j)
            p_idx = [idx for idx in np.arange(grid_sizes[k]) if idx != j[k]]
            w_j_large = np.broadcast_to(w_j[k, :], x.shape[:-1] + w_j.shape[-1:]).copy()
            curr_j_idx = div_zero_idx[..., k, j[k]]
            other_j_idx = np.any(other_pts[..., k, :], axis=-1)
            dLJ_dx[curr_j_idx] = -np.nansum((w_j[k, p_idx] / w_j[k, j[k]]) /
                                            (x[curr_j_idx, k, np.newaxis] - x_j[k, p_idx]), axis=-1)
            dLJ_dx[other_j_idx] = ((w_j[k, j[k]] / w_j_large[other_pts[..., k, :]]) /
                                   (x[other_j_idx, k] - x_j[k, j[k]]))

            dLJ_dx = np.expand_dims(dLJ_dx, axis=-1) *, axis=-1, keepdims=True)  # (..., 1)

            # Add contribution to the Jacobian
            jac[..., k] += dLJ_dx * yi[i, :]

    return np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(jac)) if shape_1d else jac

hessian(x, xi=None, yi=None)

Evaluate the Hessian at points x using the interpolator.


(..., xdim), the evaluation points, must be within domain of self.xi for accuracy

TYPE: ndarray | float | list


(Ni, xdim) optional, interpolation grid points to use (e.g. if self.reduced=True)

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


(Ni, ydim) optional, function values at xi to use (e.g. if self.reduced=True)

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


(..., ydim, xdim, xdim), the vector Hessian at points x

Source code in src/amisc/
def hessian(self, x: np.ndarray | float | list, xi: np.ndarray = None, yi: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Evaluate the Hessian at points `x` using the interpolator.

    :param x: `(..., xdim)`, the evaluation points, must be within domain of `self.xi` for accuracy
    :param xi: `(Ni, xdim)` optional, interpolation grid points to use (e.g. if `self.reduced=True`)
    :param yi: `(Ni, ydim)` optional, function values at xi to use (e.g. if `self.reduced=True`)
    :returns hess: `(..., ydim, xdim, xdim)`, the vector Hessian at points `x`
    shape_1d, x = self._fmt_input(x)
    if yi is None:
        yi = self.yi.copy()
    if xi is None:
        xi = self.xi.copy()
    xdim = xi.shape[-1]
    ydim = yi.shape[-1]
    nan_idx = np.any(np.isnan(yi), axis=-1)
    if np.any(nan_idx):
        # Use a simple linear regression fit to impute missing values (may have resulted from bad model outputs)
        imputer = Pipeline([('scaler', MaxAbsScaler()), ('model', Ridge(alpha=1))])[~nan_idx, :], yi[~nan_idx, :])
        yi[nan_idx, :] = imputer.predict(xi[nan_idx, :])

    # Create ragged edge matrix of interpolation pts and weights
    grid_sizes = self.get_grid_sizes(self.beta)     # For example:
    x_j = np.empty((xdim, max(grid_sizes)))         # A= [#####--
    w_j = np.empty((xdim, max(grid_sizes)))               #######
    x_j[:] = np.nan                                       ###----]
    w_j[:] = np.nan
    for n in range(xdim):
        x_j[n, :grid_sizes[n]] = self.x_grids[n]
        w_j[n, :grid_sizes[n]] = self.weights[n]

    # Compute values ahead of time that will be needed for the gradient
    diff = x[..., np.newaxis] - x_j
    div_zero_idx = np.isclose(diff, 0, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-8)
    diff[div_zero_idx] = 1
    quotient = w_j / diff                               # (..., xdim, Nx)
    qsum = np.nansum(quotient, axis=-1)                 # (..., xdim)
    qsum_p = -np.nansum(w_j / diff ** 2, axis=-1)       # (..., xdim)
    qsum_pp = 2 * np.nansum(w_j / diff ** 3, axis=-1)   # (..., xdim)

    # Loop over multi-indices and compute 2nd derivative of tensor-product lagrange polynomials
    hess = np.zeros(x.shape[:-1] + (ydim, xdim, xdim), dtype=x.dtype)  # (..., ydim, xdim, xdim)
    indices = [np.arange(grid_sizes[n]) for n in range(self.xdim())]
    for m in range(xdim):
        for n in range(m, xdim):
            dims = [idx for idx in np.arange(xdim) if idx not in [m, n]]
            for i, j in enumerate(itertools.product(*indices)):
                j_dims = [j[idx] for idx in dims]
                L_j = quotient[..., dims, j_dims] / qsum[..., dims]  # (..., xdim-2)
                other_pts = np.copy(div_zero_idx)
                other_pts[div_zero_idx[..., list(np.arange(xdim)), j]] = False

