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Provides interpolator classes. Interpolators approximate the input → output mapping of a model given a set of training data. The training data consists of input-output pairs, and the interpolator can be refined with new training data.


  • Interpolator: Abstract class providing basic structure of an interpolator
  • Lagrange: Concrete implementation for tensor-product barycentric Lagrange interpolation
  • InterpolatorState: Interface for a dataclass that stores the internal state of an interpolator
  • LagrangeState: The internal state for a barycentric Lagrange polynomial interpolator


Bases: Serializable, ABC

Interface for an interpolator object that approximates a model. An interpolator should:

  • refine - take an old state and new training data and produce a new "refined" state (e.g. new weights/biases)
  • predict - interpolate from the training data to a new set of points (i.e. approximate the underlying model)
  • gradient - compute the grdient/Jacobian at new points (if you want)
  • hessian - compute the 2nd derivative/Hessian at new points (if you want)

Currently, only the Lagrange interpolator is supported and can be constructed from a configuration dict via Interpolator.from_dict().

from_dict(config) classmethod

Create an Interpolator object from a dict config. Only method='lagrange' is supported for now.

Source code in src/amisc/
def from_dict(cls, config: dict) -> Interpolator:
    """Create an `Interpolator` object from a `dict` config. Only `method='lagrange'` is supported for now."""
    method = config.pop('method', 'lagrange').lower()
    match method:
        case 'lagrange':
            return Lagrange(**config)
        case other:
            raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown interpolator method: {other}")

gradient(x, state, training_data) abstractmethod

Evaluate the gradient/Jacobian at points x using the interpolator.


the input Dataset dict mapping input variables to locations at which to evaluate the Jacobian

TYPE: Dataset


the current state of the interpolator

TYPE: InterpolatorState


a tuple of xi, yi Datasets for the input/output training data for the current state

TYPE: tuple[Dataset, Dataset]


a Dataset dict mapping output variables to Jacobian matrices of shape (ydim, xdim) -- for scalar outputs, the Jacobian is returned as (xdim,)

Source code in src/amisc/
def gradient(self, x: Dataset, state: InterpolatorState, training_data: tuple[Dataset, Dataset]) -> Dataset:
    """Evaluate the gradient/Jacobian at points `x` using the interpolator.

    :param x: the input Dataset `dict` mapping input variables to locations at which to evaluate the Jacobian
    :param state: the current state of the interpolator
    :param training_data: a tuple of `xi, yi` Datasets for the input/output training data for the current state
    :returns: a Dataset `dict` mapping output variables to Jacobian matrices of shape `(ydim, xdim)` -- for
              scalar outputs, the Jacobian is returned as `(xdim,)`
    raise NotImplementedError

hessian(x, state, training_data) abstractmethod

Evaluate the Hessian at points x using the interpolator.


the input Dataset dict mapping input variables to locations at which to evaluate the Hessian

TYPE: Dataset


the current state of the interpolator

TYPE: InterpolatorState


a tuple of xi, yi Datasets for the input/output training data for the current state

TYPE: tuple[Dataset, Dataset]


a Dataset dict mapping output variables to Hessian matrices of shape (xdim, xdim)

Source code in src/amisc/
def hessian(self, x: Dataset, state: InterpolatorState, training_data: tuple[Dataset, Dataset]) -> Dataset:
    """Evaluate the Hessian at points `x` using the interpolator.

    :param x: the input Dataset `dict` mapping input variables to locations at which to evaluate the Hessian
    :param state: the current state of the interpolator
    :param training_data: a tuple of `xi, yi` Datasets for the input/output training data for the current state
    :returns: a Dataset `dict` mapping output variables to Hessian matrices of shape `(xdim, xdim)`
    raise NotImplementedError

predict(x, state, training_data) abstractmethod

Interpolate the output of the model at points x using the given state and training data


the input Dataset dict mapping input variables to locations at which to compute the interpolator

TYPE: dict | Dataset


the current state of the interpolator

TYPE: InterpolatorState


a tuple of xi, yi Datasets for the input/output training data for the current state

TYPE: tuple[Dataset, Dataset]


a Dataset dict mapping output variables to interpolator outputs

Source code in src/amisc/
def predict(self, x: dict | Dataset, state: InterpolatorState, training_data: tuple[Dataset, Dataset]) -> Dataset:
    """Interpolate the output of the model at points `x` using the given state and training data

