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A Component is an amisc wrapper around a single discipline model. It manages surrogate construction and optionally a hierarchy of modeling fidelities that may be available. Concrete component classes all inherit from the base ComponentSurrogate class provided here. Components manage an array of BaseInterpolator objects to form a multifidelity hierarchy.


  • ComponentSurrogate: the base class that is fundamental to the adaptive multi-index stochastic collocation strategy
  • SparseGridSurrogate: an AMISC component that manages a hierarchy of LagrangeInterpolator objects
  • AnalyticalSurrogate: a light wrapper around a single discipline model that does not require surrogate approximation

ComponentSurrogate(x_vars, model, multi_index=None, truth_alpha=(), max_alpha=(), max_beta=(), log_file=None, executor=None, model_args=(), model_kwargs=None)

Bases: ABC

The base multi-index stochastic collocation (MISC) surrogate class for a single discipline component model.


A multi-index is a tuple of natural numbers, each specifying a level of fidelity. You will frequently see two multi-indices: alpha and beta. The alpha (or \(\alpha\)) indices specify physical model fidelity and get passed to the model as an additional argument (e.g. things like discretization level, time step size, etc.). The beta (or \(\beta\)) indices specify surrogate refinement level, so typically an indication of the amount of training data used. Each fidelity index in \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) increase in refinement from \(0\) up to max_alpha and max_beta. From the surrogate's perspective, the concatenation of \((\alpha, \beta)\) fully specifies a single fidelity "level". The ComponentSurrogate forms an approximation of the model by summing up over many of these concatenated sets of \((\alpha, \beta)\). These lists are stored in a data structure of list[ tuple[ tuple, tuple ], ...]. When \(\alpha\) or \(\beta\) are used as keys in a dict, they are cast to a Python str from a tuple.


the current active set of multi-indices in the MISC approximation

TYPE: IndexSet


all neighboring multi-indices that are candidates for inclusion in index_set

TYPE: IndexSet


list of variables that define the input domain

TYPE: list[BaseRV]


the number of outputs returned by the model

TYPE: int


stores a ref to the model or function that is to be approximated, callable as ret = model(x)

TYPE: callable[np.ndarray] -> dict


additional arguments to supply to the model

TYPE: tuple


additional keyword arguments to supply to the model

TYPE: dict


the model fidelity indices to treat as the "ground truth" model

TYPE: tuple[int, ...]


the maximum level of refinement for each fidelity index in \((\alpha, \beta)\)

TYPE: list[int, ...]


keeps track of the BaseInterpolator associated with each set of \((\alpha, \beta)\)

TYPE: MiscTree


keeps track of total cost associated with adding a single \((\alpha, \beta)\) to the MISC approximation

TYPE: MiscTree


the combination technique coefficients for the MISC approximation

TYPE: MiscTree

Construct the MISC surrogate and initialize with any multi-indices passed in.

Model specification

The model is a callable function of the form ret = model(x, *args, **kwargs). The return value is a dictionary of the form ret = {'y': y, 'files': files, 'cost': cost}. In the return dictionary, you specify the raw model output y as an np.ndarray at a minimum. Optionally, you can specify paths to output files and the average model cost (in units of seconds of cpu time), and anything else you want.


If the model has multiple fidelities, then the function signature must be model(x, alpha, *args, **kwargs) ; the first argument after x will always be the fidelity indices alpha. The rest of model_args will be passed in after (you do not need to include alpha in model_args, it is done automatically).


[X1, X2, ...] list of variables specifying bounds/pdfs for each input

TYPE: list[BaseRV] | BaseRV


the function to approximate, callable as ret = model(x, *args, **kwargs)

TYPE: callable


[((alpha1), (beta1)), ... ] list of concatenated multi-indices \((\alpha, \beta)\)

TYPE: IndexSet DEFAULT: None


specifies the highest model fidelity indices necessary for a "ground truth" comparison

TYPE: tuple DEFAULT: ()


the maximum model refinement indices to allow, defaults to (2,...) if applicable

TYPE: tuple DEFAULT: ()


the maximum surrogate refinement indices, defaults to (2,...) of length x_dim

TYPE: tuple DEFAULT: ()


specifies a log file (optional)

TYPE: str | Path DEFAULT: None


parallel executor used to add candidate indices in parallel (optional)

TYPE: Executor DEFAULT: None


optional args to pass when calling the model

TYPE: tuple DEFAULT: ()


optional kwargs to pass when calling the model

TYPE: dict DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/amisc/
def __init__(self, x_vars: list[BaseRV] | BaseRV, model: callable,
             multi_index: IndexSet = None,
             truth_alpha: tuple = (), max_alpha: tuple = (), max_beta: tuple = (),
             log_file: str | Path = None, executor: Executor = None,
             model_args: tuple = (), model_kwargs: dict = None):
    """Construct the MISC surrogate and initialize with any multi-indices passed in.

    !!! Info "Model specification"
        The model is a callable function of the form `ret = model(x, *args, **kwargs)`. The return value is a
        dictionary of the form `ret = {'y': y, 'files': files, 'cost': cost}`. In the return dictionary, you
        specify the raw model output `y` as an `np.ndarray` at a _minimum_. Optionally, you can specify paths to
        output files and the average model cost (in units of seconds of cpu time), and anything else you want.

    !!! Warning
        If the model has multiple fidelities, then the function signature must be `model(x, alpha, *args, **kwargs)`
        ; the first argument after `x` will always be the fidelity indices `alpha`. The rest of `model_args` will
        be passed in after (you do not need to include `alpha` in `model_args`, it is done automatically).

    :param x_vars: `[X1, X2, ...]` list of variables specifying bounds/pdfs for each input
    :param model: the function to approximate, callable as `ret = model(x, *args, **kwargs)`
    :param multi_index: `[((alpha1), (beta1)), ... ]` list of concatenated multi-indices $(\\alpha, \\beta)$
    :param truth_alpha: specifies the highest model fidelity indices necessary for a "ground truth" comparison
    :param max_alpha: the maximum model refinement indices to allow, defaults to `(2,...)` if applicable
    :param max_beta: the maximum surrogate refinement indices, defaults to `(2,...)` of length `x_dim`
    :param log_file: specifies a log file (optional)
    :param executor: parallel executor used to add candidate indices in parallel (optional)
    :param model_args: optional args to pass when calling the model
    :param model_kwargs: optional kwargs to pass when calling the model
    self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__name__, log_file=log_file)
    self.log_file = log_file
    self.executor = executor
    self.training_flag = None  # Keep track of which MISC coeffs are active
    # (True=active set, False=active+candidate sets, None=Neither/unknown)

    multi_index = list() if multi_index is None else multi_index
    assert self.is_downward_closed(multi_index), 'Must be a downward closed set.'
    self.ydim = None
    self.index_set = []         # The active index set for the MISC approximation
    self.candidate_set = []     # Candidate indices for refinement
    self._model = model
    self._model_args = model_args
    self._model_kwargs = model_kwargs if model_kwargs is not None else {}
    self.truth_alpha = truth_alpha
    self.x_vars = x_vars if isinstance(x_vars, list) else [x_vars]
    max_alpha = truth_alpha if max_alpha == () else max_alpha
    max_beta = (2,)*len(self.x_vars) if max_beta == () else max_beta
    self.max_refine = list(max_alpha + max_beta)    # Max refinement indices

