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Module for compression methods.

Especially useful for field quantities with high dimensions.


  • Compression — an interface for specifying a compression method for field quantities.
  • SVD — a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) compression method.

Compression(fields=list(), method='svd', coords=None, interpolate_method='rbf', interpolate_opts=dict(), _map_computed=False) dataclass

Bases: PickleSerializable, ABC

Base class for compression methods. Compression methods should:

  • compute_map - compute the compression map from provided data
  • compress - compress data into a latent space
  • reconstruct - reconstruct the compressed data back into the full space
  • latent_size - return the size of the latent space
  • estimate_latent_ranges - estimate the range of the latent space coefficients

Specifying fields

The fields attribute is a list of strings that specify the field quantities to compress. For example, for 3D velocity data, the fields might be ['ux', 'uy', 'uz']. The length of the fields attribute is used to determine the number of quantities of interest at each grid point in coords. Note that interpolation to/from the compression grid will assume a shape of (num_pts, num_qoi) for the states on the grid, where num_qoi is the length of fields and num_pts is the length of coords. When constructing the compression map, this important fact should be considered when passing data to compute_map.

In order to use a Compression object, you must first call compute_map to compute the compression map, which should set the private value self._map_computed=True. The coords of the compression grid must also be specified. The coords should have the shape (num_pts, dim) where num_pts is the number of points in the compression grid and dim is the number of spatial dimensions. If coords is a 1d array, then the dim is assumed to be 1.


list of field quantities to compress

TYPE: list[str]


the compression method to use (only svd is supported for now)

TYPE: str


the coordinates of the compression grid

TYPE: ndarray


the interpolation method to use to interpolate to/from the compression grid (only rbf (i.e. radial basis function) is supported for now)

TYPE: str


additional options to pass to the interpolation method

TYPE: dict


whether the compression map has been computed

TYPE: bool

dim property

Number of physical grid coordinates for the field quantity, (i.e. x,y,z spatial dims)

dof property

Total degrees of freedom in the compression grid (i.e. num_pts * num_qoi).

map_exists property

All compression methods should have coords when their map has been constructed.

num_pts property

Number of physical points in the compression grid.

num_qoi property

Number of quantities of interest at each grid point, (i.e. ux, uy, uz for 3d velocity data).

compress(data) abstractmethod

Compress the data into a latent space.


(..., dof) - the data to compress from full size of dof

TYPE: ndarray


(..., rank) - the compressed latent space data with size rank

Source code in src/amisc/
def compress(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Compress the data into a latent space.

    :param data: `(..., dof)` - the data to compress from full size of `dof`
    :return: `(..., rank)` - the compressed latent space data with size `rank`
    raise NotImplementedError

compute_map(**kwargs) abstractmethod

Compute and store the compression map. Must set the value of coords and _is_computed. Should use the same normalization as the parent Variable object.


You should pass any required data to compute_map with the assumption that the data will be used in the shape (num_pts, num_qoi) where num_qoi is the length of fields and num_pts is the length of coords. This is the shape that the compression map should be constructed in.

Source code in src/amisc/
def compute_map(self, **kwargs):
    """Compute and store the compression map. Must set the value of `coords` and `_is_computed`. Should
    use the same normalization as the parent `Variable` object.

    !!! Note
        You should pass any required data to `compute_map` with the assumption that the data will be used in the
        shape `(num_pts, num_qoi)` where `num_qoi` is the length of `fields` and `num_pts` is the length of
        `coords`. This is the shape that the compression map should be constructed in.
    raise NotImplementedError

estimate_latent_ranges() abstractmethod

Estimate the range of the latent space coefficients.

Source code in src/amisc/
def estimate_latent_ranges(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]:
    """Estimate the range of the latent space coefficients."""
    raise NotImplementedError

from_dict(spec) classmethod

Construct a Compression object from a spec dictionary.

Source code in src/amisc/
def from_dict(cls, spec: dict) -> Compression:
    """Construct a `Compression` object from a spec dictionary."""
    method = spec.pop('method', 'svd').lower()
    match method:
        case 'svd':
            return SVD(**spec)
        case other:
            raise NotImplementedError(f"Compression method '{other}' is not implemented.")

interpolate_from_grid(states, new_coords)

Interpolate the states on the compression grid to new coordinates.