    :param x: the input Dataset `dict` mapping input variables to locations at which to compute the interpolator
    :param state: the current state of the interpolator
    :param training_data: a tuple of `xi, yi` Datasets for the input/output training data for the current state
    :returns: a Dataset `dict` mapping output variables to interpolator outputs
    raise NotImplementedError

refine(beta, training_data, old_state, input_domains) abstractmethod

Refine the interpolator state with new training data.


a multi-index specifying the fidelity "levels" of the new interpolator state (starts at (0,... 0))

TYPE: MultiIndex


a tuple of xi, yi Datasets for the input/output training data

TYPE: tuple[Dataset, Dataset]


the previous state of the interpolator (None if initializing the first state)

TYPE: InterpolatorState


a dict mapping input variables to their corresponding domains

TYPE: dict[str, tuple]


the new "refined" interpolator state

Source code in src/amisc/
def refine(self, beta: MultiIndex, training_data: tuple[Dataset, Dataset],
           old_state: InterpolatorState, input_domains: dict[str, tuple]) -> InterpolatorState:
    """Refine the interpolator state with new training data.

    :param beta: a multi-index specifying the fidelity "levels" of the new interpolator state (starts at (0,... 0))
    :param training_data: a tuple of `xi, yi` Datasets for the input/output training data
    :param old_state: the previous state of the interpolator (None if initializing the first state)
    :param input_domains: a `dict` mapping input variables to their corresponding domains
    :returns: the new "refined" interpolator state
    raise NotImplementedError


Bases: Serializable, ABC

Interface for a dataclass that stores the internal state of an interpolator (e.g. weights and biases).

Lagrange(interval_capacity=4.0) dataclass

Bases: Interpolator, StringSerializable

Implementation of a tensor-product barycentric Lagrange polynomial interpolator. A LagrangeState stores the 1d interpolation grids and weights for each input dimension. Lagrange computes the tensor-product of 1d Lagrange polynomials to approximate a multi-variate function.


tuning knob for Lagrange interpolation (see Berrut and Trefethen 2004)

TYPE: float

gradient(x, state, training_data)

Evaluate the gradient/Jacobian at points x using the interpolator.

Source code in src/amisc/
def gradient(self, x: Dataset, state: LagrangeState, training_data: tuple[Dataset, Dataset]):
    """Evaluate the gradient/Jacobian at points `x` using the interpolator."""
    # Convert `x` and `yi` to 2d arrays: (N, xdim) and (N, ydim)
    xi, yi = training_data
    x_arr = np.concatenate([x[var][..., np.newaxis] for var in xi], axis=-1)
    yi_arr = np.concatenate([yi[var][..., np.newaxis] for var in yi], axis=-1)

    xdim = x_arr.shape[-1]
    ydim = yi_arr.shape[-1]
    grid_sizes = {var: grid.shape[-1] for var, grid in state.x_grids.items()}
    max_size = max(grid_sizes.values())

    # Create ragged edge matrix of interpolation pts and weights
    x_j = np.full((xdim, max_size), np.nan)                             # For example:
    w_j = np.full((xdim, max_size), np.nan)                             # A= [#####--
    for n, var in enumerate(state.x_grids):                             #     #######
        x_j[n, :grid_sizes[var]] = state.x_grids[var]                   #     ###----]
        w_j[n, :grid_sizes[var]] = state.weights[var]

    # Compute values ahead of time that will be needed for the gradient
    diff = x_arr[..., np.newaxis] - x_j
    div_zero_idx = np.isclose(diff, 0, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-8)
    check_interp_pts = np.sum(div_zero_idx) > 0
    diff[div_zero_idx] = 1
    quotient = w_j / diff                               # (..., xdim, Nx)
    qsum = np.nansum(quotient, axis=-1)                 # (..., xdim)
    sqsum = np.nansum(w_j / diff ** 2, axis=-1)         # (..., xdim)
    jac = np.zeros(x_arr.shape[:-1] + (ydim, xdim))     # (..., ydim, xdim)

    # Loop over multi-indices and compute derivative of tensor-product lagrange polynomials
    indices = [range(s) for s in grid_sizes.values()]
    for k, var in enumerate(grid_sizes):
        dims = [idx for idx in range(xdim) if idx != k]
        for i, j in enumerate(itertools.product(*indices)):
            j_dims = [j[idx] for idx in dims]
            L_j = quotient[..., dims, j_dims] / qsum[..., dims]  # (..., xdim-1)