    # Initialize important tree-like structures
    self.surrogates = dict()        # Maps alphas -> betas -> surrogates
    self.costs = dict()             # Maps alphas -> betas -> wall clock run times
    self.misc_coeff = dict()        # Maps alphas -> betas -> MISC coefficients

    # Construct vectors of [0,1]^dim(alpha+beta)
    Nij = len(self.max_refine)
    self.ij = np.zeros((2 ** Nij, Nij), dtype=np.uint8)
    for i, ele in enumerate(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=Nij)):
        self.ij[i, :] = ele

    # Initialize any indices that were passed in
    multi_index = list() if multi_index is None else multi_index
    for alpha, beta in multi_index:
        self.activate_index(alpha, beta)

activate_index(alpha, beta)

Add a multi-index to the active set and all neighbors to the candidate set.


A multi-index specifying model fidelity

TYPE: tuple


A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity

TYPE: tuple

Source code in src/amisc/
def activate_index(self, alpha: tuple, beta: tuple):
    """Add a multi-index to the active set and all neighbors to the candidate set.

    :param alpha: A multi-index specifying model fidelity
    :param beta: A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity
    # User is responsible for making sure index set is downward-closed
    alpha, beta = tuple([int(i) for i in alpha]), tuple([int(i) for i in beta])  # Make sure these are python ints
    self.add_surrogate(alpha, beta)
    ele = (alpha, beta)
    if ele in self.index_set:
        self.logger.warning(f'Multi-index {ele} is already in the active index set. Ignoring...')

    # Add all possible new candidates (distance of one unit vector away)
    ind = list(alpha + beta)
    new_candidates = []
    for i in range(len(ind)):
        ind_new = ind.copy()
        ind_new[i] += 1

        # Don't add if we surpass a refinement limit
        if np.any(np.array(ind_new) > np.array(self.max_refine)):

        # Add the new index if it maintains downward-closedness
        new_cand = (tuple(ind_new[:len(alpha)]), tuple(ind_new[len(alpha):]))
        down_closed = True
        for j in range(len(ind)):
            ind_check = ind_new.copy()
            ind_check[j] -= 1
            if ind_check[j] >= 0:
                tup_check = (tuple(ind_check[:len(alpha)]), tuple(ind_check[len(alpha):]))
                if tup_check not in self.index_set and tup_check != ele:
                    down_closed = False
        if down_closed:

    # Build an interpolator for each new candidate
    if self.executor is None:   # Sequential
        for a, b in new_candidates:
            self.add_surrogate(a, b)
    else:                       # Parallel
        temp_exc = self.executor
        self.executor = None
        for a, b in new_candidates:
            if str(a) not in self.surrogates:
                self.surrogates[str(a)] = dict()
                self.costs[str(a)] = dict()
                self.misc_coeff[str(a)] = dict()
        self.parallel_add_candidates(new_candidates, temp_exc)
        self.executor = temp_exc

    # Move to the active index set
    if ele in self.candidate_set:
    new_candidates = [cand for cand in new_candidates if cand not in self.candidate_set]
    self.training_flag = None   # Makes sure misc coeffs get recomputed next time

add_surrogate(alpha, beta)

Build a BaseInterpolator object for a given \((\alpha, \beta)\)


A multi-index specifying model fidelity

TYPE: tuple


A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity

TYPE: tuple

Source code in src/amisc/
def add_surrogate(self, alpha: tuple, beta: tuple):
    """Build a `BaseInterpolator` object for a given $(\\alpha, \\beta)$

    :param alpha: A multi-index specifying model fidelity
    :param beta: A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity
    # Create a dictionary for each alpha model to store multiple surrogate fidelities (beta)
    if str(alpha) not in self.surrogates:
        self.surrogates[str(alpha)] = dict()
        self.costs[str(alpha)] = dict()
        self.misc_coeff[str(alpha)] = dict()

    # Create a new interpolator object for this multi-index (abstract method)
    if self.surrogates[str(alpha)].get(str(beta), None) is None:'Building interpolator for index {(alpha, beta)} ...')
        x_new_idx, x_new, interp = self.build_interpolator(alpha, beta)
        self.surrogates[str(alpha)][str(beta)] = interp
        cost = self.update_interpolator(x_new_idx, x_new, interp)  # Awkward, but needed to separate the model evals
        self.costs[str(alpha)][str(beta)] = cost
        if self.ydim is None:
            self.ydim = interp.ydim()


Initialize the coarsest interpolation and add to the active index set

Source code in src/amisc/
def init_coarse(self):
    """Initialize the coarsest interpolation and add to the active index set"""
    alpha = (0,) * len(self.truth_alpha)
    beta = (0,) * len(self.max_refine[len(self.truth_alpha):])
    self.activate_index(alpha, beta)


Iterate candidate indices one by one into the active index set.

:yields alpha, beta: the multi-indices of the current candidate that has been moved to active set

Source code in src/amisc/
def iterate_candidates(self):
    """Iterate candidate indices one by one into the active index set.

    :yields alpha, beta: the multi-indices of the current candidate that has been moved to active set
    for alpha, beta in list(self.candidate_set):
        # Temporarily add a candidate index to active set
        self.index_set.append((alpha, beta))
        yield alpha, beta
        del self.index_set[-1]

predict(x, use_model=None, model_dir=None, training=False, index_set=None, ppool=None)

Evaluate the MISC approximation at new points x.


By default this will predict the MISC surrogate approximation. However, for convenience you can also specify use_model to call the underlying function instead.