                # Set L_j(x==x_j)=1 for the current j and set L_j(x==x_j)=0 for x_j = x_i, i != j
                L_j[div_zero_idx[..., dims, j_dims]] = 1
                L_j[np.any(other_pts[..., dims, :], axis=-1)] = 0

                # Cross-terms in Hessian
                if m != n:
                    # Partial derivative of L_j with respect to x_m and x_n
                    d2LJ_dx2 = np.ones(x.shape[:-1])
                    for k in [m, n]:
                        dLJ_dx = ((w_j[k, j[k]] / (qsum[..., k] * diff[..., k, j[k]])) *
                                  (-qsum_p[..., k] / qsum[..., k] - 1 / diff[..., k, j[k]]))

                        # Set derivatives when x is at the interpolation points (i.e. x==x_j)
                        p_idx = [idx for idx in np.arange(grid_sizes[k]) if idx != j[k]]
                        w_j_large = np.broadcast_to(w_j[k, :], x.shape[:-1] + w_j.shape[-1:]).copy()
                        curr_j_idx = div_zero_idx[..., k, j[k]]
                        other_j_idx = np.any(other_pts[..., k, :], axis=-1)
                        dLJ_dx[curr_j_idx] = -np.nansum((w_j[k, p_idx] / w_j[k, j[k]]) /
                                                        (x[curr_j_idx, k, np.newaxis] - x_j[k, p_idx]), axis=-1)
                        dLJ_dx[other_j_idx] = ((w_j[k, j[k]] / w_j_large[other_pts[..., k, :]]) /
                                               (x[other_j_idx, k] - x_j[k, j[k]]))

                        d2LJ_dx2 *= dLJ_dx

                    d2LJ_dx2 = np.expand_dims(d2LJ_dx2, axis=-1) *, axis=-1, keepdims=True)  # (..., 1)
                    hess[..., m, n] += d2LJ_dx2 * yi[i, :]
                    hess[..., n, m] += d2LJ_dx2 * yi[i, :]

                # Diagonal terms in Hessian:
                    front_term = w_j[m, j[m]] / (qsum[..., m] * diff[..., m, j[m]])
                    first_term = (-qsum_pp[..., m] / qsum[..., m]) + 2*(qsum_p[..., m] / qsum[..., m]) ** 2
                    second_term = (2*(qsum_p[..., m] / (qsum[..., m] * diff[..., m, j[m]]))
                                   + 2 / diff[..., m, j[m]] ** 2)
                    d2LJ_dx2 = front_term * (first_term + second_term)

                    # Set derivatives when x is at the interpolation points (i.e. x==x_j)
                    curr_j_idx = div_zero_idx[..., m, j[m]]
                    other_j_idx = np.any(other_pts[..., m, :], axis=-1)
                    if np.any(curr_j_idx) or np.any(other_j_idx):
                        p_idx = [idx for idx in np.arange(grid_sizes[m]) if idx != j[m]]
                        w_j_large = np.broadcast_to(w_j[m, :], x.shape[:-1] + w_j.shape[-1:]).copy()
                        x_j_large = np.broadcast_to(x_j[m, :], x.shape[:-1] + x_j.shape[-1:]).copy()

                        # if these points are at the current j interpolation point
                        d2LJ_dx2[curr_j_idx] = (2 * np.nansum((w_j[m, p_idx] / w_j[m, j[m]]) /
                                                             (x[curr_j_idx, m, np.newaxis] - x_j[m, p_idx]), axis=-1) ** 2 +  # noqa: E501
                                                2 * np.nansum((w_j[m, p_idx] / w_j[m, j[m]]) /
                                                              (x[curr_j_idx, m, np.newaxis] - x_j[m, p_idx])**2, axis=-1))  # noqa: E501