            # Partial derivative of L_j with respect to x_k
            dLJ_dx = ((w_j[k, j[k]] / (qsum[..., k] * diff[..., k, j[k]])) *
                      (sqsum[..., k] / qsum[..., k] - 1 / diff[..., k, j[k]]))

            # Set L_j(x==x_j)=1 for the current j and set L_j(x==x_j)=0 for x_j = x_i, i != j
            if check_interp_pts:
                other_pts = np.copy(div_zero_idx)
                other_pts[div_zero_idx[..., list(range(xdim)), j]] = False
                L_j[div_zero_idx[..., dims, j_dims]] = 1
                L_j[np.any(other_pts[..., dims, :], axis=-1)] = 0

                # Set derivatives when x is at the interpolation points (i.e. x==x_j)
                p_idx = [idx for idx in range(grid_sizes[var]) if idx != j[k]]
                w_j_large = np.broadcast_to(w_j[k, :], x_arr.shape[:-1] + w_j.shape[-1:]).copy()
                curr_j_idx = div_zero_idx[..., k, j[k]]
                other_j_idx = np.any(other_pts[..., k, :], axis=-1)
                dLJ_dx[curr_j_idx] = -np.nansum((w_j[k, p_idx] / w_j[k, j[k]]) /
                                                (x_arr[curr_j_idx, k, np.newaxis] - x_j[k, p_idx]), axis=-1)
                dLJ_dx[other_j_idx] = ((w_j[k, j[k]] / w_j_large[other_pts[..., k, :]]) /
                                       (x_arr[other_j_idx, k] - x_j[k, j[k]]))

            dLJ_dx = np.expand_dims(dLJ_dx, axis=-1) *, axis=-1, keepdims=True)  # (..., 1)

            # Add contribution to the Jacobian
            jac[..., k] += dLJ_dx * yi_arr[i, :]

    # Unpack the outputs back into a Dataset (array of length xdim for each y_var giving partial derivatives)
    jac_ret = {}
    start_idx = 0
    for var, arr in yi.items():
        num_vals = arr.shape[-1] if len(arr.shape) > 1 else 1
        end_idx = start_idx + num_vals
        jac_ret[var] = jac[..., start_idx:end_idx, :]  # (..., ydim, xdim)
        if len(arr.shape) == 1:
            jac_ret[var] = np.squeeze(jac_ret[var], axis=-2)  # for scalars: (..., xdim) partial derivatives
        start_idx = end_idx
    return jac_ret

hessian(x, state, training_data)

Evaluate the Hessian at points x using the interpolator.

Source code in src/amisc/
def hessian(self, x: Dataset, state: LagrangeState, training_data: tuple[Dataset, Dataset]):
    """Evaluate the Hessian at points `x` using the interpolator."""
    # Convert `x` and `yi` to 2d arrays: (N, xdim) and (N, ydim)
    xi, yi = training_data
    x_arr = np.concatenate([x[var][..., np.newaxis] for var in xi], axis=-1)
    yi_arr = np.concatenate([yi[var][..., np.newaxis] for var in yi], axis=-1)

    xdim = x_arr.shape[-1]
    ydim = yi_arr.shape[-1]
    grid_sizes = {var: grid.shape[-1] for var, grid in state.x_grids.items()}
    grid_size_list = list(grid_sizes.values())
    max_size = max(grid_size_list)

    # Create ragged edge matrix of interpolation pts and weights
    x_j = np.full((xdim, max_size), np.nan)                             # For example:
    w_j = np.full((xdim, max_size), np.nan)                             # A= [#####--
    for n, var in enumerate(state.x_grids):                             #     #######
        x_j[n, :grid_sizes[var]] = state.x_grids[var]                   #     ###----]
        w_j[n, :grid_sizes[var]] = state.weights[var]

    # Compute values ahead of time that will be needed for the gradient
    diff = x_arr[..., np.newaxis] - x_j
    div_zero_idx = np.isclose(diff, 0, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-8)
    check_interp_pts = np.sum(div_zero_idx) > 0
    diff[div_zero_idx] = 1
    quotient = w_j / diff                                       # (..., xdim, Nx)
    qsum = np.nansum(quotient, axis=-1)                         # (..., xdim)
    qsum_p = -np.nansum(w_j / diff ** 2, axis=-1)               # (..., xdim)
    qsum_pp = 2 * np.nansum(w_j / diff ** 3, axis=-1)           # (..., xdim)