(..., x_dim) the points to be interpolated, must be within input domain for accuracy

TYPE: ndarray | float


'best'=high-fidelity, 'worst'=low-fidelity, tuple=a specific alpha, None=surrogate (default)

TYPE: str | tuple DEFAULT: None


directory to save output files if use_model is specified, ignored otherwise

TYPE: str | Path DEFAULT: None


if True, then only compute with the active index set, otherwise use all candidates as well

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


a list of concatenated \((\alpha, \beta)\) to override self.index_set if given, else ignore

TYPE: IndexSet DEFAULT: None


a joblib Parallel pool to loop over multi-indices in parallel



(..., y_dim) the surrogate approximation of the function (or the function itself if use_model)

Source code in src/amisc/
def predict(self, x: np.ndarray | float, use_model: str | tuple = None, model_dir: str | Path = None,
            training: bool = False, index_set: IndexSet = None, ppool=None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Evaluate the MISC approximation at new points `x`.

    !!! Note
        By default this will predict the MISC surrogate approximation. However, for convenience you can also specify
        `use_model` to call the underlying function instead.

    :param x: `(..., x_dim)` the points to be interpolated, must be within input domain for accuracy
    :param use_model: 'best'=high-fidelity, 'worst'=low-fidelity, tuple=a specific `alpha`, None=surrogate (default)
    :param model_dir: directory to save output files if `use_model` is specified, ignored otherwise
    :param training: if `True`, then only compute with the active index set, otherwise use all candidates as well
    :param index_set: a list of concatenated $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ to override `self.index_set` if given, else ignore
    :param ppool: a joblib `Parallel` pool to loop over multi-indices in parallel
    :returns y: `(..., y_dim)` the surrogate approximation of the function (or the function itself if `use_model`)
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    if use_model is not None:
        return self._bypass_surrogate(x, use_model, model_dir)

    index_set, misc_coeff = self._combination(index_set, training)  # Choose the correct index set and misc_coeff

    def run_batch(alpha, beta, y):
        comb_coeff = misc_coeff[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
        if np.abs(comb_coeff) > 0:
            func = self.surrogates[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
            y += int(comb_coeff) * func(x)

    if ppool is not None:
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.dat', mode='w+b', delete=False) as y_fd:
        y_ret = np.memmap(, dtype=x.dtype, mode='r+', shape=x.shape[:-1] + (self.ydim,))
        ppool(delayed(run_batch)(alpha, beta, y_ret) for alpha, beta in index_set)
        y = np.empty(y_ret.shape, dtype=x.dtype)
        y[:] = y_ret[:]
        del y_ret
        y = np.zeros(x.shape[:-1] + (self.ydim,), dtype=x.dtype)
        for alpha, beta in index_set:
            run_batch(alpha, beta, y)

    return y

grad(x, training=False, index_set=None)

Evaluate the derivative/Jacobian of the MISC approximation at new points x.


(..., x_dim) the evaluation points, must be within input domain for accuracy

TYPE: ndarray | float | list


if True, then only compute with the active index set, otherwise use all candidates as well

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


a list of concatenated \((\alpha, \beta)\) to override self.index_set if given, else ignore

TYPE: IndexSet DEFAULT: None


(..., y_dim, x_dim) the Jacobian of the surrogate approximation

Source code in src/amisc/
def grad(self, x: np.ndarray | float | list, training: bool = False, index_set: IndexSet = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Evaluate the derivative/Jacobian of the MISC approximation at new points `x`.

    :param x: `(..., x_dim)` the evaluation points, must be within input domain for accuracy
    :param training: if `True`, then only compute with the active index set, otherwise use all candidates as well
    :param index_set: a list of concatenated $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ to override `self.index_set` if given, else ignore
    :returns: `(..., y_dim, x_dim)` the Jacobian of the surrogate approximation
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    index_set, misc_coeff = self._combination(index_set, training)  # Choose the correct index set and misc_coeff

    jac = np.zeros(x.shape[:-1] + (self.ydim, len(self.x_vars)), dtype=x.dtype)
    for alpha, beta in index_set:
        comb_coeff = misc_coeff[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
        if np.abs(comb_coeff) > 0:
            interp = self.surrogates[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
            jac += int(comb_coeff) * interp.grad(x)

    return jac

hessian(x, training=False, index_set=None)

Evaluate the Hessian of the MISC approximation at new points x.


(..., x_dim) the evaluation points, must be within input domain for accuracy

TYPE: ndarray | float | list


if True, then only compute with the active index set, otherwise use all candidates as well

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


a list of concatenated \((\alpha, \beta)\) to override self.index_set if given, else ignore

TYPE: IndexSet DEFAULT: None


(..., y_dim, x_dim, x_dim) the Hessian of the surrogate approximation

Source code in src/amisc/
def hessian(self, x: np.ndarray | float | list, training: bool = False, index_set: IndexSet = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """Evaluate the Hessian of the MISC approximation at new points `x`.

    :param x: `(..., x_dim)` the evaluation points, must be within input domain for accuracy
    :param training: if `True`, then only compute with the active index set, otherwise use all candidates as well
    :param index_set: a list of concatenated $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ to override `self.index_set` if given, else ignore
    :returns: `(..., y_dim, x_dim, x_dim)` the Hessian of the surrogate approximation
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    index_set, misc_coeff = self._combination(index_set, training)  # Choose the correct index set and misc_coeff

    hess = np.zeros(x.shape[:-1] + (self.ydim, len(self.x_vars), len(self.x_vars)), x.dtype)
    for alpha, beta in index_set:
        comb_coeff = misc_coeff[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
        if np.abs(comb_coeff) > 0:
            interp = self.surrogates[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
            hess += int(comb_coeff) * interp.hessian(x)

    return hess


Update the combination technique coeffs for MISC using the given index set.


the index set to consider when computing the MISC coefficients, defaults to the active set

TYPE: IndexSet DEFAULT: None


the MISC coefficients for the given index set (\(\alpha\) -> \(\beta\) -> coeff)

Source code in src/amisc/
def update_misc_coeffs(self, index_set: IndexSet = None) -> MiscTree:
    """Update the combination technique coeffs for MISC using the given index set.

