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How-to Guides

Specifying model inputs and outputs

Coming soon.

Defining a component

Coming soon.

Making a model wrapper function

The examples in the tutorial use the simple function call signatures ret = func(x), where x is an np.ndarray and ret is a dictionary with the required y=output key-value pair. If your model must be executed outside of Python (such as in a separate .exe file), then you can write a Python wrapper function with the same call signature as above and make any external calls you need inside the function (such as with os.popen()). You then pass the wrapper function to ComponentSpec and SystemSurrogate.

Requirements for your wrapper function

  • First argument x must be an np.ndarray of the model inputs whose last dimension is the number of inputs, i.e. x.shape[-1] = x_dim.
  • You can choose to handle as many other dimensions as you want, i.e. x.shape[:-1]. The surrogate will handle the same number of dimensions you give to your wrapper function (so that model(x) and surrogate(x) are functionally equivalent). We recommend you handle at least 1 extra dimension, i.e. x.shape = (N, x_dim). So your wrapper must handle N total sets of inputs at a time. The easiest way is to just write a for loop over N and run your model for a single set of inputs at a time.
  • Your wrapper function must expect the x_dim inputs in a specific order according to how you defined your system. All system-level exogenous inputs (i.e. those in system.exo_vars) must be first and in the order you specified for ComponentSpec(exo_in=[first, second, ...]). All coupling inputs that come from the outputs of other models are next. Regardless of what order you chose in ComponentSpec(coupling_in=[one, two, three,...], your wrapper must expect them in sorted order according to system.coupling_vars. For example, if system.coupling_vars = [a, b, c] and comp = ComponentSpec(wrapper, coupling_in=[c, a], exo_in=[d, e], coupling_out=[f]), then x_dim = 4 and your wrapper function should expect the inputs in x to be ordered as [d, e, a, c].
  • If you want to pass in model fidelity indices (see \(\alpha\) in theory for details), they must be in the form of a tuple, and your wrapper function should accept the alpha=... keyword argument. Specifying alpha allows managing a hierarchy of modeling fidelities, if applicable.
  • You can pass any number of additional positional arguments. Specify these with ComponentSpec(model_args=...).
  • You can pass any number of keyword arguments. Specify these with ComponentSpec(model_kwargs=...).
  • If you want to save and keep track of the full output of your model (i.e. if it writes result files to disk), then you can specify ComponentSpec(save_output=True). When you do this, you must also specify SystemSurrogate(..., save_dir='path/to/save/dir'). You will then get a folder called save_dir/amisc_timestamp/components/<your_model_name>. This folder will be passed to your wrapper function as the keyword argument output_dir=<your_model_dir>. Make sure your wrapper accepts this keyword (no need to specify it in ComponentSpec(model_kwargs=...); this is done automatically). You can then have your model write whatever it wants to this folder. You must then pass back the names of the files you created via ret=dict(files=[your output files, ...]). The filenames must be in a list and match the order in which the samples in x were executed by the model.
  • To assist the adaptive training procedure, you can also optionally have your model compute and return its computational cost via ret=dict(cost=cpu_cost). The computational cost should be expressed in units of seconds of CPU time (not walltime!) for one model evaluation. If your model makes use of n CPUs in parallel, then the total CPU time would be n times the wall clock time.
  • The return dictionary of your wrapper can include anything else you want outside of the three fields (y, files, cost) discussed here. Any extra return values will be ignored by the system.


def wrapper_func(x, *args, alpha=(0,), output_dir=None, **kwargs):
    print(x.shape)  # (..., x_dim)

    # Your code here, for example:
    output = x ** 2
    output_files = ['output_1.json', 'output2.json', ...]
    cpu_time = 42  # seconds for one model evaluation

    ret = dict(y=output, files=output_files, cost=cpu_time)

    return ret


Always specify the model at a global scope, i.e. don't use lambda or nested functions. When saving to file, only a symbolic reference to the function signature will be saved, which must be globally defined when loading back from that save file.

Putting it all together

Coming soon.