    # Loop over multi-indices and compute 2nd derivative of tensor-product lagrange polynomials
    hess = np.zeros(x_arr.shape[:-1] + (ydim, xdim, xdim))      # (..., ydim, xdim, xdim)
    indices = [range(s) for s in grid_size_list]
    for m in range(xdim):
        for n in range(m, xdim):
            dims = [idx for idx in range(xdim) if idx not in [m, n]]
            for i, j in enumerate(itertools.product(*indices)):
                j_dims = [j[idx] for idx in dims]
                L_j = quotient[..., dims, j_dims] / qsum[..., dims]  # (..., xdim-2)

                # Set L_j(x==x_j)=1 for the current j and set L_j(x==x_j)=0 for x_j = x_i, i != j
                if check_interp_pts:
                    other_pts = np.copy(div_zero_idx)
                    other_pts[div_zero_idx[..., list(range(xdim)), j]] = False
                    L_j[div_zero_idx[..., dims, j_dims]] = 1
                    L_j[np.any(other_pts[..., dims, :], axis=-1)] = 0

                # Cross-terms in Hessian
                if m != n:
                    # Partial derivative of L_j with respect to x_m and x_n
                    d2LJ_dx2 = np.ones(x_arr.shape[:-1])
                    for k in [m, n]:
                        dLJ_dx = ((w_j[k, j[k]] / (qsum[..., k] * diff[..., k, j[k]])) *
                                  (-qsum_p[..., k] / qsum[..., k] - 1 / diff[..., k, j[k]]))

                        # Set derivatives when x is at the interpolation points (i.e. x==x_j)
                        if check_interp_pts:
                            p_idx = [idx for idx in range(grid_size_list[k]) if idx != j[k]]
                            w_j_large = np.broadcast_to(w_j[k, :], x_arr.shape[:-1] + w_j.shape[-1:]).copy()
                            curr_j_idx = div_zero_idx[..., k, j[k]]
                            other_j_idx = np.any(other_pts[..., k, :], axis=-1)
                            dLJ_dx[curr_j_idx] = -np.nansum((w_j[k, p_idx] / w_j[k, j[k]]) /
                                                            (x_arr[curr_j_idx, k, np.newaxis] - x_j[k, p_idx]),
                            dLJ_dx[other_j_idx] = ((w_j[k, j[k]] / w_j_large[other_pts[..., k, :]]) /
                                                   (x_arr[other_j_idx, k] - x_j[k, j[k]]))

                        d2LJ_dx2 *= dLJ_dx

                    d2LJ_dx2 = np.expand_dims(d2LJ_dx2, axis=-1) *, axis=-1, keepdims=True)  # (..., 1)
                    hess[..., m, n] += d2LJ_dx2 * yi_arr[i, :]
                    hess[..., n, m] += d2LJ_dx2 * yi_arr[i, :]

                # Diagonal terms in Hessian:
                    front_term = w_j[m, j[m]] / (qsum[..., m] * diff[..., m, j[m]])
                    first_term = (-qsum_pp[..., m] / qsum[..., m]) + 2 * (qsum_p[..., m] / qsum[..., m]) ** 2
                    second_term = (2 * (qsum_p[..., m] / (qsum[..., m] * diff[..., m, j[m]]))
                                   + 2 / diff[..., m, j[m]] ** 2)
                    d2LJ_dx2 = front_term * (first_term + second_term)

                    # Set derivatives when x is at the interpolation points (i.e. x==x_j)
                    if check_interp_pts:
                        curr_j_idx = div_zero_idx[..., m, j[m]]
                        other_j_idx = np.any(other_pts[..., m, :], axis=-1)
                        if np.any(curr_j_idx) or np.any(other_j_idx):
                            p_idx = [idx for idx in range(grid_size_list[m]) if idx != j[m]]
                            w_j_large = np.broadcast_to(w_j[m, :], x_arr.shape[:-1] + w_j.shape[-1:]).copy()
                            x_j_large = np.broadcast_to(x_j[m, :], x_arr.shape[:-1] + x_j.shape[-1:]).copy()