    :param index_set: the index set to consider when computing the MISC coefficients, defaults to the active set
    :returns: the MISC coefficients for the given index set ($\\alpha$ -> $\\beta$ -> coeff)
    if index_set is None:
        index_set = self.index_set

    # Construct a (N_indices, dim(alpha+beta)) refactor of the index_set for arrayed computations
    index_mat = np.zeros((len(index_set), len(self.max_refine)), dtype=np.uint8)
    for i, (alpha, beta) in enumerate(index_set):
        index_mat[i, :] = alpha + beta
    index_mat = np.expand_dims(index_mat, axis=0)                               # (1, Ns, Nij)

    misc_coeff = dict()
    for alpha, beta in index_set:
        # Add permutations of [0, 1] to (alpha, beta)
        alpha_beta = np.array(alpha+beta, dtype=np.uint8)[np.newaxis, :]        # (1, Nij)
        new_indices = np.expand_dims(alpha_beta + self.ij, axis=1)              # (2**Nij, 1, Nij)

        # Find which indices are in the index_set (using np broadcasting comparison)
        diff = new_indices - index_mat                                  # (2**Nij, Ns, Nij)
        idx = np.count_nonzero(diff, axis=-1) == 0                      # (2**Nij, Ns)
        idx = np.any(idx, axis=-1)                                      # (2**Nij,)
        ij_use = self.ij[idx, :]                                        # (*, Nij)
        l1_norm = np.sum(np.abs(ij_use), axis=-1)                       # (*,)
        coeff = np.sum((-1.) ** l1_norm)                                # float

        # Save misc coeff to a dict() tree structure
        if misc_coeff.get(str(alpha)) is None:
            misc_coeff[str(alpha)] = dict()
        misc_coeff[str(alpha)][str(beta)] = coeff
        self.misc_coeff[str(alpha)][str(beta)] = coeff

    return misc_coeff

get_sub_surrogate(alpha, beta)

Get the specific sub-surrogate corresponding to the \((\alpha, \beta)\) fidelity.


A multi-index specifying model fidelity

TYPE: tuple


A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity

TYPE: tuple


the corresponding BaseInterpolator object

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_sub_surrogate(self, alpha: tuple, beta: tuple) -> BaseInterpolator:
    """Get the specific sub-surrogate corresponding to the $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ fidelity.

    :param alpha: A multi-index specifying model fidelity
    :param beta: A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity
    :returns: the corresponding `BaseInterpolator` object
    return self.surrogates[str(alpha)][str(beta)]

get_cost(alpha, beta)

Return the total cost (wall time s) required to add \((\alpha, \beta)\) to the MISC approximation.


A multi-index specifying model fidelity

TYPE: tuple


A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity

TYPE: tuple

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_cost(self, alpha: tuple, beta: tuple) -> float:
    """Return the total cost (wall time s) required to add $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ to the MISC approximation.

    :param alpha: A multi-index specifying model fidelity
    :param beta: A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity
        return self.costs[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
    except Exception:
        return 0.0

update_input_bds(idx, bds)

Update the bounds of the input variable at the given index.


the index of the input variable to update

TYPE: int


the new bounds

TYPE: tuple

Source code in src/amisc/
def update_input_bds(self, idx: int, bds: tuple):
    """Update the bounds of the input variable at the given index.

    :param idx: the index of the input variable to update
    :param bds: the new bounds

    # Update the bounds in all associated surrogates
    for alpha in self.surrogates:
        for beta in self.surrogates[alpha]:
            self.surrogates[alpha][beta].update_input_bds(idx, bds)


Return whether this model wants to save outputs to file.


You can specify that a model wants to save outputs to file by providing an 'output_dir' kwarg.

Source code in src/amisc/
def save_enabled(self):
    """Return whether this model wants to save outputs to file.

    !!! Note
        You can specify that a model wants to save outputs to file by providing an `'output_dir'` kwarg.
    return self._model_kwargs.get('output_dir') is not None

is_one_level_refinement(beta_old, beta_new) staticmethod

Check if a new beta multi-index is a one-level refinement from a previous beta.


Refining from (0, 1, 2) to the new multi-index (1, 1, 2) is a one-level refinement. But refining to either (2, 1, 2) or (1, 2, 2) are not, since more than one refinement occurs at the same time.


the starting multi-index

TYPE: tuple


the new refined multi-index

TYPE: tuple


whether beta_new is a one-level refinement from beta_old

Source code in src/amisc/
def is_one_level_refinement(beta_old: tuple, beta_new: tuple) -> bool:
    """Check if a new `beta` multi-index is a one-level refinement from a previous `beta`.

    !!! Example
        Refining from `(0, 1, 2)` to the new multi-index `(1, 1, 2)` is a one-level refinement. But refining to
        either `(2, 1, 2)` or `(1, 2, 2)` are not, since more than one refinement occurs at the same time.

    :param beta_old: the starting multi-index
    :param beta_new: the new refined multi-index
    :returns: whether `beta_new` is a one-level refinement from `beta_old`
    level_diff = np.array(beta_new, dtype=int) - np.array(beta_old, dtype=int)
    ind = np.nonzero(level_diff)[0]
    return ind.shape[0] == 1 and level_diff[ind] == 1

is_downward_closed(indices) staticmethod

Return if a list of \((\alpha, \beta)\) multi-indices is downward-closed.

MISC approximations require a downward-closed set in order to use the combination-technique formula for the coefficients (as implemented here).


The list [( (0,), (0,) ), ( (1,), (0,) ), ( (1,), (1,) )] is downward-closed. You can visualize this as building a stack of cubes: in order to place a cube, all adjacent cubes must be present (does the logo make sense now?).


list() of (alpha, beta) multi-indices

TYPE: IndexSet


whether the set of indices is downward-closed

Source code in src/amisc/
def is_downward_closed(indices: IndexSet) -> bool:
    """Return if a list of $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ multi-indices is downward-closed.

    MISC approximations require a downward-closed set in order to use the combination-technique formula for the
    coefficients (as implemented here).

    !!! Example
        The list `[( (0,), (0,) ), ( (1,), (0,) ), ( (1,), (1,) )]` is downward-closed. You can visualize this as
        building a stack of cubes: in order to place a cube, all adjacent cubes must be present (does the logo
        make sense now?).

    :param indices: list() of (`alpha`, `beta`) multi-indices
    :returns: whether the set of indices is downward-closed
    # Iterate over every multi-index
    for alpha, beta in indices:
        # Every smaller multi-index must also be included in the indices list
        sub_sets = [np.arange(tuple(alpha+beta)[i]+1) for i in range(len(alpha) + len(beta))]
        for ele in itertools.product(*sub_sets):
            tup = (tuple(ele[:len(alpha)]), tuple(ele[len(alpha):]))
            if tup not in indices:
                return False
    return True

build_interpolator(alpha, beta) abstractmethod

Return a BaseInterpolator object and new refinement points for a given \((\alpha, \beta)\) multi-index.


A multi-index specifying model fidelity

TYPE: tuple


A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity

TYPE: tuple


idx, x, interp - list of new grid indices, the new grid points (N_new, x_dim), and the BaseInterpolator object. Similar to BaseInterpolator.refine().

Source code in src/amisc/
def build_interpolator(self, alpha: tuple, beta: tuple) -> InterpResults:
    """Return a `BaseInterpolator` object and new refinement points for a given $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ multi-index.

