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Efficient framework for building surrogates of multidisciplinary systems using the adaptive multi-index stochastic collocation (AMISC) technique.

  • Author - Joshua Eckels (
  • License - GPL-3.0

The amisc package takes an object-oriented approach to building a surrogate of a multidisciplinary system. From the bottom up, you have:

  • variables that serve as inputs and outputs for the models,
  • interpolators that define a specific input → output mathematical relationship to interpolate a function,
  • components that wrap a model for a single discipline, and a
  • system that defines the connections between components in a multidisciplinary system.

The variables, interpolators, and components all have abstract base classes, so that the system is ultimately independent of the specific models, interpolation methods, or underlying variables. As such, the primary top-level object that users of the amisc package will interact with is the SystemSurrogate.


There are already pretty good implementations of the other abstractions that most users will not need to worry about, but they are provided in this API reference for completeness. The abstractions allow new interpolation (i.e. function approximation) methods to be implemented if desired, such as neural networks, kriging, etc.

Here is a class diagram summary of this workflow:

    namespace Core {
        class SystemSurrogate {
          +list[BaseRV] exo_vars
          +list[BaseRV] coupling_vars
          +int refine_level
        class ComponentSurrogate {
          +IndexSet index_set
          +IndexSet candidate_set
          +list[BaseRV] x_vars
          +dict[str: BaseInterpolator] surrogates
          +dict[str: float] misc_coeff
          +activate_index(alpha, beta)
          +add_surrogate(alpha, beta)
        class BaseInterpolator {
          +tuple beta
          +list[BaseRV] x_vars
          +np.ndarray xi
          +np.ndarray yi
    class SparseGridSurrogate {
      +np.ndarray x_grids
      +dict xi_map
      +dict yi_map
      +get_tensor_grid(alpha, beta)
    class LagrangeInterpolator {
      +np.ndarray x_grids
      +np.ndarray weights
    class BaseRV {
      +tuple bounds
      +str units
      +float nominal
    class UniformRV {
      +str type
    SystemSurrogate o-- "1..n" ComponentSurrogate
    ComponentSurrogate o-- "1..n" BaseInterpolator
    direction LR
    ComponentSurrogate <|-- SparseGridSurrogate
    BaseInterpolator <|-- LagrangeInterpolator
    SparseGridSurrogate ..> LagrangeInterpolator
    BaseRV <|-- UniformRV
Note how the SystemSurrogate aggregates the ComponentSurrogate, which aggregates the BaseInterpolator. In other words, interpolators can act independently of components, and components can act independently of systems. All three make use of the random variables (these connections and some RVs are not shown for visual clarity). Currently, the only underlying surrogate method that is implemented here is Lagrange polynomial interpolation (i.e. the LagrangeInterpolator). If one wanted to use neural networks instead, the only change required is a new implementation of BaseInterpolator.