(*loop_shape, dof) - the states on the compression grid

TYPE: ndarray


(*coord_shape, dim) - the new coordinates to interpolate to

TYPE: ndarray


dict of (*loop_shape, *coord_shape) for each qoi - the interpolated states

Source code in src/amisc/
def interpolate_from_grid(self, states: np.ndarray, new_coords: np.ndarray):
    """Interpolate the states on the compression grid to new coordinates.

    :param states: `(*loop_shape, dof)` - the states on the compression grid
    :param new_coords: `(*coord_shape, dim)` - the new coordinates to interpolate to
    :return: `dict` of `(*loop_shape, *coord_shape)` for each qoi - the interpolated states
    new_coords = self._correct_coords(new_coords)
    grid_coords = self._correct_coords(self.coords)
    skip_interp = (new_coords.shape == grid_coords.shape and np.allclose(new_coords, grid_coords))

    ret_dict = {}
    loop_shape = states.shape[:-1]
    coords_shape = new_coords.shape[:-1]
    states = states.reshape((*loop_shape, self.num_pts, self.num_qoi))
    new_coords = new_coords.reshape((-1, self.dim))
    for i, qoi in enumerate(self.fields):
        if skip_interp:
            ret_dict[qoi] = states[..., i]
            reshaped_states = states[..., i].reshape(-1, self.num_pts).T  # (num_pts, ...)
            interp = self.interpolator()(grid_coords, reshaped_states, **self.interpolate_opts)
            yp = interp(new_coords)
            ret_dict[qoi] = yp.T.reshape(*loop_shape, *coords_shape)

    return ret_dict

interpolate_to_grid(field_coords, field_values)

Interpolate the field values at given coordinates to the compression grid.


(*coord_shape, dim) - the coordinates of the field values

TYPE: ndarray


dict of (*loop_shape, *coord_shape) for each qoi - the field values at the coordinates


(*loop_shape, dof) - the interpolated values on the compression grid

Source code in src/amisc/
def interpolate_to_grid(self, field_coords: np.ndarray, field_values):
    """Interpolate the field values at given coordinates to the compression grid.

    :param field_coords: `(*coord_shape, dim)` - the coordinates of the field values
    :param field_values: `dict` of `(*loop_shape, *coord_shape)` for each qoi - the field values at the coordinates
    :return: `(*loop_shape, dof)` - the interpolated values on the compression grid
    field_coords = self._correct_coords(field_coords)
    grid_coords = self._correct_coords(self.coords)
    skip_interp = (field_coords.shape == grid_coords.shape and np.allclose(field_coords, grid_coords))

    coords_shape = field_coords.shape[:-1]
    loop_shape = next(iter(field_values.values())).shape[:-len(coords_shape)]
    states = np.empty((*loop_shape, self.num_pts, self.num_qoi))
    field_coords = field_coords.reshape(-1, self.dim)
    for i, qoi in enumerate(self.fields):
        field_vals = field_values[qoi].reshape((*loop_shape, -1))  # (..., Q)
        if skip_interp:
            states[..., i] = field_vals
            field_vals = field_vals.reshape((-1, field_vals.shape[-1])).T  # (Q, ...)
            interp = self.interpolator()(field_coords, field_vals, **self.interpolate_opts)
            yg = interp(grid_coords)
            states[..., i] = yg.T.reshape(*loop_shape, self.num_pts)

    return states.reshape((*loop_shape, self.dof))


The interpolator to use during compression and reconstruction. Interpolator expects to be used as:

xg = np.ndarray    # (num_pts, dim)  grid coordinates
yg = np.ndarray    # (num_pts, ...)  scalar values on grid
xp = np.ndarray    # (Q, dim)        evaluation points

interp = interpolate_method(xg, yg, **interpolate_opts)

yp = interp(xp)    # (Q, ...)        interpolated values
Source code in src/amisc/
def interpolator(self):
    """The interpolator to use during compression and reconstruction. Interpolator expects to be used as:

    xg = np.ndarray    # (num_pts, dim)  grid coordinates
    yg = np.ndarray    # (num_pts, ...)  scalar values on grid
    xp = np.ndarray    # (Q, dim)        evaluation points

    interp = interpolate_method(xg, yg, **interpolate_opts)

    yp = interp(xp)    # (Q, ...)        interpolated values
    method = self.interpolate_method or 'rbf'
    match method.lower():
        case 'rbf':
            return RBFInterpolator
        case other:
            raise NotImplementedError(f"Interpolation method '{other}' is not implemented.")

latent_size() abstractmethod

Return the size of the latent space.