    :param alpha: A multi-index specifying model fidelity
    :param beta: A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity
    :returns: `idx`, `x`, `interp` - list of new grid indices, the new grid points `(N_new, x_dim)`, and the
              `BaseInterpolator` object. Similar to `BaseInterpolator.refine()`.

update_interpolator(x_new_idx, x_new, interp) abstractmethod

Secondary method to actually compute and save model evaluations within the interpolator.


This distinction with build_interpolator was necessary to separately construct the interpolator and be able to evaluate the model at the new interpolation points. You can see that parallel_add_candidates uses this distinction to compute the model in parallel on MPI workers, for example.


list of new grid point indices

TYPE: list[int | tuple | str]


(N_new, x_dim), the new grid point locations

TYPE: ndarray


the BaseInterpolator object to compute model evaluations with

TYPE: BaseInterpolator


the cost (in wall time seconds) required to add this BaseInterpolator object

Source code in src/amisc/
def update_interpolator(self, x_new_idx: list[int | tuple | str],
                        x_new: np.ndarray, interp: BaseInterpolator) -> float:
    """Secondary method to actually compute and save model evaluations within the interpolator.

    !!! Note
        This distinction with `build_interpolator` was necessary to separately construct the interpolator and be
        able to evaluate the model at the new interpolation points. You can see that `parallel_add_candidates`
        uses this distinction to compute the model in parallel on MPI workers, for example.

    :param x_new_idx: list of new grid point indices
    :param x_new: `(N_new, x_dim)`, the new grid point locations
    :param interp: the `BaseInterpolator` object to compute model evaluations with
    :returns cost: the cost (in wall time seconds) required to add this `BaseInterpolator` object

parallel_add_candidates(candidates, executor) abstractmethod

Defines a function to handle adding candidate indices in parallel.


While build_interpolator can make changes to 'self', these changes will not be saved in the master task if running in parallel over MPI workers, for example. This method is a workaround so that all required mutable changes to 'self' are made in the master task, before distributing tasks to parallel workers using this method. You can pass if you don't plan to add candidates in parallel.


list of [(alpha, beta),...] multi-indices

TYPE: IndexSet


the executor used to iterate candidates in parallel

TYPE: Executor

Source code in src/amisc/
def parallel_add_candidates(self, candidates: IndexSet, executor: Executor):
    """Defines a function to handle adding candidate indices in parallel.

    !!! Note
        While `build_interpolator` can make changes to 'self', these changes will not be saved in the master task
        if running in parallel over MPI workers, for example. This method is a workaround so that all required
        mutable changes to 'self' are made in the master task, before distributing tasks to parallel workers
        using this method. You can pass if you don't plan to add candidates in parallel.

    :param candidates: list of [(alpha, beta),...] multi-indices
    :param executor: the executor used to iterate candidates in parallel

SparseGridSurrogate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ComponentSurrogate

Concrete MISC surrogate class that maintains a sparse grid composed of smaller tensor-product grids.


MISC itself can be thought of as an extension to the well-known sparse grid technique, so this class readily integrates with the MISC implementation in ComponentSurrogate. Sparse grids limit the curse of dimensionality up to about dim = 10-15 for the input space (which would otherwise be infeasible with a normal full tensor-product grid of the same size).

About points in a sparse grid

A sparse grid approximates a full tensor-product grid \((N_1, N_2, ..., N_d)\), where \(N_i\) is the number of grid points along dimension \(i\), for a \(d\)-dimensional space. Each point is uniquely identified in the sparse grid by a list of indices \((j_1, j_2, ..., j_d)\), where \(j_i = 0 ... N_i\). We refer to this unique identifier as a "grid coordinate". In the HashSG data structure, we use a str(tuple(coord)) representation to uniquely identify the coordinate in a hash DS like Python's dict.


a type alias for the hash storage of the sparse grid data (a tree-like DS using dicts)

TYPE: dict[str: dict[str: np.ndarray | str]]


the current maximum \(\beta\) refinement indices in the sparse grid (for each \(\alpha\))

TYPE: dict[str: list[int]]


maps \(\alpha\) indices to a list of 1d grids corresponding to curr_max_beta

TYPE: dict[str: np.ndarray]


the sparse grid interpolation points



the function values at all sparse grid points



imputed function values to use when yi_map contains nan data (sometimes the model fails...)



optional filenames corresponding to the sparse grid yi_map data


Source code in src/amisc/
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # Initialize tree-like hash structures for maintaining a sparse grid of smaller tensor-product grids
    self.curr_max_beta = dict()     # Maps alphas -> current max refinement indices
    self.x_grids = dict()           # Maps alphas -> list of ndarrays specifying 1d grids corresponding to max_beta
    self.xi_map = dict()            # Maps alphas -> grid point coords -> interpolation points
    self.yi_map = dict()            # Maps alphas -> grid point coords -> interpolation function values
    self.yi_nan_map = dict()        # Maps alphas -> grid point coords -> interpolated yi values when yi=nan
    self.yi_files = dict()          # Maps alphas -> grid point coords -> model output files (optional)
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

predict(x, use_model=None, model_dir=None, training=False, index_set=None, ppool=None)

Need to override super() to allow passing in interpolation grids xi and yi.

Source code in src/amisc/
def predict(self, x, use_model=None, model_dir=None, training=False, index_set=None, ppool=None):
    """Need to override `super()` to allow passing in interpolation grids `xi` and `yi`."""
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    if use_model is not None:
        return self._bypass_surrogate(x, use_model, model_dir)

    index_set, misc_coeff = self._combination(index_set, training)

    def run_batch(alpha, beta, y):
        comb_coeff = misc_coeff[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
        if np.abs(comb_coeff) > 0:
            # Gather the xi/yi interpolation points/qoi_ind for this sub tensor-product grid
            interp = self.surrogates[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
            xi, yi = self.get_tensor_grid(alpha, beta)

            # Add this sub tensor-product grid to the MISC approximation
            y += int(comb_coeff) * interp(x, xi=xi, yi=yi)

    if ppool is not None:
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.dat', mode='w+b', delete=False) as y_fd:
        y_ret = np.memmap(, dtype=x.dtype, mode='r+', shape=x.shape[:-1] + (self.ydim,))
        ppool(delayed(run_batch)(alpha, beta, y_ret) for alpha, beta in index_set)
        y = np.empty(y_ret.shape, dtype=x.dtype)
        y[:] = y_ret[:]
        del y_ret
        y = np.zeros(x.shape[:-1] + (self.ydim,), dtype=x.dtype)
        for alpha, beta in index_set:
            run_batch(alpha, beta, y)

    return y

grad(x, training=False, index_set=None)

Need to override super() to allow passing in interpolation grids xi and yi.

