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Extend amisc

This guide covers how to extend amisc for implementing custom surrogate methods, including compression methods, PDFs, and interpolation. We will walk through each of the 7 abstract interfaces that may be implemented by the user:

  • Transform - methods for variable normalization,
  • Distribution - methods for probability distribution functions,
  • Compression - methods for field quantity compression,
  • TrainingData - methods for training data selection (i.e. experimental design) and storage,
  • Interpolator - methods for approximating the input → output mapping of a model,
  • ModelKwargs - dataclass for passing extra arguments to the component models.
  • FileLoader - methods for loading amisc objects to/from file.

The class layout of these interfaces is summarized in the API reference.


All custom objects implementing any of the interfaces above must also implement the serialize and deserialize mixin methods to allow saving and loading the custom objects from file. See the serialization section.


Transforms provide a method for normalizing data for surrogate training. Transform objects must implement the transform method:

from amisc.transform import Transform

class CustomTransform(Transform):
    """A transform that adds 1."""

    def _transform(self, values, inverse=False):
        return values - 1 if inverse else values + 1

The transform method should additionally handle the inverse flag to denormalize the provided values. Currently available transforms include log, linear, minmax, and z-score.


Distributions define a probability distribution function. Distribution objects should implement the sample and pdf methods:

from amisc.distribution import Distribution

class CustomDistribution(Distribution):
    """A custom distribution that returns a constant value."""

    def sample(self, size=1):
        """Generate samples from the distribution."""
        return np.full(size, 42)

    def pdf(self, x):
        """Probability density function of the distribution at `x` locations."""
        return np.ones_like(x)

Currently available distributions include uniform, normal, log-uniform, and log-normal.


Compression methods are responsible for compressing and reconstructing high-dimensional data to/from a compressed or "latent" space. Along with implementing the compress and reconstruct methods, Compression objects should keep track of the latent space size and implement a compute_map method, which generates the map to/from the latent space. The Compression object can also optionally provide a method for estimating the domain of the latent space.

from amisc.compression import Compression

class CustomCompression(Compression):
    """A custom compression method."""

    def compute_map(self, **kwargs):
        """Compute and store the compression map."""
        self.coords = kwargs.get('coords', None)
        self._is_computed = True

    def compress(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Compress the data into a latent space."""
        return data / 2  # Example compression

    def reconstruct(self, compressed: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Reconstruct the compressed data back into the full `dof` space."""
        return compressed * 2  # Example reconstruction

    def latent_size(self) -> int:
        """Return the size of the latent space."""
        return 10  # Example latent size

    def estimate_latent_ranges(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]:
        """Estimate the range of the latent space coefficients."""
        return [(0.0, 1.0) for _ in range(self.latent_size())]

Only SVD compression is currently available.

Training data

The TrainingData interface allows users to implement custom methods for training data selection, storage, and retrieval. This interface defines how training data is managed within the framework, including experimental design and data fidelity. Data storage and retrieval is generally guided by the \((\alpha, \beta)\) fidelity indices. See the model fidelity docs for more details.

Custom training data methods should implement the TrainingData interface:

from import TrainingData

class CustomTrainingData(TrainingData):
    """A custom training data method."""

    def refine(self, alpha, beta, domains, weight_fcns):
        """Refine the training data based on the given (alpha, beta) fidelity and domains."""
        # Implement refinement (experimental design) logic here

    def set(self, alpha, beta, idx, data):
        """Set the training data for the given indices and (alpha, beta) fidelity."""
        # Implement data storage logic here

    def get(self, alpha, beta):
        """Retrieve training data by (alpha, beta) fidelity."""
        # Implement data retrieval logic here

    def clear(self):
        """Clear all data."""

    def set_errors(self, alpha, beta, idx, errors):
        """Optionally store error information for failed model evaluations."""

    def impute_missing_data(self, alpha, beta):
        """Optionally impute training data for failed model evaluations."""

Currently, the only available training data method is the SparseGrid. This method stores data by its location in a larger tensor-product grid of the input dimensions, which interfaces naturally with the MISC framework. The experimental design is guided by the space-filling Leja objective function. See SparseGrid for more details.


Interpolators approximate the input → output mapping of a model given a set of training data. Interpolator objects must implement the refine and predict methods:

from amisc.interpolator import Interpolator, InterpolatorState

class CustomInterpolator(Interpolator):
    """A custom interpolator."""

    def refine(self, beta, training_data, old_state, domains) -> InterpolatorState:
        """Refine the old interpolator state with new training data for a given beta fidelity index."""
        # Implement refinement logic here

    def predict(self, x, state, training_data):
        """Predict the output for given input `x` using the interpolator state and training data."""
        # Implement prediction logic here

The predict method computes the interpolator approximation at a new set of points x given an interpolator state and set of training data. The refine method takes new training data and updates the old interpolator state.

The InterpolatorState is an interface for storing the internal state (e.g. weights and biases) of the interpolator method, and is used for computing the interpolator approximation along with a set of training data. If you implement the Interpolator interface, you should also implement a corresponding InterpolatorState that integrates with your custom interpolator:

from amisc.interpolator import InterpolatorState

class CustomInterpolatorState(InterpolatorState):
    """The internal state for a custom interpolator."""
    # Define additional state variables here

The Lagrange polynomial interpolation class is the only available method currently. The state of a Lagrange polynomial includes the 1d grids and barycentric weights for each input dimension. See Lagrange for more details.

Model keyword arguments

The ModelKwarg interface provides a dataclass for passing extra options to the underlying component models. The default is a simple dict that gets passed as a set of key=value pairs. The primary reason for overriding this class is if you have complicated arguments that require custom serialization. See the serialization section below.


The Serializable interface defines the serialize and deserialize methods for converting amisc objects to/from built-in Python types (such as strings, floats, and dicts).


All custom objects implementing any of the interfaces above must also implement the serialize and deserialize mixin methods to allow saving and loading the custom objects from file.

Note that the Variable, Component, and System classes themselves implement the Serializable interface, so that they too can be easily saved and loaded from file. In the context of amisc, "serialization" means "convert to built-in Python types" (and vice versa for deserialization). This typically means converting objects to dictionaries with key=value pairs for all of the object's properties. Several serialization methods are provided in the amisc.serialize module. These can be mixed-in to your custom objects by inheritance.

Mixin serialization methods

Our custom interpolator state can be serialized to base64 encoding by inheriting from the Base64Serializable mixin class:

class CustomInterpolatorState(InterpolatorState, Base64Serializable):
    """The internal state of a custom interpolator."""
    # Define additional state variables here


The FileLoader interface defines the dump and load methods for saving and loading amisc objects to/from file. The recommended way to save objects to file is the provided YamlLoader class, which uses the registered !Variable (etc.) tags to construct amisc objects directly from .yml config files.

However, more generally, you may define a custom FileLoader if you prefer to work with different file types. For example, you can make use of the fact that all amisc objects are serializable to/from built-in Python types to more easily transcribe objects to a new file format (built-in Python types like strings and dicts readily convert to most file types).

A custom JSON file loader

This example shows saving and loading a System object from a JSON file (using the serialize and deserialize methods). More generally, you would also want to handle Variables and Components.

from amisc import FileLoader
import json

class JSONLoader(FileLoader):
    """Save and load amisc objects from JSON"""

    def load(self, file)
        """Load an amisc.System object (for example)"""
        with open(file, 'r') as fd:
            data = json.load(fd)
        return System.deserialize(data)

    def dump(self, obj, file):
        """Dump an amisc.System object (for example)"""
        with open(file, 'w') as fd:
            json.dump(obj.serialize(), fd)