                            # if these points are at the current j interpolation point
                            d2LJ_dx2[curr_j_idx] = (2 * np.nansum((w_j[m, p_idx] / w_j[m, j[m]]) /
                                                                  (x_arr[curr_j_idx, m, np.newaxis] - x_j[m, p_idx]), # noqa: E501
                                                                  axis=-1) ** 2 +
                                                    2 * np.nansum((w_j[m, p_idx] / w_j[m, j[m]]) /
                                                                  (x_arr[curr_j_idx, m, np.newaxis] - x_j[m, p_idx]) ** 2, # noqa: E501

                            # if these points are at any other interpolation point
                            other_pts_inv = other_pts.copy()
                            other_pts_inv[other_j_idx, m, :grid_size_list[m]] = np.invert(
                                other_pts[other_j_idx, m, :grid_size_list[m]])  # noqa: E501
                            curr_x_j = x_j_large[other_pts[..., m, :]].reshape((-1, 1))
                            other_x_j = x_j_large[other_pts_inv[..., m, :]].reshape((-1, len(p_idx)))
                            curr_w_j = w_j_large[other_pts[..., m, :]].reshape((-1, 1))
                            other_w_j = w_j_large[other_pts_inv[..., m, :]].reshape((-1, len(p_idx)))
                            curr_div = w_j[m, j[m]] / np.squeeze(curr_w_j, axis=-1)
                            curr_diff = np.squeeze(curr_x_j, axis=-1) - x_j[m, j[m]]
                            d2LJ_dx2[other_j_idx] = ((-2 * curr_div / curr_diff) * (np.nansum(
                                (other_w_j / curr_w_j) / (curr_x_j - other_x_j), axis=-1) + 1 / curr_diff))

                    d2LJ_dx2 = np.expand_dims(d2LJ_dx2, axis=-1) *, axis=-1, keepdims=True)  # (..., 1)
                    hess[..., m, n] += d2LJ_dx2 * yi_arr[i, :]

    # Unpack the outputs back into a Dataset (matrix (xdim, xdim) for each y_var giving 2nd partial derivatives)
    hess_ret = {}
    start_idx = 0
    for var, arr in yi.items():
        num_vals = arr.shape[-1] if len(arr.shape) > 1 else 1
        end_idx = start_idx + num_vals
        hess_ret[var] = hess[..., start_idx:end_idx, :, :]  # (..., ydim, xdim, xdim)
        if len(arr.shape) == 1:
            hess_ret[var] = np.squeeze(hess_ret[var], axis=-3)  # for scalars: (..., xdim, xdim) partial derivatives
        start_idx = end_idx
    return hess_ret

predict(x, state, training_data)

Predict the output of the model at points x with barycentric Lagrange interpolation.

Source code in src/amisc/
def predict(self, x: Dataset, state: LagrangeState, training_data: tuple[Dataset, Dataset]):
    """Predict the output of the model at points `x` with barycentric Lagrange interpolation."""
    # Convert `x` and `yi` to 2d arrays: (N, xdim) and (N, ydim)
    # Inputs `x` may come in unordered, but they should get realigned with the internal `x_grids` state
    xi, yi = training_data
    x_arr = np.concatenate([x[var][..., np.newaxis] for var in xi], axis=-1)
    yi_arr = np.concatenate([yi[var][..., np.newaxis] for var in yi], axis=-1)

    xdim = x_arr.shape[-1]
    ydim = yi_arr.shape[-1]
    grid_sizes = {var: grid.shape[-1] for var, grid in state.x_grids.items()}
    max_size = max(grid_sizes.values())
    dims = list(range(xdim))

    # Create ragged edge matrix of interpolation pts and weights
    x_j = np.full((xdim, max_size), np.nan)                             # For example:
    w_j = np.full((xdim, max_size), np.nan)                             # A= [#####--
    for n, var in enumerate(state.x_grids):                             #     #######
        x_j[n, :grid_sizes[var]] = state.x_grids[var]                   #     ###----]
        w_j[n, :grid_sizes[var]] = state.weights[var]

    diff = x_arr[..., np.newaxis] - x_j
    div_zero_idx = np.isclose(diff, 0, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-8)
    check_interp_pts = np.sum(div_zero_idx) > 0     # whether we are evaluating directly on some interp pts
    diff[div_zero_idx] = 1
    quotient = w_j / diff                           # (..., xdim, Nx)
    qsum = np.nansum(quotient, axis=-1)             # (..., xdim)
    y = np.zeros(x_arr.shape[:-1] + (ydim,))        # (..., ydim)