Source code in src/amisc/
def grad(self, x, training=False, index_set=None):
    """Need to override `super()` to allow passing in interpolation grids `xi` and `yi`."""
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    index_set, misc_coeff = self._combination(index_set, training)  # Choose the correct index set and misc_coeff

    jac = np.zeros(x.shape[:-1] + (self.ydim, len(self.x_vars)), dtype=x.dtype)
    for alpha, beta in index_set:
        comb_coeff = misc_coeff[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
        if np.abs(comb_coeff) > 0:
            # Gather the xi/yi interpolation points/qoi_ind for this sub tensor-product grid
            interp = self.surrogates[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
            xi, yi = self.get_tensor_grid(alpha, beta)

            jac += int(comb_coeff) * interp.grad(x, xi=xi, yi=yi)

    return jac

hessian(x, training=False, index_set=None)

Need to override super() to allow passing in interpolation grids xi and yi.

Source code in src/amisc/
def hessian(self, x, training=False, index_set=None):
    """Need to override `super()` to allow passing in interpolation grids `xi` and `yi`."""
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    index_set, misc_coeff = self._combination(index_set, training)  # Choose the correct index set and misc_coeff

    hess = np.zeros(x.shape[:-1] + (self.ydim, len(self.x_vars), len(self.x_vars)), dtype=x.dtype)
    for alpha, beta in index_set:
        comb_coeff = misc_coeff[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
        if np.abs(comb_coeff) > 0:
            # Gather the xi/yi interpolation points/qoi_ind for this sub tensor-product grid
            interp = self.surrogates[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
            xi, yi = self.get_tensor_grid(alpha, beta)

            hess += int(comb_coeff) * interp.hessian(x, xi=xi, yi=yi)

    return hess

get_tensor_grid(alpha, beta, update_nan=True)

Construct the xi/yi sub tensor-product grids for a given \((\alpha, \beta)\) multi-index.


model fidelity multi-index

TYPE: tuple


surrogate fidelity multi-index

TYPE: tuple


try to fill nan with imputed values, otherwise just return the nans in place

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

xi, yi, of size (prod(grid_sizes), x_dim) and (prod(grid_sizes), y_dim) respectively, the interpolation grid points and corresponding function values for this tensor-product grid

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_tensor_grid(self, alpha: tuple, beta: tuple, update_nan: bool = True) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Construct the `xi/yi` sub tensor-product grids for a given $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ multi-index.

    :param alpha: model fidelity multi-index
    :param beta: surrogate fidelity multi-index
    :param update_nan: try to fill `nan` with imputed values, otherwise just return the `nans` in place
    :returns: `xi, yi`, of size `(prod(grid_sizes), x_dim)` and `(prod(grid_sizes), y_dim)` respectively, the
              interpolation grid points and corresponding function values for this tensor-product grid
    interp = self.surrogates[str(alpha)][str(beta)]
    grid_sizes = interp.get_grid_sizes(beta)
    coords = [list(range(grid_sizes[n])) for n in range(interp.xdim())]
    xi = np.zeros((, interp.xdim()), dtype=np.float32)
    yi = np.zeros((, self.ydim), dtype=np.float32)
    for i, coord in enumerate(itertools.product(*coords)):
        xi[i, :] = self.xi_map[str(alpha)][str(coord)]
        yi_curr = self.yi_map[str(alpha)][str(coord)]
        if update_nan and np.any(np.isnan(yi_curr)):
            # Try to replace NaN values if they are stored
            yi_curr = self.yi_nan_map[str(alpha)].get(str(coord), yi_curr)
        yi[i, :] = yi_curr

    return xi, yi


Grab all x,y training data stored in the sparse grid for each model fidelity level \(\alpha\).

tuple[dict[str:ndarray], dict[str:ndarray]]

xi, yi, each a dict mapping alpha indices to np.ndarrays

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_training_data(self) -> tuple[dict[str: np.ndarray], dict[str: np.ndarray]]:
    """Grab all `x,y` training data stored in the sparse grid for each model fidelity level $\\alpha$.

    :returns: `xi`, `yi`, each a `dict` mapping `alpha` indices to `np.ndarrays`
    xi, yi = dict(), dict()
    for alpha, x_map in self.xi_map.items():
        x = np.zeros((len(x_map), len(self.x_vars)))
        y = np.zeros((len(x_map), self.ydim))
        for i, (coord, x_coord) in enumerate(x_map.items()):
            x[i, :] = x_coord
            y[i, :] = self.yi_nan_map[alpha].get(coord, self.yi_map[alpha][coord])

        xi[alpha] = x
        yi[alpha] = y

    return xi, yi

update_yi(alpha, beta, yi_dict)

Helper method to update yi values, accounting for possible nans by regression imputation.


the model fidelity indices

TYPE: tuple


the surrogate fidelity indices

TYPE: tuple


a dict mapping str(coord) grid coordinates to function values

TYPE: dict[str:ndarray]

Source code in src/amisc/
def update_yi(self, alpha: tuple, beta: tuple, yi_dict: dict[str: np.ndarray]):
    """Helper method to update `yi` values, accounting for possible `nans` by regression imputation.

    :param alpha: the model fidelity indices
    :param beta: the surrogate fidelity indices
    :param yi_dict: a `dict` mapping `str(coord)` grid coordinates to function values
    imputer, xdim = None, len(self.x_vars)
    for grid_coord, yi in yi_dict.items():
        if np.any(np.isnan(yi)):
            if imputer is None:
                # Grab all 'good' interpolation points and train a simple linear regression fit
                xi_mat, yi_mat = np.zeros((0, xdim)), np.zeros((0, self.ydim))
                for coord, xi in self.xi_map[str(alpha)].items():
                    if coord not in self.yi_nan_map[str(alpha)] and coord in self.yi_map[str(alpha)]:
                        yi_add = self.yi_map[str(alpha)][str(coord)]
                        xi_mat = np.concatenate((xi_mat, xi.reshape((1, xdim))), axis=0)
                        yi_mat = np.concatenate((yi_mat, yi_add.reshape((1, self.ydim))), axis=0)
                nan_idx = np.any(np.isnan(yi_mat), axis=-1)
                xi_mat = xi_mat[~nan_idx, :]
                yi_mat = yi_mat[~nan_idx, :]
                imputer = Pipeline([('scaler', MaxAbsScaler()), ('model', Ridge(alpha=1))])
      , yi_mat)
            x_interp = self.xi_map[str(alpha)][str(grid_coord)].reshape((1, xdim))
            y_interp = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(imputer.predict(x_interp)))
            nan_idx = np.isnan(yi)
            y_interp[~nan_idx] = yi[~nan_idx]   # Only keep imputed values where yi is nan
            self.yi_nan_map[str(alpha)][str(grid_coord)] = y_interp

    # Go back and try to re-interpolate old nan values as more points get added to the grid
    if imputer is not None:
        for grid_coord in list(self.yi_nan_map[str(alpha)].keys()):
            if grid_coord not in yi_dict:
                x_interp = self.xi_map[str(alpha)][str(grid_coord)].reshape((1, xdim))
                y_interp = imputer.predict(x_interp)
                self.yi_nan_map[str(alpha)][str(grid_coord)] = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(y_interp))

get_sub_surrogate(alpha, beta, include_grid=False)

Get the specific sub-surrogate corresponding to the \((\alpha, \beta)\) fidelity.