                        # if these points are at any other interpolation point
                        other_pts_inv = other_pts.copy()
                        other_pts_inv[other_j_idx, m, :grid_sizes[m]] = np.invert(other_pts[other_j_idx, m, :grid_sizes[m]])  # noqa: E501
                        curr_x_j = x_j_large[other_pts[..., m, :]].reshape((-1, 1))
                        other_x_j = x_j_large[other_pts_inv[..., m, :]].reshape((-1, len(p_idx)))
                        curr_w_j = w_j_large[other_pts[..., m, :]].reshape((-1, 1))
                        other_w_j = w_j_large[other_pts_inv[..., m, :]].reshape((-1, len(p_idx)))
                        curr_div = w_j[m, j[m]] / np.squeeze(curr_w_j, axis=-1)
                        curr_diff = np.squeeze(curr_x_j, axis=-1) - x_j[m, j[m]]
                        d2LJ_dx2[other_j_idx] = ((-2*curr_div / curr_diff) * (np.nansum(
                            (other_w_j / curr_w_j) / (curr_x_j - other_x_j), axis=-1) + 1 / curr_diff))

                    d2LJ_dx2 = np.expand_dims(d2LJ_dx2, axis=-1) *, axis=-1, keepdims=True)  # (..., 1)
                    hess[..., m, n] += d2LJ_dx2 * yi[i, :]

    return np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(hess)) if shape_1d else hess

leja_1d(N, z_bds, z_pts=None, wt_fcn=None) staticmethod

Find the next N points in the Leja sequence of z_pts.


number of new points to add to the sequence

TYPE: int


bounds on the 1d domain

TYPE: tuple


current univariate Leja sequence (Nz,), start at middle of z_bds if None

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


weighting function, uses a constant weight if None, callable as wt_fcn(z)

TYPE: callable DEFAULT: None


the Leja sequence z_pts augmented by N new points

Source code in src/amisc/
def leja_1d(N: int, z_bds: tuple, z_pts: np.ndarray = None, wt_fcn: callable = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Find the next `N` points in the Leja sequence of `z_pts`.

    :param N: number of new points to add to the sequence
    :param z_bds: bounds on the 1d domain
    :param z_pts: current univariate Leja sequence `(Nz,)`, start at middle of `z_bds` if `None`
    :param wt_fcn: weighting function, uses a constant weight if `None`, callable as `wt_fcn(z)`
    :returns: the Leja sequence `z_pts` augmented by `N` new points
    # if wt_fcn is None:
    wt_fcn = lambda z: 1  # UPDATE: ignore RV weighting, unbounded pdfs like Gaussian cause problems
    if z_pts is None:
        z_pts = (z_bds[1] + z_bds[0]) / 2
        N = N - 1
    z_pts = np.atleast_1d(z_pts).astype(np.float32)

    # Construct Leja sequence by maximizing the Leja objective sequentially
    for i in range(N):
        obj_fun = lambda z: -wt_fcn(np.array(z).astype(np.float32)) * - z_pts))
        res = direct(obj_fun, [z_bds])  # Use global DIRECT optimization over 1d domain
        z_star = res.x
        z_pts = np.concatenate((z_pts, z_star))

    return z_pts

refine(beta, auto=True, x_refine=None)

Return a new interpolator with one dimension refined by one level, specified by beta.


If self.reduced=True or auto=False, then this function will return tuple indices idx corresponding to the new interpolation points x. The tuple indices specify one index along each input dimension.


the new refinement level indices


whether to automatically compute model at refinement points



(Nx,) use this array as the refined 1d grid if provided, otherwise compute via leja_1d

TYPE: ndarray DEFAULT: None


interp - a LagrangeInterpolator with a refined grid (default), otherwise if auto=False, returns idx, x, interp, where idx and x correspond to new interpolation points.

Source code in src/amisc/
def refine(self, beta, auto=True, x_refine: np.ndarray = None):
    """Return a new interpolator with one dimension refined by one level, specified by `beta`.

    !!! Note
        If `self.reduced=True` or `auto=False`, then this function will return tuple indices `idx` corresponding
        to the new interpolation points `x`. The tuple indices specify one index along each input dimension.