    # Loop over multi-indices and compute tensor-product lagrange polynomials
    indices = [range(s) for s in grid_sizes.values()]
    for i, j in enumerate(itertools.product(*indices)):
        L_j = quotient[..., dims, j] / qsum         # (..., xdim)

        # Set L_j(x==x_j)=1 for the current j and set L_j(x==x_j)=0 for x_j = x_i, i != j
        if check_interp_pts:
            other_pts = np.copy(div_zero_idx)
            other_pts[div_zero_idx[..., dims, j]] = False
            L_j[div_zero_idx[..., dims, j]] = 1
            L_j[np.any(other_pts, axis=-1)] = 0

        # Add multivariate basis polynomial contribution to interpolation output
        y +=, axis=-1, keepdims=True) * yi_arr[i, :]

    # Unpack the outputs back into a Dataset
    y_ret = {}
    start_idx = 0
    for var, arr in yi.items():
        num_vals = arr.shape[-1] if len(arr.shape) > 1 else 1
        end_idx = start_idx + num_vals
        y_ret[var] = y[..., start_idx:end_idx]
        if len(arr.shape) == 1:
            y_ret[var] = np.squeeze(y_ret[var], axis=-1)  # for scalars
        start_idx = end_idx
    return y_ret

refine(beta, training_data, old_state, input_domains)

Refine the interpolator state with new training data.


the refinement level indices for the interpolator (not used for Lagrange)

TYPE: MultiIndex


a tuple of dictionaries containing the new training data (xtrain, ytrain)

TYPE: tuple[Dataset, Dataset]


the old interpolator state to refine (None if initializing)

TYPE: LagrangeState


a dict of each input variable's domain; input keys should match xtrain keys

TYPE: dict[str, tuple]


the new interpolator state

Source code in src/amisc/
def refine(self, beta: MultiIndex, training_data: tuple[Dataset, Dataset],
           old_state: LagrangeState, input_domains: dict[str, tuple]) -> LagrangeState:
    """Refine the interpolator state with new training data.

    :param beta: the refinement level indices for the interpolator (not used for `Lagrange`)
    :param training_data: a tuple of dictionaries containing the new training data (`xtrain`, `ytrain`)
    :param old_state: the old interpolator state to refine (None if initializing)
    :param input_domains: a `dict` of each input variable's domain; input keys should match `xtrain` keys
    :returns: the new interpolator state
    xtrain, ytrain = training_data  # Lagrange only really needs the xtrain data to update barycentric weights/grids

    # Initialize the interpolator state
    if old_state is None:
        x_grids = self._extend_grids({}, xtrain)
        weights = {}
        for var, grid in x_grids.items():
            bds = input_domains[var]
            Nx = grid.shape[0]
            C = (bds[1] - bds[0]) / self.interval_capacity  # Interval capacity (see Berrut and Trefethen 2004)
            xj = grid.reshape((Nx, 1))
            xi = xj.reshape((1, Nx))
            dist = (xj - xi) / C
            np.fill_diagonal(dist, 1)  # Ignore product when i==j
            weights[var] = (1.0 /, axis=1))  # (Nx,)

    # Otherwise, refine the interpolator state
        x_grids = self._extend_grids(old_state.x_grids, xtrain)
        weights = copy.deepcopy(old_state.weights)
        for var, grid in x_grids.items():
            bds = input_domains[var]
            Nx_old = old_state.x_grids[var].shape[0]
            Nx_new = grid.shape[0]
            if Nx_new > Nx_old:
                weights[var] = np.pad(weights[var], [(0, Nx_new - Nx_old)], mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan)
                C = (bds[1] - bds[0]) / self.interval_capacity
                for j in range(Nx_old, Nx_new):
                    weights[var][:j] *= (C / (grid[:j] - grid[j]))
                    weights[var][j] = / (grid[j] - grid[:j]))

    return LagrangeState(weights=weights, x_grids=x_grids)

LagrangeState(weights=dict(), x_grids=dict()) dataclass

Bases: InterpolatorState, Base64Serializable

The internal state for a barycentric Lagrange polynomial interpolator.


the 1d interpolation grid weights

TYPE: dict[str, ndarray]


the 1d interpolation grids

TYPE: dict[str, ndarray]