A multi-index specifying model fidelity

TYPE: tuple


A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity

TYPE: tuple


whether to add the xi/yi interpolation points to the returned BaseInterpolator object

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


the BaseInterpolator object corresponding to \((\alpha, \beta)\)

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_sub_surrogate(self, alpha: tuple, beta: tuple, include_grid: bool = False) -> BaseInterpolator:
    """Get the specific sub-surrogate corresponding to the $(\\alpha, \\beta)$ fidelity.

    :param alpha: A multi-index specifying model fidelity
    :param beta: A multi-index specifying surrogate fidelity
    :param include_grid: whether to add the `xi/yi` interpolation points to the returned `BaseInterpolator` object
    :returns: the `BaseInterpolator` object corresponding to $(\\alpha, \\beta)$
    interp = super().get_sub_surrogate(alpha, beta)
    if include_grid:
        interp.xi, interp.yi = self.get_tensor_grid(alpha, beta)
    return interp

build_interpolator(alpha, beta)

Abstract method implementation for constructing the tensor-product grid interpolator.

Source code in src/amisc/
def build_interpolator(self, alpha, beta):
    """Abstract method implementation for constructing the tensor-product grid interpolator."""
    # Create a new tensor-product grid interpolator for the base index (0, 0, ...)
    if np.sum(beta) == 0:
        kwargs = copy.deepcopy(self._model_kwargs)
        if len(alpha) > 0:
            kwargs['alpha'] = alpha
        interp = LagrangeInterpolator(beta, self.x_vars, model=self._model, model_args=self._model_args,
                                      model_kwargs=kwargs, init_grids=True, reduced=True)
        x_pt = np.array([float(interp.x_grids[n][beta[n]]) for n in range(interp.xdim())], dtype=np.float32)
        self.curr_max_beta[str(alpha)] = list(beta)
        self.x_grids[str(alpha)] = copy.deepcopy(interp.x_grids)
        self.xi_map[str(alpha)] = {str(beta): x_pt}
        self.yi_map[str(alpha)] = dict()
        self.yi_nan_map[str(alpha)] = dict()
        if self.save_enabled():
            self.yi_files[str(alpha)] = dict()

        return [beta], x_pt.reshape((1, len(self.x_vars))), interp
    # Otherwise, all other indices are a refinement of previous grids

    # Look for first multi-index neighbor that is one level of refinement away
    refine_tup = None
    for beta_old_str in list(self.surrogates[str(alpha)].keys()):
        beta_old = ast.literal_eval(beta_old_str)
        if self.is_one_level_refinement(beta_old, beta):
            idx_refine = int(np.nonzero(np.array(beta, dtype=int) - np.array(beta_old, dtype=int))[0][0])
            refine_level = beta[idx_refine]
            if refine_level > self.curr_max_beta[str(alpha)][idx_refine]:
                # Generate next refinement grid and save (refine_tup = tuple(x_new_idx, x_new, interp))
                refine_tup = self.surrogates[str(alpha)][beta_old_str].refine(beta, auto=False)
                self.curr_max_beta[str(alpha)][idx_refine] = refine_level
                self.x_grids[str(alpha)][idx_refine] = copy.deepcopy(refine_tup[2].x_grids[idx_refine])
                # Access the refinement grid from memory (it is already computed)
                num_pts = self.surrogates[str(alpha)][beta_old_str].get_grid_sizes(beta)[idx_refine]
                x_refine = self.x_grids[str(alpha)][idx_refine][:num_pts]
                refine_tup = self.surrogates[str(alpha)][beta_old_str].refine(beta, x_refine=x_refine,
            break  # Only need to grab one neighbor

    # Gather new interpolation grid points
    x_new_idx, x_new, interp = refine_tup
    xn_coord = []   # Save multi-index coordinates of points to compute model at for refinement
    xn_pts = np.zeros((0, interp.xdim()), dtype=np.float32)     # Save physical x location of new points
    for i, multi_idx in enumerate(x_new_idx):
        if str(multi_idx) not in self.yi_map[str(alpha)]:
            # We have not computed this grid coordinate yet
            xn_pts = np.concatenate((xn_pts, x_new[i, np.newaxis, :]), axis=0)  # (N_new, xdim)
            self.xi_map[str(alpha)][str(multi_idx)] = x_new[i, :]

    return xn_coord, xn_pts, interp

update_interpolator(x_new_idx, x_new, interp)

Awkward solution, I know, but actually compute and save the model evaluations here.

Source code in src/amisc/
def update_interpolator(self, x_new_idx, x_new, interp):
    """Awkward solution, I know, but actually compute and save the model evaluations here."""
    # Compute and store model output at new refinement points in a hash structure
    yi_ret = interp.set_yi(x_new=(x_new_idx, x_new))

    if self.ydim is None:
        for coord_str, yi in yi_ret['y'].items():
            self.ydim = yi.shape[0]

    alpha = interp._model_kwargs.get('alpha', ())
    self.update_yi(alpha, interp.beta, yi_ret['y'])
    if self.save_enabled():
    cost = interp.model_cost * len(x_new_idx)

    return cost

parallel_add_candidates(candidates, executor)

Work-around to make sure mutable instance variable changes are made before/after splitting tasks using this method over parallel (potentially MPI) workers. You can pass if you are not interested in such parallel ideas.


MPI workers cannot save changes to self so this method should only distribute static tasks to the workers.


list of [(alpha, beta),...] multi-indices

TYPE: IndexSet


the executor used to iterate candidates in parallel

TYPE: Executor

Source code in src/amisc/
def parallel_add_candidates(self, candidates: IndexSet, executor: Executor):
    """Work-around to make sure mutable instance variable changes are made before/after
    splitting tasks using this method over parallel (potentially MPI) workers. You can pass if you are not
    interested in such parallel ideas.