    :param beta: the new refinement level indices
    :param auto: whether to automatically compute model at refinement points
    :param x_refine: `(Nx,)` use this array as the refined 1d grid if provided, otherwise compute via `leja_1d`
    :returns: `interp` - a `LagrangeInterpolator` with a refined grid (default), otherwise if `auto=False`,
              returns `idx, x, interp`, where `idx` and `x` correspond to new interpolation points.
        # Initialize a new interpolator with the new refinement levels
        interp = LagrangeInterpolator(beta, self.x_vars, model=self._model, model_args=self._model_args,
                                      model_kwargs=self._model_kwargs, init_grids=False, reduced=self.reduced)

        # Find the dimension and number of new points to add
        old_grid_sizes = self.get_grid_sizes(self.beta)
        new_grid_sizes = interp.get_grid_sizes(beta)
        dim_refine = 0
        num_new_pts = 0
        for idx, grid_size in enumerate(new_grid_sizes):
            if grid_size != old_grid_sizes[idx]:
                dim_refine = idx
                num_new_pts = grid_size - old_grid_sizes[idx]

        # Add points to leja grid in this dimension
        interp.x_grids = copy.deepcopy(self.x_grids)
        xi = copy.deepcopy(x_refine) if x_refine is not None else self.leja_1d(num_new_pts,
        interp.x_grids[dim_refine] = xi.astype(np.float32)

        # Update barycentric weights in this dimension
        interp.weights = copy.deepcopy(self.weights)
        Nx_old = old_grid_sizes[dim_refine]
        Nx_new = new_grid_sizes[dim_refine]
        old_wts = copy.deepcopy(self.weights[dim_refine])
        new_wts = np.zeros(Nx_new, dtype=np.float32)
        new_wts[:Nx_old] = old_wts
        bds = interp.x_vars[dim_refine].bounds()
        C = (bds[1] - bds[0]) / 4.0  # Interval capacity
        xi = interp.x_grids[dim_refine]
        for j in range(Nx_old, Nx_new):
            new_wts[:j] *= (C / (xi[:j] - xi[j]))
            new_wts[j] = / (xi[j] - xi[:j]))
        interp.weights[dim_refine] = new_wts

        # Copy yi over at existing interpolation points
        x_new = np.zeros((0, interp.xdim()), dtype=np.float32)
        x_new_idx = []
        tol = 1e-12     # Tolerance for floating point comparison
        j = 0           # Use this idx for iterating over existing yi
        if not self.reduced:
            interp.xi = np.zeros((, self.xdim()), dtype=np.float32)
            interp.yi = np.zeros((, self.ydim()), dtype=np.float32)
            if self.save_enabled():
                interp.output_files = [None] *

        old_indices = [list(range(old_grid_sizes[n])) for n in range(self.xdim())]
        old_indices = list(itertools.product(*old_indices))
        new_indices = [list(range(new_grid_sizes[n])) for n in range(self.xdim())]
        new_indices = list(itertools.product(*new_indices))
        for i in range(len(new_indices)):
            # Get the new grid coordinate/index and physical x location/point
            new_x_idx = new_indices[i]
            new_x_pt = np.array([float(interp.x_grids[n][new_x_idx[n]]) for n in range(self.xdim())],

            if not self.reduced:
                # Store the old xi/yi and return new x points
                interp.xi[i, :] = new_x_pt
                if j < len(old_indices) and np.all(np.abs(np.array(old_indices[j]) -
                                                          np.array(new_indices[i])) < tol):
                    # If we already have this interpolation point
                    interp.yi[i, :] = self.yi[j, :]
                    if self.save_enabled():
                        interp.output_files[i] = self.output_files[j]
                    j += 1
                    # Otherwise, save new interpolation point and its index
                    x_new = np.concatenate((x_new, new_x_pt.reshape((1, self.xdim()))))
                # Just find the new x indices and return those for the reduced case
                if j < len(old_indices) and np.all(np.abs(np.array(old_indices[j]) -
                                                          np.array(new_indices[i])) < tol):
                    j += 1
                    x_new = np.concatenate((x_new, new_x_pt.reshape((1, self.xdim()))))
                    x_new_idx.append(new_x_idx)     # Add a tuple() multi-index if not saving xi/yi

        # Evaluate the model at new interpolation points
        interp.model_cost = self.model_cost
        if self._model is None:
            self.logger.warning('No model available to evaluate new interpolation points, returning the points '
                                'to you instead...')
            return x_new_idx, x_new, interp
        elif not auto or self.reduced:
            return x_new_idx, x_new, interp
            interp.set_yi(x_new=(x_new_idx, x_new))
            return interp
    except Exception as e:
        import traceback
        tb_str = str(traceback.format_exception(e))
        raise Exception(f'Original exception in refine(): {tb_str}')