Efficient framework for building surrogates of multidisciplinary systems using the adaptive multi-index stochastic collocation (AMISC) technique.
- Author - Joshua Eckels (
- License - GPL-3.0
The amisc
package takes an object-oriented approach to building a surrogate of a multidisciplinary system. From the
bottom up, you have:
- variables that serve as inputs and outputs for the models,
- interpolators that define a specific input → output mathematical relationship to approximate a function,
- components that wrap a model for a single discipline, and a
- system that defines the connections between components in a multidisciplinary system.
The system is ultimately independent of the specific models, interpolation methods, or underlying variables.
As such, the primary top-level object that users of the amisc
package will interact with is the System
Variables additionally use Transform
, Distribution
, and Compression
interfaces to manage normalization, PDFs,
and field quantity compression, respectively.
Currently, only Lagrange polynomial interpolation is implemented as the underlying surrogate method with a
sparse grid data structure. SVD is also the only currently implemented method for compression. However, interfaces
are provided for Interpolator
, TrainingData
, and Compression
to allow for easy extension to other methods.
Here is a class diagram summary of this workflow:
namespace Core {
class System {
+list[Component] components
+TrainHistory train_history
class Component {
+callable model
+list[Variable] inputs
+list[Variable] outputs
+Interpolator interpolator
+TrainingData training_data
+activate_index(alpha, beta)
class Variable {
+str name
+tuple domain
+Distribution dist
+Transform norm
+Compression comp
class Interpolator {
+ refine()
+ predict(x)
class TrainingData {
class Transform {
class Distribution {
class Compression {
System --o "1..n" Component
Component --o "1..n" Variable
direction TD
Component --* Interpolator
Component --* TrainingData
Variable --o Transform
Variable --o Distribution
Variable --o Compression
Note how the System
aggregates the Component
, which aggregates the Variable
. In other
words, variables can act independently of components, and components can act independently of systems. Components
make use of Interpolator
and TrainingData
interfaces to manage the underlying surrogate method
and training data, respectively. Similarly, Variables
use Transform
, Distribution
, and Compression
interfaces to manage normalization, PDFs, and field quantity compression, respectively.
The amisc
package also includes a FileLoader
interface for loading and dumping amisc
objects to/from file.
We recommend using the built-in YamlLoader
for this purpose, as it includes custom YAML tags for reading/writing
objects from file.
Bases: ABC
Common interface for loading and dumping amisc
objects to/from file.
dump(obj, stream, **kwargs)
Save an amisc
object to a stream. If a file path is given, will attempt to write to the file.
load(stream, **kwargs)
Load an amisc
object from a stream. If a file path is given, will attempt to open the file.
Bases: FileLoader
YAML file loader for amisc
dump(obj, stream, **kwargs)
Extra kwargs get passed to yaml.dump
Source code in src/amisc/
load(stream, **kwargs)
Extra kwargs ignored for YAML loading (since they are not used by yaml.load