    !!! Warning
        MPI workers cannot save changes to `self` so this method should only distribute static tasks to the workers.

    :param candidates: list of [(alpha, beta),...] multi-indices
    :param executor: the executor used to iterate candidates in parallel
    # Do sequential tasks first (i.e. make mutable changes to self), build up parallel task args
    task_args = []
    for alpha, beta in candidates:
        x_new_idx, x_new, interp = self.build_interpolator(alpha, beta)
        task_args.append((alpha, beta, x_new_idx, x_new, interp))

    def parallel_task(alpha, beta, x_new_idx, x_new, interp):
        # Must return anything you want changed in self or interp (mutable changes aren't saved over MPI workers)
        logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__name__, log_file=self.log_file, stdout=False)'Building interpolator for index {(alpha, beta)} ...')
        yi_ret = interp.set_yi(x_new=(x_new_idx, x_new))
        model_cost = interp.model_cost if interp.model_cost is not None else 1
        return yi_ret, model_cost

    # Wait for all parallel workers to return
    fs = [executor.submit(parallel_task, *args) for args in task_args]
    wait(fs, timeout=None, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED)

    # Update self and interp with the results from all workers (and check for errors)
    for i, future in enumerate(fs):
            a = task_args[i][0]
            b = task_args[i][1]
            x_new_idx = task_args[i][2]
            interp = task_args[i][4]
            yi_ret, model_cost = future.result()
            interp.model_cost = model_cost
            self.surrogates[str(a)][str(b)] = interp
            self.update_yi(a, b, yi_ret['y'])
            if self.save_enabled():
            self.costs[str(a)][str(b)] = interp.model_cost * len(x_new_idx)

            if self.ydim is None:
                for coord_str, yi in self.yi_map[str(a)].items():
                    self.ydim = yi.shape[0]
            self.logger.error(f'An exception occurred in a thread handling build_interpolator{candidates[i]}')

AnalyticalSurrogate(x_vars, model, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ComponentSurrogate

Concrete "surrogate" class that just uses the analytical model (i.e. bypasses surrogate evaluation).

Initializes a stand-in ComponentSurrogate with all unnecessary fields set to empty.


This overwrites anything passed in for truth_alpha, max_alpha, max_beta, or multi_index since these are not used for an analytical model.

Source code in src/amisc/
def __init__(self, x_vars, model, *args, **kwargs):
    """Initializes a stand-in `ComponentSurrogate` with all unnecessary fields set to empty.

    !!! Warning
        This overwrites anything passed in for `truth_alpha`, `max_alpha`, `max_beta`, or `multi_index` since
        these are not used for an analytical model.
    kwargs['truth_alpha'] = ()
    kwargs['max_alpha'] = ()
    kwargs['max_beta'] = ()
    kwargs['multi_index'] = []
    super().__init__(x_vars, model, *args, **kwargs)

predict(x, **kwargs)

Evaluate the analytical model at points x, ignore extra **kwargs passed in.


(..., x_dim) the points to be evaluated

TYPE: ndarray | float


(..., y_dim) the exact model output at the input points

Source code in src/amisc/
def predict(self, x: np.ndarray | float, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
    """Evaluate the analytical model at points `x`, ignore extra `**kwargs` passed in.

    :param x: `(..., x_dim)` the points to be evaluated
    :returns y: `(..., y_dim)` the exact model output at the input points
    ret = self._model(x, *self._model_args, **self._model_kwargs)

    if not isinstance(ret, dict):
        self.logger.warning(f"Function {self._model} did not return a dict of the form {{'y': y}}. Please make sure"
                            f" you do so to avoid conflicts. Returning the value directly instead...")

    return ret['y'] if isinstance(ret, dict) else ret

grad(x, training=False, index_set=None)

Use auto-diff to compute derivative of an analytical model. Model must be implemented with numpy.

Not implemented yet

Hypothetically, auto-diff libraries like jax could be used to write a generic gradient function here for analytical models implemented directly in Python/numpy. But there are a lot of quirks that should be worked out first.

Source code in src/amisc/
def grad(self, x, training=False, index_set=None):
    """Use auto-diff to compute derivative of an analytical model. Model must be implemented with `numpy`.

    !!! Warning "Not implemented yet"
        Hypothetically, auto-diff libraries like `jax` could be used to write a generic gradient function here for
        analytical models implemented directly in Python/numpy. But there are a lot of quirks that should be worked
        out first.
    raise NotImplementedError('Need to implement a generic auto-diff function here, like using jax for example.')

hessian(x, training=False, index_set=None)

Use auto-diff to compute derivative of an analytical model. Model must be implemented with numpy.

Not implemented yet

Hypothetically, auto-diff libraries like jax could be used to write a generic Hessian function here for analytical models implemented directly in Python/numpy. But there are a lot of quirks that should be worked out first.

Source code in src/amisc/
def hessian(self, x, training=False, index_set=None):
    """Use auto-diff to compute derivative of an analytical model. Model must be implemented with `numpy`.

    !!! Warning "Not implemented yet"
        Hypothetically, auto-diff libraries like `jax` could be used to write a generic Hessian function here for
        analytical models implemented directly in Python/numpy. But there are a lot of quirks that should be worked
        out first.
    raise NotImplementedError('Need to implement a generic auto-diff function here, like using jax for example.')


Do nothing

Source code in src/amisc/
def activate_index(self, *args):
    """Do nothing"""


Do nothing

Source code in src/amisc/
def add_surrogate(self, *args):
    """Do nothing"""


Do nothing

Source code in src/amisc/
def init_coarse(self):
    """Do nothing"""


Do nothing

Source code in src/amisc/
def update_misc_coeffs(self, **kwargs):
    """Do nothing"""


Nothing to return for analytical model

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_sub_surrogate(self, *args):
    """Nothing to return for analytical model"""
    return None


Return no cost for analytical model

Source code in src/amisc/
def get_cost(self, *args):
    """Return no cost for analytical model"""
    return 0


Abstract method implementation, return none for an analytical model

Source code in src/amisc/
def build_interpolator(self, *args):
    """Abstract method implementation, return none for an analytical model"""
    return None


Abstract method implementation, return cost=0 for an analytical model

Source code in src/amisc/
def update_interpolator(self, *args):
    """Abstract method implementation, return `cost=0` for an analytical model"""
    return 0


Abstract method implementation, do nothing

Source code in src/amisc/
def parallel_add_candidates(self, *args):
    """Abstract method implementation, do nothing"""