Source code in src/amisc/
def latent_size(self) -> int:
    """Return the size of the latent space."""
    raise NotImplementedError

reconstruct(compressed) abstractmethod

Reconstruct the compressed data back into the full dof space.


(..., rank) - the compressed data to reconstruct

TYPE: ndarray


(..., dof) - the reconstructed data with full dof

Source code in src/amisc/
def reconstruct(self, compressed: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Reconstruct the compressed data back into the full `dof` space.

    :param compressed: `(..., rank)` - the compressed data to reconstruct
    :return: `(..., dof)` - the reconstructed data with full `dof`
    raise NotImplementedError

SVD(fields=list(), method='svd', coords=None, interpolate_method='rbf', interpolate_opts=dict(), _map_computed=False, data_matrix=None, projection_matrix=None, rank=None, energy_tol=None) dataclass

Bases: Compression

A Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) compression method. The SVD will be computed on initialization if the data_matrix is provided.


(dof, num_samples) - the data matrix

TYPE: ndarray


(dof, rank) - the projection matrix

TYPE: ndarray


the rank of the SVD decomposition

TYPE: int


the energy tolerance of the SVD decomposition

TYPE: float

compute_map(data_matrix, rank=None, energy_tol=None)

Compute the SVD compression map from the data matrix. Recall that dof is the total number of degrees of freedom, equal to the number of grid points num_pts times the number of quantities of interest num_qoi at each grid point.


(dof, num_samples) - the data matrix. If passed in as a dict, then the data matrix will be formed by concatenating the values of the dict along the last axis in the order of the fields attribute and flattening the last two axes. This is useful for passing in a dictionary of field values like {field1: (num_samples, num_pts), field2: ...} which ensures consistency of shape with the compression coords.

TYPE: ndarray | dict


the rank of the SVD decomposition



the energy tolerance of the SVD decomposition

TYPE: float DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/amisc/
def compute_map(self, data_matrix: np.ndarray | dict, rank: int = None, energy_tol: float = None):
    """Compute the SVD compression map from the data matrix. Recall that `dof` is the total number of degrees of
    freedom, equal to the number of grid points `num_pts` times the number of quantities of interest `num_qoi`
    at each grid point.

    :param data_matrix: `(dof, num_samples)` - the data matrix. If passed in as a `dict`, then the data matrix
                        will be formed by concatenating the values of the `dict` along the last axis in the order
                        of the `fields` attribute and flattening the last two axes. This is useful for passing
                        in a dictionary of field values like `{field1: (num_samples, num_pts), field2: ...}`
                        which ensures consistency of shape with the compression `coords`.
    :param rank: the rank of the SVD decomposition
    :param energy_tol: the energy tolerance of the SVD decomposition
    if isinstance(data_matrix, dict):
        data_matrix = np.concatenate([data_matrix[field][..., np.newaxis] for field in self.fields], axis=-1)
        data_matrix = data_matrix.reshape(*data_matrix.shape[:-2], -1).T  # (dof, num_samples)

    nan_idx = np.any(np.isnan(data_matrix), axis=0)
    data_matrix = data_matrix[:, ~nan_idx]
    u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(data_matrix)
    energy_frac = np.cumsum(s ** 2 / np.sum(s ** 2))
    if rank := (rank or self.rank):
        energy_tol = energy_frac[rank - 1]
        energy_tol = energy_tol or self.energy_tol or 0.95
        idx = int(np.where(energy_frac >= energy_tol)[0][0])
        rank = idx + 1

    self.data_matrix = data_matrix
    self.rank = rank
    self.energy_tol = energy_tol
    self.projection_matrix = u[:, :rank]  # (dof, rank)
    self._map_computed = True